Analysis of three kinds of PCB steel mesh process

According to the process, PCB steel mesh can be divided into the following types:

1, solder paste steel net: as the name implies is used to brush solder paste. Cut holes in a piece of steel corresponding to the PCB board pad. Then the solder paste is printed onto the PCB board through the steel mesh. When printing the solder paste, the solder paste is applied on the top of the steel mesh, and the circuit board is placed on the bottom of the steel mesh, and then use a scraper to scrape the solder paste on the steel mesh evenly (the solder paste will be squeezed from the steel mesh and cover the circuit board). Stick on the patch components, unified reflow welding can be, plug-in components manual welding.


2, red rubber mesh: the opening is according to the size and type of the parts to open in the middle of the two pads of the components. The use of dispensing (dispensing is the use of compression empty, the red glue through the special dispensing head point to the substrate) the red glue through the steel dot to the PCB board. Then put on the components, such as components and PCB adhesion stability, plug in the plug-in components unified wave soldering.

3, double process steel net: when a PCB board needs to brush tin paste, and need to brush red glue, then need to use double process steel net. The dual process steel mesh is composed of two steel mesh, one ordinary laser mesh and one ladder mesh. How to determine the use of solder paste stair steel mesh or red glue stair steel mesh? First understand whether to brush tin paste or red glue first. If it is first brush solder paste, then solder paste steel mesh made of ordinary laser steel mesh, red glue steel mesh made of ladder steel mesh. If it is the first to brush red glue, then the red glue steel net is made into ordinary laser steel net, and the solder paste steel net is made into ladder steel net.