Faʻafefea ona suia le faʻagaioiga gaioiga e faʻaleleia atili PCB faʻamatalaga pulega?

You need to allow specific PCB data to change your operational process so that you can analyze and find the root cause of the problem. But most of the time we only see cosmetic problems on the surface. Matou te le suʻesuʻe loloto i faʻafitauli e maua ai o latou mafuaʻaga autu.


O se auala lelei e suʻesuʻe ai ma faʻamautinoa ai soʻo se mafuaaga mafuaʻaga o le ala i le fesili fesili ua taʻua o le five whys. E pei ona tatou vaʻaia i muamua blog, o le fesiligia le “aisea” fesili e sau i lalo i le moni mafuaʻaga mo le fesili. Lenei faasologa o fesili e mafai ona alu atili, ae o mafuaaga e lima e masani lava ona lava e oʻo ai i le mafuaaga autu. Sei o tatou vaʻai i ni faʻataʻitaʻiga se lima o le mafuaaga:

Problem. – The lights in the room don’t work.

There’s a fuse on the panel. (First why)

Short circuit (second why)

Short circuit wire (third why)

House wiring is far beyond its useful life and is not replaced

House didn’t keep up with the code (fifth why, a root cause)

In addressing these problems, you start at the root cause and work your way up.

I can say a lot, because it’s a vast field. I highly recommend that you learn it and start using it.

Faʻafefea ona suia le faʻagaioiga gaioiga e faʻaleleia atili PCB faʻamatalaga pulega?

E leai seisi e fia talia. Even if you encounter problems and problems in your process, it never will. Analyze and fix them with five reasons. O le masani masani o le piʻi lou ulu i le oneone ma faʻamoemoe e alu uma. Ia, o le mea moni o tatou PCB tagata mamanu e nafa ma le faʻailoaina o faʻafitauli ma le faʻaleleia o latou.

Learn about your component library

How to start analyzing your library represents a philosophical change. This library is by far the most critical part of the PCB design process. I always thought librarians had only a few important positions in a company.

O le taimi lava e te iloa ai le taua o le faletusi, e fai ma sui o se sili sili punaoa mo lau kamupani. Faʻamatalaga muamua o le faʻavae e faʻavae ai luga taʻitasi PCB tisaini. What the library really represents is the money of the company – profit or loss.

Guard your process

One of the big changes I’ve seen in the program is to allow data to drive the process. O se faʻataʻitaʻiga lelei pe a tatou faia se vaega fou. While we can use this component in a specific design, we cannot release the PCB for manufacturing until the individual component is validated and released. In this way, we protect ourselves from unnecessary risks. You need this goalkeeping strategy throughout the design process. Latou te faʻamalosia oe e taofi ma ia mautinoa o loʻo e alu pea i le ala saʻo.

Fesoʻotaʻiga o se vaega o le gaioiga

In the classic 1967 film, Cool Hand Luke, starring Paul Newman and George Kennedy, famously had the tagline “What we have here is a failure to communicate.” Afai e te loto i ai, o lenei mafai ona avea ma sili tele faʻafitauli i lau PCB mamanu faʻagasologa. As PCB data management becomes more and more important, communication between the various related roles increases significantly. This communication transforms the design process from a solo activity to a team sport.

This comes directly from focusing on the specific data that someone uses at a particular point in the process. For example, when the item moves out of the PCB where the components are placed, it moves to the Mechanical Engineer (ME) to inspect the product machinery. We see increased communication also significantly improve the overall workflow of the design.

Tailoring and continuous improvement

PCB data management does not end the design to the manufacturing plant when we deliver. Ua naʻo se amataga lea. Because of the dynamic aspect of our data, we must constantly improve it through the fifth tailoring pillar of PCB data management. Tatou te iloa ua taulaʻi atili i le pito i tua o le gaioiga nai lo le amataga. Matou te faʻatagaina a matou mea na gaosia ma tele ni faʻapitoa PCB fausia lipoti e toe faʻafoʻi mai i la matou potu tusi. Faʻaaogaina lelei mafuaʻaga mafuaʻaga suʻesuʻega faʻatagaina tatou filifili pe o ni faʻafitauli tatou te mauaina e mai vaega le atoatoa. I nisi upu, o le gaioiga e le o se laina saʻo, ae o se liʻo e toe fafagaina ia lava. Lona uiga, o se taʻamilosaga, o se faʻagasologa e le muta.


While the exact changes will vary depending on your situation, you must get to the root cause of the problem. Tuu le tali oe maua maua suia lau gaioiga. Lenei ou te vaʻaia ai se suiga tele. Nothing about your process can be set in stone. Tusa lava pe e te manaʻomia sina lototele e vaʻaia ai au mea sese, e tatau lava ona e vaʻavaʻai i taimi uma mo le faʻaleleia atili.

Ia e mataala e uiga i suiga. E mafai ona e faia se eseesega. Aua le faʻatali mo latou e tutupu faʻafuaseʻi. Ua leiloa tupe ma taimi. E faigofie ona mafaufau i mea pe a le o ni faʻalavelave tutupu faʻafuaseʻi.