Talk about the typical causes of PCB failure

Circuit imprimat bord are an integral part of all electronic products, including highly sensitive medical devices, satellites, computers and the hottest wearable devices on the market. Când un PCB dintr-un smartphone funcționează defectuos, vă poate afecta viața profesională și personală. PCB failures in medical devices can have far-reaching effects and affect patient safety.


What are the common causes of printed circuit board failure? Our experts provide a list and brief overview below.

Typical causes of PCB failure

Defecțiune la proiectarea componentelor: Din cauza spațiului insuficient pe PCB, pot apărea multe probleme în timpul fazelor de proiectare și fabricație, variind de la deplasarea necorespunzătoare a componentelor până la defecțiuni de alimentare și supraîncălzire. Burned components are some of the most common rework items we receive. Let your team take advantage of our expert layout review and prototype feasibility assessment.We can help you reduce the risk of costly delays and loss of consumer confidence.

Poor quality parts: wiring and paths too close to each other, poor welding resulting in cold joints, poor connections between circuit boards, insufficient plate thickness resulting in bending and breaking, loose parts are common examples of poor PCB quality. Când lucrați cu companiile noastre de asamblare PCB certificate ITAR și ISO-9000, veți asigura acuratețe, fiabilitate și calitate. Use our parts sourcing service to purchase quality PCB components at reasonable prices.

Factori de mediu: Expunerea la căldură, praf și umiditate este o cauză cunoscută a defectării plăcii de circuite. For unexpected shocks to hard surfaces, power overloads or surges during lightning strikes can also cause damage. However, as a manufacturer, the most damaging is the premature failure of the circuit board due to electrostatic discharge in the assembly stage. Instalația noastră modernă de control ESD cu facilități de testare pe teren ne permite să gestionăm de două ori mai multe prototipuri electronice, păstrând în același timp calitatea mărcii noastre comerciale.

Age: While you can’t avoid age-related failures, you can control the cost of replacing components. Replacing old parts with new ones is more economical than assembling new PCBS. Have our experts review your old or faulty boards for economical and efficient PCB repair or rework large companies as well as small companies rely on us to save production costs and time.

Lack of comprehensive review, unclear understanding of manufacturing requirements, and poor communication between design and assembly teams contributed to many of the problems mentioned above. Choose an experienced PCBA assembly company to handle and avoid these problems.