Jednoduchá klasifikace PCB

PCB can be classified into a single panel, double panel, multi-layer board, flexible PCB deska (flexible board), rigid PCB board, rigid-flexible PCB board (rigid-flexible board), and so on. Printed Circuit Board (PCB), also known as Printed Circuit Board, is an important electronic component, is the support of electronic components, is the supplier of electronic components electrical connection, because it is made by electronic printing technology, so it is also called “Printed” Circuit Board. Deska plošných spojů je prostě tenká deska obsahující integrované obvody a další elektronické součástky.


One, according to the circuit layer classification: divided into a single panel, double panel, and multi-layer board. The common multilayer board is usually 3-6 layers, and the complex multilayer board can reach more than 10 layers.

(1) single panel

On a basic printed circuit board, the parts are concentrated on one side and the wires are concentrated on the other. Because the wire appears on only one side, the printed circuit board is called a single panel. Počáteční obvody používaly tento typ obvodové desky, protože na návrhovém obvodu jednoho panelu bylo mnoho přísných omezení (protože existovala pouze jedna strana, kabeláž nemohla procházet a musela být vedena oddělenou cestou).

(2) dvojitý panel

The circuit board has wiring on both sides. Aby dráty na obou stranách mohly komunikovat, musí mezi oběma stranami existovat řádné obvodové spojení, kterému se říká vodicí otvor. Vodicí otvory jsou malé otvory v desce s plošnými spoji, vyplněné nebo potažené kovem, které lze na obou stranách připojit k vodičům. Double panels can be used on more complex circuits than single panels because the area is twice as large and the wiring can be interlaced (it can be wound to the other side).