PCB what are the classification of printed circuit boards

PCB according to the board application to classify single panel, double panel, multilayer PCB; According to the material, there are flexible PCB board (flexible board), rigid PCB board, rigidity-flexible PCB board (rigid flexible board), etc. Printed Circuit Board (PCB), also known as Printed Circuit Board, is an important electronic component, is the support body of electronic components, is the supplier of electronic components electrical connection, because it is made by electronic printing technology, so it is also called Printed Circuit Board. PCB mangrupikeun piring ipis anu ngandung sirkuit terintegrasi sareng komponenana éléktronik sanés.


I. Classification according to the number of circuit layers

Divided into single panel, double panel and multi-layer board. Papan multilayer umum biasana 3-6 lapisan, sareng papan multilayer kompléks tiasa ngahontal langkung ti 10 lapisan.

(1) Single panel

Dina papan sirkuit cetak dasar, bagian-bagianna konséntrasi dina hiji sisi sareng kabel-kabelna pekat dina sisi anu sanésna. Kusabab kawatna nembongan ngan hiji sisi, papan sirkuit anu dicitak disebat panel tunggal. Sirkuit mimiti nganggo jenis circuit board ieu kusabab aya seueur larangan anu ketat dina sirkuit desain hiji panel (sabab ngan aya hiji sisi, kabelna teu tiasa nyebrang sareng kedah dialihkeun dina jalur anu misah).

PCB what are the classification of printed circuit boards

(2) Double panels

Papan sirkuit gaduh kabel dina dua sisi. Supados kabel dina dua sisi komunikasi, kedah aya sambungan sirkuit anu pas antara dua sisi, anu disebat liang pituduh. Liang Pitunjuk nyaéta liang leutik dina papan sirkuit anu dicitak, dieusian atanapi dilapis ku logam, anu tiasa disambungkeun kana kabel dina dua sisi. Panel dobel tiasa dianggo dina sirkuit anu langkung rumit tibatan panel tunggal kusabab luasna dua kali langkung ageung sareng kabelna tiasa silih sambungkeun (éta tiasa ditatu ka sisi sanésna).

PCB what are the classification of printed circuit boards

(3) Multilayer board

In order to increase the area that can be wired, multi-layer boards use more single or double-sided wiring boards. Multilayer boards use a number of double panels, and put an insulating layer between each layer of the board after bonding. The number of layers on a board represents a number of independent wiring layers, usually an even number of layers, and contains the outermost two layers.

PCB what are the classification of printed circuit boards

Two, according to the type of substrate

Flexible circuit boards, rigid circuit boards and rigid-flexible bonded boards.

(1) Flexible PCB board (flexible board)

Flexible boards are printed circuit boards made from flexible substrates, which have the advantage of being bent to facilitate assembly of electrical components. FPC has been widely used in aerospace, military, mobile communications, portable computers, computer peripherals, PDA, digital cameras and other fields or products.

PCB what are the classification of printed circuit boards

(2) Rigid PCB board

It is made of paper base (usually used for single side) or glass cloth base (often used for double-sided and multi-layer), pre-impregnated phenolic or epoxy resin, one or both sides of the surface glued with copper foil and then laminated curing. This kind of PCB copper-clad foil board, we call it rigid board. Then made into PCB, we call it rigid PCB rigid board is not easy to bend, has a certain strength and toughness of the rigid base material made of printed circuit board, its advantage is that it can be attached to the electronic components to provide a certain support.

PCB what are the classification of printed circuit boards

(3) Rigid-flexible PCB board (rigid-flexible PCB board)

Rigid-flexible bonded board refers to a printed circuit board containing one or more rigid and flexible areas, composed of rigid boards and flexible boards laminated together. The advantage of rigid-flexible composite plate is that it can not only provide the support of rigid printing plate, but also has the bending characteristics of flexible plate, which can meet the needs of three-dimensional assembly.