
With the progress of electronic technology, the complexity of PCB (印刷电路板),应用范围有了快速的发展。 Designers engaged in HF PCB must have relevant basic theoretical knowledge and rich experience in THE manufacture of HF PCB. In other words, both schematic drawing and PCB design should be considered from the high-frequency working environment, so as to design a more ideal PCB.


本文以PCB布线、焊板及应用铜板的设计方法为例,首先在PCB布线的基础上,以本文的形式介绍了对PCB布线、布线、电源线和地线布线的要求。 PCB布线,其次从焊盘和开孔、PCB焊盘尺寸和形状设计的设计标准、PCB制造工艺焊盘的要求介绍了PCB焊锡的设计, Finally, from the PCB copper coating skills and Settings introduced the PCB copper coating design, specific follow xiaobian to understand.



布线是基于合理布局的高频PCB设计的一般要求。 Cabling includes automatic cabling and manual cabling. 通常,无论关键信号线有多少条,都应该先对这些信号线进行人工接线。 布线完成后,应仔细检查这些信号线的布线,检查合格后固定好,其他电缆应自动布线。 即采用手动和自动布线相结合的方式完成PCB布线。

The following aspects should be paid special attention to during the wiring of hf PCB.


The wiring of the circuit is best to adopt a full straight line according to the direction of the signal, and 45° broken line or arc curve can be used to complete the turning point, so as to reduce the external emission and mutual coupling of high-frequency signals. 高频信号电缆的布线应尽可能短。 应根据电路的工作频率,合理选择信号线的长度,以减少分布参数,减少信号的损耗。 制作双面板时,最好将相邻的两层垂直、对角或弯曲布线,使其相互交叉。 避免相互平行,减少相互干扰和寄生耦合。

高频信号线和低频信号线应尽量分开,必要时应采取屏蔽措施,防止相互干扰。 对于接收到的信号输入比较弱,容易受到外界信号干扰的,可以用地线做屏蔽将其包围或做好高频连接器的屏蔽。 Parallel wiring should be avoided on the same level, otherwise distributed parameters will be introduced, which will affect the circuit. 如果不可避免,可以在两条平行线之间引入接地铜箔,形成隔离线。

In the digital circuit, for differential signal lines, should be in pairs, as far as possible to make them parallel, close to some, and the length is not much different.


在PCB布线中,布线的最小宽度由导线与绝缘体基板之间的粘合强度和流过导线的电流强度决定。 当铜箔厚度为0.05mm,宽度为1mm-1.5mm时,可通过2A电流。 温度不应高于3℃。 除一些特殊走线外,同层其他走线的宽度尽量保持一致。 在高频电路中,布线的间距会影响分布电容和电感的大小,进而影响信号损耗、电路稳定性和信号干扰。 In high speed switching circuit, wire spacing will affect signal transmission time and waveform quality. 因此,布线的最小间距应大于或等于0.5mm。 最好尽可能使用宽线进行 PCB 布线。

There should be a certain distance between the printed wire and the edge of the PCB (no less than the thickness of the plate), which is not only easy to install and machining, but also improve the insulation performance.

When wiring can only be connected around a large circle of the line, we should use the flying line, that is, directly connected with short line to reduce the interference brought by long-distance wiring.

The circuit containing magnetic sensitive elements is sensitive to the surrounding magnetic field, while the bend of wiring of high-frequency circuit is easy to radiate electromagnetic wave. If magnetic sensitive elements are placed in PCB, it should ensure that there is a certain distance between the corner of wiring and it.

同一层布线不允许交叉。 For the line that may cross, can use “drill” with “wound” method to solve, let a certain lead namely from other resistance, capacitance, audion etc. device lead foot gap place “drill” past, or from the end of a certain lead that may cross “wound” past. 在电路非常复杂的特殊情况下,为了简化设计,也允许用引线键合来解决交叉问题。


Because the client finally changed the previous agreement and required the interface definition and placement as defined by them, they had to change the layout to the diagram on the right. In fact, the entire PCB is only 9cm x 6cm. 板子的整体布局很难按照客户的要求改变,所以最后没有改动板子的核心部分,只是对外围元件做了适当的修改,主要是两个连接器的位置和定义引脚被修改。

But the new layout obviously caused some trouble in the line, the original smooth line became a little messy, the length of the line increased, but also had to use a lot of holes, the difficulty of the line increased a lot.


It is clear from this example that layout differences can have an impact on PCB design.



根据不同的工作电流增加电源线的宽度。 Hf PCB应采用大面积地线,并尽可能在PCB边缘布局,可以减少外部信号对电路的干扰; 同时,PCB的接地线可以与外壳良好接触,使PCB的接地电压更接近地电压。 接地方式应根据实际情况选择。 与低频电路不同,高频电路的接地线应就近或多点接地。 接地线应短而粗以减小接地阻抗,允许电流为工作电流的三倍。 音箱接地线应接到PCB功放输出电平的接地点,不要随意接地。

在接线过程中还应及时将一些合理的接线锁好,以免多次重复接线。 要锁定它们,请运行 EditselectNet 命令以在预连线属性中选择 Locked。