Ndifundisa uyilo PCB imilo mgaqweni

Yintoni esiyilindeleyo epheleleyo PCB is usually a neat rectangular shape. While most designs are indeed rectangular, many require boards with irregular shapes, which are not always easy to design. This paper introduces how to design PCB with irregular shape.

Namhlanje, ii-PCBS ziye zincipha kwaye imisebenzi engakumbi nangakumbi iyongezwa kwiibhodi, ethi, ngokudityaniswa nokwanda kwesantya sewotshi, yenza uyilo lube nzima ngakumbi. Ke, makhe sijonge indlela yokujongana nebhodi yesekethe enemilo entsonkothileyo.

As figure 1 shows, simple PCI board shapes can be easily created in most EDA Layout tools.


Umzobo 1: Inkangeleko yebhodi ejikelezayo yePCI.

Nangona kunjalo, xa iimilo zebhodi kufuneka zilungelelaniswe nezivalekileyo ezintsonkothileyo ezinemiqobo ephezulu, akukho lula kubaqulunqi be-PCB kuba imisebenzi yezi zixhobo ayifani naleyo ikwiinkqubo ze-CAD zoomatshini. The complex circuit board shown in Figure 2 is designed primarily for explosion-proof housing and is subject to many mechanical limitations. Trying to reconstruct this information in EDA tools can take a long time and be unproductive. Kusenokwenzeka ukuba injineli yoomatshini sele iyile indlu, imilo yebhodi yesekethe, indawo emngxunyeni, kunye nemida yokuphakama efunekayo ngumyili wePCB.

Umzobo 2: Kulo mzekelo, i-PCB kufuneka iyilwe ngokungqinelana neenkcukacha ezithile zoomatshini ukuze ibekwe kwizikhongozeli ezinobungqina bokudubula.

Umzobo 2: Kulo mzekelo, i-PCB kufuneka iyilwe ngokungqinelana neenkcukacha ezithile zoomatshini ukuze ibekwe kwizikhongozeli ezinobungqina bokudubula.

Ngenxa yeerandi kunye neradi kwibhodi yesekethe, ukwakhiwa kwakhona kungathatha ixesha elide kunokuba bekulindelwe, nokuba imeko yebhodi yesekethe ayinzima (njengoko kubonisiwe kumzobo 3).

Umzobo 3: Ukuyila iiradians ezininzi kunye neeirafu zeradiyo ezahlukeneyo kunokuthatha ixesha elide.

Umzobo 3: Ukuyila iiradians ezininzi kunye neeirafu zeradiyo ezahlukeneyo kunokuthatha ixesha elide.

These are just a few examples of complex circuit board shapes. However, from today’s consumer electronics, you’d be surprised how many projects try to cram all the functionality into a small package that isn’t always rectangular. Smartphones and tablets are the first things that come to mind, but there are plenty of examples.

Ukuba ubuyisa imoto eqeshisayo, unganakho ukubona umntu osebenza naye esebenzisa isikena esiphathwayo ukufunda ulwazi ngemoto kwaye unxibelelane ngaphandle kweofisi neofisi. The device is also connected to a thermal printer for instant receipt printing. Phantse zonke ezi zixhobo zisebenzisa iibhodi zesekethe eziqinileyo / eziguqukayo (Umzobo 4), apho iibhodi zePCB eziqhelekileyo zinxulunyaniswa neesekethe eziprintiweyo eziguquguqukayo ukuze zisongwe zibe ziZithuba ezincinci.

Umzobo 4: Ukuqina / ukuguquguquka kwebhodi yesekethe ivumela ukusetyenziswa okuphezulu kwendawo ekhoyo.

Umzobo 4: Ukuqina / ukuguquguquka kwebhodi yesekethe ivumela ukusetyenziswa okuphezulu kwendawo ekhoyo.

Umbuzo ke ngowokuba, “Ungazingenisa njani iinkcukacha ezichaziweyo zobunjineli boomatshini kwisixhobo se-PCB?” Ukuphinda usebenzise le datha kwimizobo yoomatshini kususa ukuphindaphinda komzamo kwaye, okona kubaluleke kakhulu, yimpazamo yomntu.

Singayisombulula le ngxaki ngokungenisa lonke ulwazi kwisoftware yoyilo lwe-PCB sisebenzisa ifomathi ye-DXF, IDF okanye iProSTEP. Oku konga ixesha elininzi kwaye kuphelise ukubakho kwempazamo yomntu. Next, we’ll take a look at each of these formats.

Graphics interchange format – DXF

I-DXF yenye yeefomathi ezindala kunye nezona zisetyenziswa kakhulu ukutshintshiselana ngedatha ye-elektroniki phakathi kwemimandla yoyilo noomatshini bePCB. I-AutoCAD iyiphuhlisile kwii-1980s zokuqala. Le fomathi isetyenziselwa ukutshintshiselana kwedatha kabini. Uninzi lwabathengisi bezixhobo zePCB bayayixhasa le fomathi, kwaye yenza lula ukutshintshiselana kwedatha. Ukungeniswa ngaphakathi / ukuthunyelwa kwelinye ilizwe kwe-DXF kufuna ukongezwa kokusebenza ukulawula iileya, izinto ezahlukeneyo kunye neeyunithi eziza kusetyenziswa kwinkqubo yotshintshiselwano. Figure 5 is an example of importing very complex circuit board shapes in DXF format using Mentor Graphics’ PADS tools:

Figure 5: PCB design tools (such as PADS described here) need to be able to control the various parameters required using DXF format.

Figure 5: PCB design tools (such as PADS described here) need to be able to control the various parameters required using DXF format.

A few years ago, 3d functionality began to appear in PCB tools, and there was a need for a format that could transfer 3D data between machines and PCB tools. Ukusuka koku, iMentor Graphics iphuhlise ifomathi ye-IDF, esele isetyenziswa ngokubanzi ukuhambisa ibhodi yesekethe kunye nolwazi lwento phakathi kwePCBS kunye nezixhobo zomatshini.

Ngelixa ifomathi ye-DXF iqulethe ubungakanani bebhodi kunye nobukhulu, ifomathi ye-IDF isebenzisa indawo ye-X kunye ne-Y yecandelo, inombolo yecandelo, kunye nokuphakama kwe-z-axis yecandelo. This format greatly improves the ability to visualize a PCB in a 3D view. Additional information about forbidden areas, such as height restrictions on the top and bottom of the board, may also be included in the IDF file.

Inkqubo kufuneka ikwazi ukulawula oko kuya kufumaneka kwifayile ye-IDF ngendlela efanayo kwiisethingi zeparameter ye-DXF, njengoko kubonisiwe kumfanekiso 6. Ukuba ezinye izinto azinalo ulwazi lokuphakama, ukuthunyelwa ngaphandle kwe-IDF kunokongeza ulwazi olungekhoyo ngexesha lokudala.

Figure 6: Parameters can be set in the PCB design tool (PADS in this example).

Figure 6: Parameters can be set in the PCB design tool (PADS in this example).

Olunye uncedo lokujongana ne-IDF kukuba naliphi na iqela linokuhambisa icandelo endaweni entsha okanye litshintshe imilo yebhodi, emva koko lenze ifayile ye-IDF eyahlukileyo. Ukungancedi kwale ndlela kukuba kufuneka uphinde ungenise yonke ifayile emele utshintsho kwibhodi nakwizinto ezikhoyo, kwaye kwezinye iimeko kunokuthatha ixesha elide ngenxa yesayizi yefayile. In addition, it can be difficult to determine from the new IDF file what changes have been made, especially on larger boards. Users of IDF can eventually create custom scripts to determine these changes.


Ukulungiselela ukuhambisa ngcono idatha enamacala amathathu, abayili bafuna indlela ephuculweyo, ifomathi yeNYATHELO yabakho. Ifomathi ye-STEP inokuhambisa ubungakanani bebhodi yesekethe kunye nokubekwa kwamacandelo, kodwa okona kubaluleke kakhulu, izinto azisekho kwimilo elula enexabiso lokuphakama kuphela. Imodeli yenyathelo le-STEP yinkcazo eneenkcukacha kwaye intsokothileyo yezinto kumacala amathathu. Both circuit board and component information can be transferred between the PCB and the machine. Nangona kunjalo, akusekho ndlela yokulandelela utshintsho.

Ukuphucula ukutshintshwa kwefayile ye-STEP, sazisa ifomathi yeProSTEP. This format moves the same data as IDF and STEP and has a big improvement – it can track changes and also provide the ability to work within the discipline’s original systems and review any changes once a baseline has been established. In addition to viewing changes, PCB and mechanical engineers can approve all or individual component changes in layout, board shape modifications. They can also suggest different board sizes or component locations. This improved communication creates an ECO (Engineering Change Order) between ECAD and the mechanical team that never existed before (Figure 7).

Umzobo 7: Cebisa utshintsho, jonga utshintsho kwinto yokuqala, vuma utshintsho, okanye ucebise eyahlukileyo.

Umzobo 7: Cebisa utshintsho, jonga utshintsho kwinto yokuqala, vuma utshintsho, okanye ucebise eyahlukileyo.

Namhlanje, uninzi lweenkqubo ze-ECAD kunye noomatshini abaxhasa ukusetyenziswa kwefomathi ye-ProSTEP ukuphucula unxibelelwano, ukugcina ixesha elininzi kunye nokunciphisa iimpazamo ezibiza kakhulu ezinokubangela uyilo oluntsonkothileyo lwe-elektroniki. Ngapha koko, iinjineli zinokonga ixesha ngokwenza imeko yebhodi yesekethe entsonkothileyo enezithintelo ezongezelelweyo emva koko zidlulise olo lwazi ngombane ukunqanda umntu ukuba angatolikisi gwenxa ubungakanani bebhodi yesekethe.


Ukuba awukasebenzisi enye yezi DXF, IDF, STEP, okanye iifomathi zedatha ye-ProSTEP ukutshintshiselana ngolwazi, kuya kufuneka ujonge ukusetyenziswa kwazo. Cinga ukusebenzisa le edi ukuyeka ukuchitha ixesha ukuphinda wenze iimilo zebhodi ezinzima.