
PCB 腐蝕是由許多不同的因素引起的,例如:

* 大氣腐蝕

* Localized corrosion

* 電腐蝕

* Electrolytic corrosion

* 電解枝晶形成

* Fretting corrosion

* 晶間腐蝕


Circuit board corrosion can be extremely harmful to printed circuit boards, and while there are many reasons for PCB corrosion, there are several ways to clean them using traditional household products such as baking soda and compressed air.

Precautions can also be taken to ensure that PCB corrosion does not occur in the future.


電路板腐蝕可能對完全破壞 PCB 有害,從而使其無用。 This corrosion can be caused by a variety of causes. It is an oxidation process that occurs when oxygen combines with the metal and causes rust and spalling.


Atmospheric corrosion, the most common type of PCB corrosion, involves the metal being exposed to moisture, which in turn exposes it to oxygen. 這些元素的結合會引起金屬離子與氧原子結合形成氧化物的反應。

Atmospheric corrosion occurs mainly on copper assemblies. 儘管銅即使在腐蝕時仍能保持其機械性能,但它並不能保持其導電性。


局部腐蝕類似於任何類型的全面腐蝕,只是它主要影響有限的區域或小區域。 This corrosion may include filamentous corrosion, crevice corrosion and pitting corrosion.

Electric corrosion



Electrolytic corrosion occurs when the dendrite grows due to contact traces. 當受污染的離子水進入兩條跡線之間的電壓時,就會發生這種增加。 原來是金屬條造成了短路。


當水中存在離子污染時,會形成電解枝晶。 這種變形會導致任何相鄰的不同電壓的銅走線長出金屬條,最終導致走線之間的短路。


微動是連續關閉鍍錫開關的結果。 這種運動產生擦拭動作,最終從表面去除氧化層。 發生這種情況時,其下方的層會氧化並形成過多的鏽跡,從而乾擾開關的操作。

Intergranular corrosion

This final corrosion involves the presence of chemicals at the grain boundaries of the copper trace, and corrosion occurs because the grain boundaries are more susceptible to corrosion due to their higher impurity content.


隨著時間的推移,PCB 上積累的不僅僅是腐蝕。 各種污垢、灰塵和污垢很容易進入您的電子設備。 Cleaning them can help prevent corrosion. However, if you detect that the PCB has corroded, you can learn how to remove the corrosion and use the following methods to avoid permanent damage.


壓縮空氣是一種相當常見的電子清潔工具。 您可以通過向通風口內部釋放短脈衝來使用壓縮空氣。 這種清潔方法推薦用於日常的電子設備保養,所以如果你想處理腐蝕,你需要打開電子設備並從源頭上打擊它們。


Baking soda is a highly effective ingredient for removing PCB corrosion. 不僅如此,您的廚櫃可能已經裝有小蘇打。 Because baking soda is moderately abrasive, you can use it to scrub away corrosion and residue that won’t be released by compressed air. 嘗試用溫和的刷子和蒸餾水使用它。


說到蒸餾水,這款產品也是一種安全、輕鬆去除電路板腐蝕的好方法。 The purest distilled water will not degrade or damage your electronics. 它也是一個糟糕的導體,所以沒有理由擔心。

Use household cleaners

任何家用清潔劑都是解決 PCB 腐蝕的好方法,但前提是它不含磷酸鹽。 磷酸鹽可有效防止腐蝕,但它是美國各地湖泊的重要污染源。 However, there are so many phosphate-free cleaners that work just fine. 市場上也有專門的PCB腐蝕清洗劑。


當您清潔電路板時,刷子是一個非常有用的工具,因為它可以幫助您在所有微小組件之間穿梭。 選擇刷毛柔軟的刷子至關重要。 大小也很重要,因為您需要能夠實現所有最小的空間。

Most people like to use a toothbrush or paint brush. They’re sturdy and gentle, and most people already own at least one of them.

A non-flaring microfiber cloth is also a good tool to wipe and dry the board immediately after cleaning.


Different metals have different levels of corrosion risk. 儘管它們最終都會腐蝕,但銅和其他賤金屬比貴金屬和某些合金更容易、更快地腐蝕。 The latter is more expensive, so many professionals will stick with the more common metal, so it is necessary to know how to prevent PCB corrosion without damaging its board.

A simple way to prevent corrosion on a circuit board is to place a coating on the exposed copper area. There are many different types of coatings, including epoxy coatings, aerosol spray coatings and flux inhibitors.

您還應該盡量避免 PCB 周圍受潮。 Try to keep them in an environment that is not affected by humidity. 您可以通過在同一房間內使用加濕器來解決此問題。 But knowing how to prevent PCB corrosion is the first step to success.


電路板上的腐蝕自然發生在電子設備生命週期的某個階段。 雖然我們不一定完全避免使用它,但我們可以採取措施通過防止腐蝕和適當處理來延長電子設備的壽命。 It’s easy to learn how to clean a corroded circuit board, but it’s essential.