Sei kusarudza pcb bemhapemha kuwana akanyanya kuita pcb?

Sezvo isu tese tichiziva, kuenderera mberi kwekuenderera kwemagetsi emagetsi uye wedunhu tekinoroji, iyo yepamusoro yeinjiniya hunyanzvi mukugadzirwa, kusimudzira uye kugadzirwa kwe yakadhindwa redunhu bhodhi (PCB) yakaonekwa nevanhu pasi rese. Our planet is full of highly intelligent machines, automated robots and scientific marvels, and of course, there are plenty of PCBS in every corner of the planet, no matter what country or city it is. Nekudaro, aya maPCBS anosiyana mukushanda, kuomarara, mutengo wekugadzira, mhando uye kuvimbika. Ichi chinyorwa chinotarisana nemapoinzi maviri ekupedzisira, hunhu uye kuvimbika kwePCBS.


Hongu, vangangoita vatengi vanogara vachida zvemhando yepamusoro zvemagetsi, asi izvi zvinodhura zvakanyanya uye zvinogona kusanganisira maitiro akaomarara ekugadzira. Mune maitiro akaomarara ePCB yekugadzira, kusangana uye kuyedza, pane yakakosha nzira inonzi “conformal coating” yePBB. Uku kuumbika kwakafanana kwakakosha kwazvo muPCBS maererano nemhando uye kuvimbika.

Chii chinonzi conformal kupfeka uye kukosha kwayo:

Conforming coating, an ultra-thin protective coating of polymer film, can be used in conjunction with assemblies mounted on assembly surfaces to protect assembly leads, solder joints, exposed wiring, and other metal points on the PCB surface from corrosion, dust, or chemicals due to various operating or environmental conditions.

Iyo inoenderana yekupfeka inogona kuve yakatetepa se25 microns uye “inoenderana” kune chimiro uye chikamu chechimiro chebhodhi redunhu. Sezvambotaurwa pamusoro apa, chikonzero chekushandisa yekufananidza kupfeka kumusoro (kumusoro uye pasi) kwePCB ndeyekudzivirira iyo pcb kubva kune yakashata ekunze mamiriro ezvemamiriro ekunze, nokudaro nekuwedzera hupenyu hwebasa rePCB nemidziyo yemagetsi inosanganiswa.

Kunge tembiricha yakakwira inowanikwa mumaindasitiri, fekitori, nemagetsi emagetsi epamusoro, aya maPCBS ane maconformal coatings anogona kumira zvakanyanya kupisa. Saizvozvowo, michina yemagetsi yakaiswa munzvimbo / nzvimbo dziri padyo negungwa kana gungwa inogona kukanganiswa nehunyoro hwakanyanya, senge kufamba kwemagetsi emidziyo yemidziyo inogona kunge iri pasi pekuora / kukanganiswa uko kunogona kutungamira kune simbi oxidation. Similarly, in microbiology laboratories and the medical industry, sensitive electronic equipment can be exposed to toxic chemicals, acidic and alkaline solvents that can accidentally spill onto a PCB, but the PCB’s “conformation coating” will protect the PCB and components from fatal injury.

Maitiro ekuisa conformal kupfeka?

In fact, the method of applying “conformal paint” in the right way is so important that careful consideration must be given to how conformal paint is applied. It is as important to choose suitable conformal coating materials.

Izvo zvakakosha zvinhu zvinoisa iko kunyatso kushandiswa kweanofananidza kupfeka ndeaya:

1- Kukora kwepende

2- The level of coverage achieved

3- The degree of adhesion of paint to wood panels and their components.

There are five methods for applying conformal coatings:

1- Penda neruoko nebhurasho

2- Aerosol kupfeka

3- Atomizing spray gun coating

4- Automatic dip coating

5- Automatic selection of coating

Conformal kupfeka kurapa / kuomesa nzira:

Conformal coatings themselves can be classified according to the drying and curing methods used after conformal coatings are completed. These methods are:

1- Heat/heat curing: Conformal coating is dried at high temperature. Drying rate is much faster than normal room temperature drying/curing.

2- Condensation kurapa: Iyo yakaenzana kupfeka yePBB yakaomeswa patembiricha tembiricha, hunyoro mumhepo inononoka kudzora kurapa kana kuomesa maitiro.

3- ULTRAVIOLET (UV) curing: Here PCB with conformal coating is exposed to UV radiation. The uv energy determines the curing speed of PCB conformal coating

4- Kuwedzeredza kurapa: Mune iyi nzira, PCB conformers vanooneswa kune yakavhurika mhepo nharaunda ine huwandu hwakawanda hwemhepo yemhepo, iyo inobatsira mukuomesa / kurapwa kweye solvent-based conformers

5- Catalytic curing: This is the process of curing conformal coating in which two materials are fused together, one of which is conformal coating. Kamwe iko kupfeka kukasanganiswa nezvimwe zvinowedzera zvinhu, iyo yekurapa maitiro haigone kumiswa kusvikira yapera.

Classification of conformal coatings:

There are five main conformal coatings used: acrylic resin, epoxy resin, silicone, polyurethane (PU) and polyparaxylene coating.

L Acrylic nebwe (AAR):

Acrylics are ideal for (low-cost and high-volume) common electronics because AAR is inexpensive and can be easily applied to PCB surfaces by brush, dip, and manual or automatic spraying, reducing turnaround time and producing cost-effective products.


1 – yakaderera mutengo

2- Nyore yekushandisa kana otomatiki marobhoti ekunyorera

3- Easy to rework

4- Yakanakisa kuchengetedza mwando

5- Good surface elasticity, can withstand static voltage discharge, and does not react with the atmosphere, therefore helps cure through solvent evaporation


1- Due to the use of atmospheric curing/drying methods for this material, proper ventilation systems need to be ensured

2- Yakaderera viscosity yekuchengetedza

3- Low kusakara kuramba uye kemikari kuramba

L Epoxy conformal coating (ER) :

Zvipfeko zvakaenzana zvinoenderana neepoxy resini zvinogona kupedzwa nebrashi remaoko, pfapfaidzo kana kuputira kupfeka. Kupfapfaidza kunokurudzirwa kune makuru mavhoriyamu uye kudiki vhoriyamu kana prototype PCBS.


1- High moisture resistance and good dielectric resistance

2- Excellent chemical resistance, abrasion resistance, moisture resistance and high temperatures up to 150 O C


1-epoxy conformal paint is very hard and rigid and can damage PCB and its components if attempted peeling or removal. Bvisa kupfeka nekushandisa solvent ine njodzi

2- Varombo tembiricha yakaderera kuita

3- Yakakwira ichirapa shrinkage

4- Izvo zvakaoma kuitazve

L Silicone nebwe (OSR) conformal unhani:

The softest of the above two types of conformal coatings is silicone resin (OSR) conformal coatings. They are widely used in LED lamp PCBS without reducing light intensity or color change. Ideal for PCB installation at high humidity and exposure to air. Suitable for PCB with high operating temperature and high power


1- Yakanaka kemikari kuramba, mwando kuramba, munyu pfapfaidzo uye kwakanyanya tembiricha kusvika ku200 OC

2- Kunaka kuchinjika kunoita kuti isabatikane nekushushikana kwekushushikana paPBB kubva kunze kwekunze.

3- Inokodzera pcb yekunze maficha ane hunyoro hwakanyanya


1- Kwete kupfeka kusagadzikana nekuda kwerabha zvivakwa

2- Inogona kugadziriswazve, asi kwete nyore, inoda yakasarudzika solvents, yakareba ichinyudza nguva uye ichikurudzira sebhurashi kana ultrasonic bath

3- Low mechanical strength, weak adhesion to PCB substrate

L Polyurethane (PU) yakafanana yekupfeka:

Inokodzera mafomu ePBB mumotokari, maindasitiri, zvishandiso uye kutaurirana. Mune aerospace, kunyanya, mafuta emafuta anogara achirovera nemuviri mukuru wemagetsi zvigadzirwa uye nekudaro zvinopinda mukati nekukanganisa pcb board


1- High resistance to moisture, chemicals (acid and alkali) and wear


1- Mushure menguva yakareba yekupedzisa kurapa maitiro, inowanzo shanduka kuita yero pakakwirira tembiricha nekuda kweiyo yakakwira VOC zvemukati

2- Sesilicon, hazvisi nyore kubvisa zvachose

L polyparaxylene conformal coating:

This type of coating is suitable for avionics, microelectronics, sensors, high-frequency circuits, and densely populated PCB-based components. It is applied by means of vapor deposition.


1- Excellent dielectric strength

2- High resistance to moisture, solvents, extreme temperatures and acid corrosion

3- Can be applied evenly with very thin paint.


1- Disassembly / rework yakanyanya kuoma

2- Kubhadharisa kwepamusoro ndiko kukanganisa kukuru.