Mhando ina dzePCB welding mask

Welding mask, inozivikanwa seye solder ichivharidzira mask, yakatetepa nhete ye polymer inoshandiswa pairi Pcb bhodhi kudzivirira majoini esolder kubva pakuumba maBridge. Iyo yekumonisa maski zvakare inodzivirira oxidation uye inoshanda kune emhangura zvisaririra pane pcb board.

What is PCB solder resistance type? The PCB welding mask acts as a protective coating on the copper trace line to prevent rust and prevent solder from forming Bridges that lead to short circuits. Kune mana makuru marudzi ePCBB Welding masks – epoxy liquid, liquid photograble, yakaoma firimu photogramable, uye yepamusoro uye yepasi masiki.


Mhando ina dzemasikisi emoto

Welding masks anosiyana mukugadzira uye zvinhu. Sei uye iyo yekumisa mask yekushandisa zvinoenderana nechishandiso.

Wepamusoro uye wezasi chikamu chekuvhara

Wepamusoro uye Pazasi Welding chifukidzo Magetsi mainjiniya anowanzoishandisa kuti aone kuvhurika mune yakasvibirira solder barriers layer. Iyo dura inotangirwa-kuwedzerwa ne epoxy resin kana tekinoroji yefirimu. Iyo pini pini inozounganidzwa kubhodhi ichishandisa kuvhura kwakanyoreswa nemask.

The conductive trace pattern on the top of the circuit board is called the top trace. Saizvozvowo kumusoro kwepamusoro mask, iro repazasi masiki rinoshandiswa kune iro rekumashure bhodhi redunhu.

Epoxy liquid solder mask

Epoxy resins are the cheapest alternative to welding masks. Epoxy is a polymer that is screen printed on a PCB. Screen yekudhinda inzira yekudhinda inoshandisa jira mambure kutsigira ingi inodzivirira pateni. The grid allows identification of open areas for ink transfer. In the final step of the process, heat curing is used.

Liquid optical imaging solder mask

Liquid photoconductive masks, inozivikanwawo seLPI, iri musanganiswa wemvura mbiri dzakasiyana. Liquid components are mixed prior to application to ensure a longer shelf life. It is also one of the more economical of the four different PCB solder resistance types.

LPI inogona kushandiswa pakudhinda kwechidzitiro, kupenda kwechiratidziri kana kushandiswa kwespray. The mask is a mixture of different solvents and polymers. Nekuda kweizvozvo, machira matete anogona kuburitswa anonamatira kumusoro kwenzvimbo yakanangwa. Ichi chifukidzo chakaitirwa kumamatira masingi, asi iyo PCB haidi chero yeyekupedzisira mipendero yekupfeka inowanzo kuwanikwa nhasi.

Kupesana neyekare epoxy inks, LPI inoziva kune ultraviolet mwenje. Iyo pani inoda kuvharwa nemask. Mushure mekapfupi “kurapa kutenderera”, iyo bhodhi inoratidzwa kune ultraviolet mwenje uchishandisa photolithography kana ultraviolet laser.

Before applying the mask, the panel should be cleaned and free of oxidization. Izvi zvinoitwa nerubatsiro rweakasarudzika makemikari mhinduro. Izvi zvinogona zvakare kuitwa uchishandisa alumina mhinduro kana nekukwesha mapaneru nedombo rakamiswa repumice.

One of the most common ways to expose panel surfaces to UV is by using contact printers and film tools. The top and bottom sheets of the film are printed with an emulsion to block the area to be welded. Use the tools on the printer to fix the production panel and film in place. The panels were then simultaneously exposed to an ULTRAVIOLET light source.

Imwe nzira inoshandisa lasers kugadzira yakananga mifananidzo. But in this technique, no film or tools are needed because the laser is controlled using a reference mark on the panel’s copper template.

LPI masks inogona kuwanikwa mune akasiyana mavara, kusanganisira girini (matte kana semi-kubwinya), chena, bhuruu, tsvuku, yero, nhema, nezvimwe. Iyo indasitiri ye LED uye mashandisiro e laser mumagetsi indasitiri ari kukurudzira vagadziri uye vagadziri kukudziridza akasimba machena uye matema zvinhu.

Yakaoma firimu photoimaging solder mask

A dry film photoimagable welding mask is used, and vacuum lamination is used. Iyo yakaoma firimu inozofumurwa uye kuvandudzwa. After the film is developed, openings are positioned to produce patterns. Mushure meizvi, chinhu chacho chakasungirirwa padhizaini yekusungira. Mhangura inozoiswa mubhodhi redunhu uchishandisa maitiro emagetsi.

Mhangura yakarongedzwa mugomba uye munzvimbo yekutsvaga. Tin yakazoshandiswa kubatsira kuchengetedza macircuit emhangura. In the final step, the membrane is removed and the etching mark is exposed. Iyo nzira inoshandisawo kupisa kupisa.

Dry film welding masks are commonly used for high-density patch boards. Nekuda kweizvozvo, haidururi mukati megomba. These are some of the positives of using a dry film welding mask.

Kufunga kuti ndeipi mask yekushandisa yekushandisa inoenderana nezvinhu zvakasiyana – zvinosanganisira saizi reiyo pcb, chishandiso chekupedzisira chinoshandiswa, maburi, zvinhu zvinofanirwa kushandiswa, ma conductor, marongero epamusoro, nezvimwe.

Mazhinji emazuva ano maPCB magadzirirwo anogona kuwana inovhenekera solder kuramba mafirimu. Therefore, it is either LPI or dry film resistance film. The surface layout of the board will help you determine your final choice. If the surface topography is not uniform, the LPI mask is preferred. If a dry film is used on uneven terrain, gas may be trapped in the space formed between the film and the surface. Therefore, LPI is more suitable here.

Nekudaro, kune zvakaderera pasi kushandisa LPI. Its comprehensiveness is not uniform. You can also get different finishes on the mask layer, each with its own application. For example, in cases where solder reflow is used, the matte finish will reduce solder balls.

Build solder masks into your design

Kuvaka iyo solder ramba firimu mune yako dhizaini yakakosha kuverengera iyo mask application iri padanho rakaringana danho. When designing a circuit board, the welding mask should have its own layer in the Gerber file. In general, it is recommended to use a 2mm border around the function in case the mask is not fully centered. Iwe unofanirwa zvakare kusiya hushoma hwe8mm pakati pemapedhi kuti uone kuti mabhiriji haaumbike.

Thickness of welding mask

Thickness Welding mask will depend on the thickness of the copper trace on the board. Pakati pese, 0.5mm yekumonera maski inosarudzika kuvhara mitsara yekuteedzera. If you are using liquid masks, you must have different thicknesses for different features. Nzvimbo dzisina chinhu dzakaputsika dzinogona kuve nehupamhi hwe0.8-1.2mm, nepo nzvimbo dzine zvinhu zvakaoma semabvi dzichange dziine matetetete (anenge 0.3mm).


Muchidimbu, Welding mask dhizaini ine chakakomba kukanganisa kune mashandiro ekushandisa. Inoita basa rakakosha mukudzivirira ngura uye kuwisira Mabhiriji, izvo zvinogona kutungamira kumatunhu mapfupi. Naizvozvo, yako sarudzo inoda kufunga nezve akasiyana zvinhu zvataurwa mune ino chinyorwa. Ndinovimba ichi chinyorwa chinogona kukubatsira iwe kuti unzwisise zvirinani TYPE yePBB yekumira firimu. Kana iwe uine chero mibvunzo, kana uchingoda kuti utibata nesu, tinogara tichifara kukubatsira.