Phunzitsani inu kupanga PCB ndi mawonekedwe osasamba

Zomwe timayembekezera kwathunthu PCB is usually a neat rectangular shape. Ngakhale mapangidwe ambiri alidi amakona anayi, ambiri amafuna matabwa okhala ndi mawonekedwe osasinthasintha, omwe nthawi zambiri amakhala ovuta kupanga. This paper introduces how to design PCB with irregular shape.

Masiku ano, PCBS ikucheperachepera ndipo ntchito zochulukirapo zikuwonjezeredwa m’mabungwe, omwe, kuphatikiza kuwonjezeka kwa liwiro la wotchi, zimapangitsa mapangidwe kukhala ovuta kwambiri. Chifukwa chake, tiyeni tiwone momwe tingathanirane ndi bolodi lazoyang’anira lomwe lili ndi mawonekedwe ovuta kwambiri.

As figure 1 shows, simple PCI board shapes can be easily created in most EDA Layout tools.


Chithunzi 1: Kuwonekera kwa bolodi wamba wa PCI.

Komabe, mawonekedwe a bolodi akafunika kusinthidwa kuti azikhala malo ovuta okhala ndi malire ambiri, sizovuta kwa opanga ma PCB chifukwa ntchito zomwe zili muzipangizi sizofanana ndi zomwe zimachitika pamakina a CAD. Bungwe lozungulira lowonetsedwa mu Chithunzi 2 limapangidwa makamaka kuti likhale ndi nyumba zosaphulika ndipo limakhala ndi malire ambiri. Trying to reconstruct this information in EDA tools can take a long time and be unproductive. Zikuwoneka kuti wopanga makina adapanga kale nyumba, mawonekedwe oyang’anira dera, malo okhala, ndi malire omwe amafunikira wopanga ma PCB.

Chithunzi 2: Mu chitsanzo ichi, PCB iyenera kupangidwa molingana ndi mawonekedwe amakina kuti athe kuyikidwa muzidebe zosaphulika.

Chithunzi 2: Mu chitsanzo ichi, PCB iyenera kupangidwa molingana ndi mawonekedwe amakina kuti athe kuyikidwa muzidebe zosaphulika.

Chifukwa cha ma radians ndi ma radii oyang’anira dera, kumanganso kumatha kutenga nthawi yayitali kuposa momwe zimayembekezeredwa, ngakhale mawonekedwe oyang’anira dera sakhala ovuta (monga akuwonetsera pa Chithunzi 3).

Chithunzi 3: Kupanga ma radians angapo ndi ma curve osiyanasiyana kumatha kutenga nthawi yayitali.

Chithunzi 3: Kupanga ma radians angapo ndi ma curve osiyanasiyana kumatha kutenga nthawi yayitali.

These are just a few examples of complex circuit board shapes. However, from today’s consumer electronics, you’d be surprised how many projects try to cram all the functionality into a small package that isn’t always rectangular. Smartphones and tablets are the first things that come to mind, but there are plenty of examples.

Mukabweza galimoto yobwereka, mutha kuwona wogwira ntchito akugwiritsa ntchito chojambulira m’manja kuti muwerenge zambiri zagalimotoyi kenako nkumalankhulana mosavutikira ndi ofesiyo. The device is also connected to a thermal printer for instant receipt printing. Pafupifupi zida zonsezi zimagwiritsa ntchito matabwa okhwima / osinthika (Chithunzi 4), pomwe matabwa wamba a PCB amalumikizidwa ndi ma circuits osindikizidwa kuti athe kupindidwa kukhala Mipata ing’onoing’ono.

Chithunzi 4: Bokosi loyenda / lolimba limalola kugwiritsa ntchito malo omwe alipo.

Chithunzi 4: Bokosi loyenda / lolimba limalola kugwiritsa ntchito malo omwe alipo.

Funso, ndiye, ndi “Kodi mumatumiza bwanji zida zomangamanga mu chida chopangira PCB?” Kugwiritsanso ntchito dongosololi m’mizere yamakina kumatha kubwereza kubwereza kwa mphamvu ndipo, koposa zonse, zolakwika za anthu.

Titha kuthetsa vutoli polowetsa zambiri mu pulogalamu ya PCB Layout pogwiritsa ntchito mtundu wa DXF, IDF kapena ProSTEP. Izi zimapulumutsa nthawi yochuluka ndikuchotsa kuthekera kolakwika kwa anthu. Next, we’ll take a look at each of these formats.

Graphics interchange format – DXF

DXF ndi imodzi mwamagwiritsidwe akale kwambiri komanso omwe amagwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri posinthana posinthana pakati pama makina opanga ndi PCB. AutoCAD idapanga izi koyambirira kwama 1980. Mtunduwu umagwiritsidwa ntchito posinthana kosintha kwamitundu iwiri. Ambiri ogulitsa zida za PCB amathandizira mtundu uwu, ndipo zimapangitsa kuti kusinthana kwa data kukhale kosavuta. Kulowetsa / kutumiza kunja kwa DXF kumafunikira magwiridwe owonjezera owongolera magawo, magulu osiyanasiyana ndi mayunitsi omwe adzagwiritsidwe ntchito pakusinthana. Figure 5 is an example of importing very complex circuit board shapes in DXF format using Mentor Graphics’ PADS tools:

Figure 5: PCB design tools (such as PADS described here) need to be able to control the various parameters required using DXF format.

Figure 5: PCB design tools (such as PADS described here) need to be able to control the various parameters required using DXF format.

Zaka zingapo zapitazo, magwiridwe antchito a 3D adayamba kuwoneka ngati zida za PCB, ndipo panali chosowa chamtundu womwe ungasinthe chidziwitso cha 3D pakati pamakina ndi zida za PCB. Kuchokera apa, Mentor Graphics idapanga mtundu wa IDF, womwe wakhala ukugwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri kusamutsa mayendedwe azigawo zoyambira pakati pa PCBS ndi zida zamakina.

Ngakhale mtundu wa DXF uli ndi kukula kwa bolodi ndi makulidwe, mtundu wa IDF umagwiritsa ntchito X ndi Y maudindo a chigawocho, nambala yaying’ono, ndi kutalika kwa z-axis kwa chinthucho. This format greatly improves the ability to visualize a PCB in a 3D view. Additional information about forbidden areas, such as height restrictions on the top and bottom of the board, may also be included in the IDF file.

Dongosololi likuyenera kuthana ndi zomwe zidzapezeke mufayilo ya IDF chimodzimodzi ndi Zikhazikiko za DXF, monga zikuwonetsedwa pa Chithunzi 6. Ngati zinthu zina zilibe kutalika kwakutali, IDF yotumiza kunja imatha kuwonjezera zomwe zikusowa popanga.

Figure 6: Parameters can be set in the PCB design tool (PADS in this example).

Figure 6: Parameters can be set in the PCB design tool (PADS in this example).

Ubwino wina wa mawonekedwe a IDF ndikuti chipani chilichonse chimatha kusunthira chinthucho kumalo atsopano kapena kusintha mawonekedwe, kenako ndikupanga fayilo ina ya IDF. Chosavuta cha njirayi ndikuti muyenera kuyitanitsa fayilo yonse yoyimira kusintha kwa bolodi ndi zinthu zina, ndipo nthawi zina zimatha kutenga nthawi yayitali chifukwa cha kukula kwa fayilo. In addition, it can be difficult to determine from the new IDF file what changes have been made, especially on larger boards. Users of IDF can eventually create custom scripts to determine these changes.


Pofuna kufalitsa bwino magawo atatu, opanga akufuna njira yabwino, STEP idakhalapo. Masitepe a STEP amatha kupititsa kukula kwa bolodi yoyenda ndi mapangidwe ake, koma koposa zonse, zigawozo sizimakhalanso ndi mawonekedwe osavuta ndi kutalika kokha. Gawo la STEP ndizofotokozera mwatsatanetsatane komanso zovuta za zigawo mu mawonekedwe azithunzi zitatu. Both circuit board and component information can be transferred between the PCB and the machine. Komabe, kulibe njira yotsatira kutsatira kusintha.

Pofuna kusintha kusintha kwa mafayilo a STEP, tidayambitsa mtundu wa ProSTEP. This format moves the same data as IDF and STEP and has a big improvement – it can track changes and also provide the ability to work within the discipline’s original systems and review any changes once a baseline has been established. In addition to viewing changes, PCB and mechanical engineers can approve all or individual component changes in layout, board shape modifications. They can also suggest different board sizes or component locations. This improved communication creates an ECO (Engineering Change Order) between ECAD and the mechanical team that never existed before (Figure 7).

Chithunzi 7: Ganizirani zosintha, onani kusintha kwa chida choyambirira, vomerezani kusinthaku, kapena lingaliro lina.

Chithunzi 7: Ganizirani zosintha, onani kusintha kwa chida choyambirira, vomerezani kusinthaku, kapena lingaliro lina.

Masiku ano, makina ambiri a ECAD ndi makina a CAD amathandizira kugwiritsa ntchito mtundu wa ProSTEP kukonza kulumikizana, kupulumutsa nthawi yochuluka ndikuchepetsa zolakwika zotsika mtengo zomwe zitha kubwera chifukwa chazopanga zamagetsi zamagetsi. Kuphatikiza apo, mainjiniya amatha kusunga nthawi popanga mawonekedwe ovuta oyenda ndi zovuta zina kenako ndikumatumizira zidziwitsozo pakompyuta kuti apewe wina amene akumasulira molakwika kukula kwa board.


Ngati simunagwiritsepo ntchito iliyonse yamtundu wa DXF, IDF, STEP, kapena ProSTEP posinthana zambiri, muyenera kuwunika momwe amagwiritsidwira ntchito. Ganizirani kugwiritsa ntchito edi iyi kuti muchepetse kuwononga nthawi ndikubwezeretsanso mawonekedwe ovuta.