Nzwisisa pcb bhodhi gungano maitiro uye unzwe yakasvibirira runako rwePCB

Panyaya yehunyanzvi hwazvino uno, nyika iri kukura nekumhanya kwazvo, uye pesvedzero yayo inogona kupinda nyore nyore muhupenyu hwedu hwezuva nezuva. The way we live has changed dramatically and this technological advance has led to many advanced devices that we didn’t even think of 10 years ago. Musimboti wemidziyo iyi inyanzvi yemagetsi, uye musimboti wacho yakadhindwa redunhu bhodhi (Pcb).

Pcb inowanzo kuve yakasvibira uye iri muviri wakaomarara une akasiyana emagetsi zvigadzirwa pairi. These components are welded to the PCB in a process called “PCB assembly” or PCBA. Iyo PCB ine substrate yakagadzirwa nefiberglass, zvidimbu zvemhangura zvinoumba zvisaririra, maburi anoumba chinhu, uye zvidimbu zvinogona kuve zvemukati nekunze. PaRayPCB, tinogona kupa kusvika pamatanhatu kusvika pamakumi matatu nematanhatu ematanho mazhinji-maPROTOTYPES uye 1-36 akaturikidzana emabatch akawanda ePCB yekugadzira vhoriyamu. For single-sided and double-sided PCBS, an outer layer exists but no inner layer.


The substrate and components are insulated with solder film and held together with epoxy resin.The welding mask can be green, blue or red, as is common in PCB colors. Iyo mask yekunamatira inobvumira iyo chinhu kudzivirira iyo pfupi-kutenderera kune iyo track kana zvimwe zvikamu.

Mhangura mitezo inoshandiswa kuendesa emagetsi masaini kubva kune imwe poindi kuenda pane imwe paPCB. These signals can be high-speed digital signals or discrete analog signals. Idzi waya dzinogona kuitwa dzakakora kuitira kuti ipe simba / simba rechinhu chinopa magetsi.

In most PCBS that provide high voltage or current, there is a separate grounding plane. Components on the top layer are connected to the internal GND plane or internal signal layer via “Vias”.

Zvikamu zvakaunganidzwa paPCB kuita kuti pcb iite sekugadzirwa. The most important thing is PCB function. Kunyangwe idzo diki dzeSMT dzisingaiswe nemazvo, kana kunyangwe idzo diki tambo dzakatemwa kubva kuPCB, iyo PCB inogona kusashanda. Therefore, it is important to assemble components in a proper way. Iyo PCB kana ichiunganidza zvinhu zvinonzi PCBA kana gungano PCB.

Zvichienderana nezvinotsanangurwa nemutengi kana mushandisi, basa rePCB rinogona kunge rakaoma kana nyore. PCB size also varies according to requirements.

The PCB assembly process has both automatic and manual processes, which we will discuss.

Pcb rukoko uye dhizaini

Sezvambotaurwa pamusoro apa, pane akati wandei masaisai pakati pezvikamu zvekunze. Now we will discuss the types of outer layers and functions.

Understand PCB board assembly process and feel the green charm of PCBD

1 – Substrate: Iri ndiro rakaomarara rakagadzirwa neFR-4 zvinhu izvo izvo zvikamu “zvinozadzwa” kana zvakasungwa. Izvi zvinopa kuomarara kwePCB.

2- Copper layer: Thin copper foil is applied to the top and bottom of the PCB to make the top and bottom copper trace.

3- Welding mask: Inoiswa kumatenga epamusoro uye ezasi eiyo PCB. This is used to create non-conducting areas of the PCB and insulate the copper traces from each other to protect against short circuits. Iyo mask yekunamatira inodzivirira zvakare kuwedzeredza zvikamu zvisingadiwe uye inovimbisa kuti solder inopinda munzvimbo yekunamatira, semakomba nemapads. These holes connect the THT component to the PCB while the PAD is used to hold the SMT component.

4- Screen: The white labels we see on PCBS for component codes, such as R1, C1 or some description on PCBS or company logos, are all made of screen layers. Icho chinyorwa chekrini chinopa ruzivo rwakakosha pamusoro pePCB.

There are 3 types of PCBS according to the substrate classification

1- Rigid PCB:

MaPCB ndiwo akawanda emidziyo yePBB yatinoona mumhando dzakasiyana dzePCBs. Aya akaomarara, akaomarara uye akasimba PCBS, ane akasiyana makobvu. The main material is fiberglass or simple “FR4”. FR4 inomirira “murazvo retarder-4”. Hunhu hwekudzimisa hunhu hweFR-4 hunoita kuti hubatsire mukushandisa kwemazhinji akaoma-epakati emagetsi emagetsi zvigadzirwa. The FR-4 has thin layers of copper foil on both sides, also known as copper-clad laminates. Fr-4 mhangura akapfeka laminates anonyanya kushandiswa mumagetsi zvinowedzera, switching mode magetsi emagetsi, servo mota madhiraivha, nezvimwe. Kune rimwe divi, imwe yakaoma PCB pcb substrate inowanzo shandiswa mumidziyo yemumba uye IT zvigadzirwa zvinonzi bepa phenolic PCB. Idzo dzakareruka, dzakaderera diki, dzakachipa uye dziri nyore kurova. Calculator, makhibhodi uye mbeva mamwe ekushandisa.

2- Flexible PCB:

Made from substrate materials such as Kapton, flexible PCBS can withstand very high temperatures while being as thick as 0.005 inches. It can be easily bent and used in connectors for wearable electronics, LCD monitors or laptops, keyboards and cameras, etc.

3-metal core PCB:

In addition, another PCB substrate can be used like aluminum, which is very efficient for cooling.Aya marudzi ePCBS anogona kushandiswa kune zvinoshandiswa zvinoda kudziya zvinhu senge yakakwira magetsi leds, laser diode, nezvimwe.

Installation technology type:

SMT: SMT stands for “surface mount technology”. SMT zvinoriumba zvidiki kwazvo muhukuru uye zvinouya mumapakeji akasiyana akadai se0402,0603 1608 yea resistor nema capacitors. Saizvozvowo, yeakaunganidzwa wedunhu ics, isu tine SOIC, TSSOP, QFP uye BGA.

Gungano re SMT rakaomesesa maoko emunhu uye inogona kuita nguva yekugadzirisa, saka zvinonyanya kuitwa nemarobhoti otomatiki.

THT: THT inomiririra kuburikidza-gomba tekinoroji. Components with leads and wires, such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, PDIP ics, transformers, transistors, IGBT, MOSFET, etc.

Izvo zvinongedzo zvinofanirwa kuiswa kune rumwe rutivi rwePCB pane chimwe chinhu uye kudhonzwa negumbo kune rimwe divi, cheka gumbo uye zvakasungwa. THT assembly is usually done by hand welding and is relatively easy.

Maitiro eGungano zvinotarisirwa:

Prior to the actual PCB fabrication and PCB assembly process, the manufacturer checks the PCB for any defects or errors in the PCB that could cause the failure. This process is called the Manufacturing design (DFM) process. Vagadziri vanofanirwa kuita aya akakosha eDFM nhanho yekuona isina pcb pcb.

1- Component layout considerations: Through-holes must be checked for components with polarity. Like electrolytic capacitors must be checked polarity, diode anode and cathode polarity check, SMT tantalum capacitor polarity check. IC notch / musoro wecheni inofanirwa kuongororwa.

Chinhu chinoda singi yekupisa inofanira kuva nenzvimbo yakakwana yekugarisa zvimwe zvinhu kuitira kuti singi yekupisa isabate.

2-Hole and through-hole spacing:

The spacing between holes and between holes and traces should be checked. Pad uye nepaburi harifaniri kuwanda.

3- Brazing pad, ukobvu, dhayamita upamhi inofanirwa kutariswa.

By performing DFM inspections, manufacturers can easily reduce manufacturing costs by reducing the number of scrap panels. Izvi zvinobatsira mukumhanyisa kudhiraivhu nekudzivirira kutadza kweDFM level. At RayPCB, we provide DFM and DFT inspection in circuit assembly and prototyping. PaRayPCB, isu tinoshandisa mamiriro-e-iyo-zvigadzirwa zveOEM kupa iyo PCB OEM masevhisi, wave soldering, PCB kadhi kuyedza uye SMT gungano.

Pcb Assembly (PCBA) nhanho-nhanho maitiro:

Nhanho 1: Nyorera pasoda pasita uchishandisa template

First, we apply solder paste to the area of the PCB that fits the component. This is done by applying solder paste to the stainless steel template. Iyo template nePCB inobatwa pamwe chete nemuchina wekugadzira, uye iyo yekunamatira paseti inoiswa zvakaenzana kune ese anovhura mubhodhi kuburikidza neanoshanda. Apply solder paste evenly with applicator. Naizvozvo, yakakodzera sodha yekunamatira inofanira kushandiswa mune yekushandisa. Kana iye anenge achizobvisa abviswa, bota rinosara munzvimbo inodiwa yePCB. Grey solder paste 96.5% yakagadzirwa netini, iine 3% yesirivha uye 0.5% mhangura, tungamira mahara. After heating in Step 3, the solder paste will melt and form a strong bond.

Step 2: Automatic placement of components:

Nhanho yechipiri yePCBA ndeyekungoisa zvimisikidzo zveSMT paPCBB. Izvi zvinoitwa nekushandisa pick uye nzvimbo robhoti. Padanho rekugadzira, iyo dhizaini inogadzira iyo faira uye inopa iyo kune otomatiki robhoti. Iyi faira ine pre-yakarongedzwa X, Y marongero echinhu chimwe nechimwe chinoshandiswa muPCB uye inoratidza nzvimbo yezvinhu zvese. Using this information, the robot only needs to place the SMD device accurately on the board. The pick and place robot will pick up components from its vacuum fixture and place them accurately on the solder paste.

Pamberi pekuuya kwemarobhoti ekutora uye yekuisa michina, nyanzvi dzinotora zvinhu zvinoshandisa zvihwitsi vozviisa paPCB nekunyatso tarisa panzvimbo uye nekudzivisa chero kukwazisana. This results in high levels of fatigue and poor vision for technicians, and leads to a slow PCB assembly process for SMT parts. Saka mukana wekukanganisa wakakwira.

Sezvo tekinoroji inokura, otomatiki marobhoti anotora nekuisa zvinhu zvinoderedza kuwanda kwebasa revanyanzvi, zvichigonesa zvinokurumidza uye zvine chokwadi chekuisa chinhu. Aya marobhoti anogona kushanda 24/7 pasina kuneta.

Nhanho 3: Reflow Welding

The third step after setting up the elements and applying the solder paste is reflux welding. Reflow welding is the process of placing the PCB on a conveyor belt with components. The conveyor then moves the PCB and components into a large oven, which produces a temperature of 250 o C. Iyo tembiricha yakakwana kunyungudutsa iyo solder. Iyo yakanyungudutswa solder inobata chinhu icho kuPCB uye inoumba mubatanidzwa. After high temperature treatment, the PCB enters the cooler. These coolers then solidify the solder joints in a controlled manner. Izvi zvinogadzira kubatana zvachose pakati pechinhu cheSMT nePCBB. Panyaya yePCB-mativi pcb, sezvakatsanangurwa pamusoro, iyo PCB padhi ine mashoma kana madiki zvidimbu anozorapwa kutanga kubva pamatanho 1 kusvika 3, uyezve kune rimwe divi.

Understand PCB board assembly process and feel the green charm of PCBD

Nhanho 4: Hunhu kuongorora uye kuongorora

Mushure mekudzoreredza soldering, zvinokwanisika kuti zvidimbu zvakasarudzika nekuda kwekumwe kufamba kusiriko muPCB tireyi, izvo zvinogona kukonzeresa kupfupika kana kuvhurika kwedunhu kubatana. These defects need to be identified, and this identification process is called inspection. Inspections inogona kuve manyore uye otomatiki.

A. Manual check:

Because the PCB has small SMT components, visual inspection of the board for any misalignment or malfunction can cause technician fatigue and eye strain. Naizvozvo, nzira iyi haigoneke kufambisira mberi mabhodhi eSMT nekuda kwemhedzisiro isiriyo. Nekudaro, iyi nzira inokwanisika pamahwendefa ane zvikamu zveTHT uye kuderera kwechinhu chikamu.

B. Kuonekwa kwemaziso:

Iyi nzira inogoneka kune hombe huwandu hwePCBS. Iyo nzira inoshandisa otomatiki michina ine yakakwira simba uye yakakwira resolution makamera akaiswa pamakona akasiyana siyana kuti aone majoini e solder kubva kumativi ese. Zvichienderana nehunhu hweiyo yakabatana solder, mwenje unozoburitsa iyo yakabatana solder pamakona akasiyana. This automatic optical inspection (AOI) machine is very fast and can process large quantities of PCBS in a very short time.

CX – ray inspection:

The X-ray machine allows technicians to scan the PCB to see internal defects. This is not a common inspection method and is only used for complex and advanced PCBS. If not used properly, these inspection methods may result in rework or PCB obsoletion. Kuongorora kunofanirwa kuitiswa nguva dzose kudzivirira kunonoka, mari yevashandi uye zvemari.

Nhanho 5: THT chikamu chekumisikidza uye welding

Kuburikidza-gomba zvinoriumba zvakajairika pane mazhinji mapcbbc board. These components are also called plated through holes (PTH). Iyo inotungamira yezvinhu izvi ichapfuura nemumaburi ari muPCB. Makomba aya akabatana nemamwe maburi uye kuburikidza nemakomba nematanho emhangura. Kana izvi zvinhu zveTT zvikaiswa uye zvakasunganidzwa mumaburi aya, zvinosunganidzwa nemagetsi kune mamwe maburi paPCB imwechete seyakagadzirwa dunhu. These PCBS may contain some THT components and many SMD components, so the welding method described above is not suitable for THT components in the case of SMT components such as reflow welding. Saka iwo maviri makuru mhando dzeTT zvinhu zvakasunganidzwa kana kuunganidzwa ndizvo

A. Manual nomoto:

Manual welding methods are common and often require more time than an automated setup for SMT. Nyanzvi inowanzo kupihwa kuisa chimwe chinhu panguva uye kupfuudza bhodhi kune vamwe mahunyanzvi vanoisa chimwe chinhu pabhodhi rimwe chete. Naizvozvo, bhodhi redunhu rinozotenderedzwa kutenderera tambo yegungano kuti chikamu chePTH chizadze pairi. Izvi zvinoita kuti maitiro acho ave akareba, uye mazhinji maPCB dhizaini uye makambani ekugadzira anodzivisa kushandisa PTH zvikamu mumadhizaini edunhu. Asi iyo PTH chinhu chinoramba chiri chinodiwa uye chinonyanya kushandiswa chinhu nevazhinji vematunhu dhizaini.

B. Wave soldering:

The zvoga shanduro Chinyorwa nomoto ndiye wave nomoto. Nenzira iyi, kana PTH chinhu chaiswa paPCBB, iyo PCB inoiswa pabhandi rekutakura uye yoendeswa kune hovhoni yakatsaurirwa. Pano, mafungu esimbi yakanyungudutswa inosvikira mukati meiyo substrate yePCB panotungamira chinhu chiripo. Izvi zvichasimbisa mapini ese ipapo ipapo. However, this method only works with single-sided PCBS and not double-sided PCBS, as melted solder on one side of the PCB can damage components on the other. Mushure meizvi, fambisa iyo pcb yekupedzisira kuongorora.

Nhanho 6: Kuongorora kwekupedzisira uye kuyedza kuyedza

Pcb yakagadzirira kuyedzwa uye kuongororwa. This is a functional test in which electrical signals and power are given to the PCB at the specified pins and the output is checked at the specified test point or output connector. This test requires common laboratory instruments such as oscilloscopes, digital multimeters, and function generators

Uyu muedzo unoshandiswa kutarisa mashandiro uye magetsi maitiro ePBB uye kusimbisa zvazvino, voltage, analog uye dijitari chiratidzo uye wedunhu dhizaini inotsanangurwa mune izvo PCB zvinodikanwa

Kana paine zviyero zvePCB zvichiratidza mhedzisiro isingagamuchirwe, iyo PCB icharaswa kana kubvamburwa zvinoenderana nemaitiro ekambani akajairwa. Chikamu chekuyedza chakakosha nekuti chinotarisa kubudirira kana kutadza kweiyo PCBA maitiro.

Nhanho 7: Kwekupedzisira kuchenesa, kupedzisa uye kutumira:

Now that the PCB has been tested in all aspects and declared normal, it is time to clean up unwanted residual flux, finger grime and oil. Simbi isina simbi yakavakirwa yakamanikidza yekuchenesa maturusi uchishandisa mvura yakasanganiswa yakakwana kuchenesa mhando dzese dzetsvina. Deionized mvura haina kukuvadza pcb redunhu. Mushure mekugeza, pukuta iyo PCB nemhepo yakamanikidzwa. Pcbc yekupedzisira ikozvino yagadzirira kurongedzwa uye kutumirwa.