Kumaha carana milih palapis PCB pikeun kéngingkeun performa terbaik PCB?

Sakumaha urang terang, kamajuan kontinyu alat-alat éléktronik sareng téknologi sirkuit, puncak seni rékayasa dina desain, pamekaran sareng pabrik papan sirkuit dicitak (PCB) parantos disaksian ku jalma-jalma di dunya. Our planet is full of highly intelligent machines, automated robots and scientific marvels, and of course, there are plenty of PCBS in every corner of the planet, no matter what country or city it is. Nanging, PCBS ieu henteu béda-béda dina fungsionalitas, kompleksitas, biaya ngadamel, kualitas sareng reliabilitas. Tulisan ieu fokus kana dua poin terakhir, kualitas sareng reliabilitas PCBS.


Leres, palanggan poténsial sok hoyong éléktronika kualitas luhur, tapi ieu mahal pisan sareng tiasa ngalibatkeun prosés manufaktur anu rumit. Dina prosés kompléks pembuatan PCB, perakitan sareng tés, aya prosés anu penting pisan anu disebut “palapis konformal” tina PCB. Lapisan konformal ieu penting pisan dina PCBS dina hal kualitas sareng reliabilitas.

Naon palapis konformal sareng pentingna:

Conforming coating, an ultra-thin protective coating of polymer film, can be used in conjunction with assemblies mounted on assembly surfaces to protect assembly leads, solder joints, exposed wiring, and other metal points on the PCB surface from corrosion, dust, or chemicals due to various operating or environmental conditions.

Lapisan konformal tiasa janten ipis 25 mikron sareng “akur” kana bentuk sareng perenah komponén papan sirkuit. Sakumaha didadarkeun di luhur, alesan pikeun nerapkeun palapis anu cocog kana permukaan (luhur sareng handap) PCB pikeun ngajagi PCB tina kaayaan lingkungan luar anu parah, sahingga ningkatkeun kahirupan jasa PCB sareng alat éléktronik anu aya hubunganana.

Saperti suhu luhur anu dipendakan dina industri, pabrik, sareng éléktronika kakuatan tinggi, PCBS ieu kalayan palapis konformal tiasa nahan suhu anu ekstrim. Nya kitu, alat-alat éléktronik dipasang di daérah / daérah anu caket laut atanapi sagara tiasa kapangaruhan ku kalembaban anu luhur, sapertos navigasi alat angkatan laut éléktronik tiasa janten korosi / érosi anu tiasa ngakibatkeun oksidasi logam. Similarly, in microbiology laboratories and the medical industry, sensitive electronic equipment can be exposed to toxic chemicals, acidic and alkaline solvents that can accidentally spill onto a PCB, but the PCB’s “conformation coating” will protect the PCB and components from fatal injury.

Kumaha nerapkeun palapis konformal?

In fact, the method of applying “conformal paint” in the right way is so important that careful consideration must be given to how conformal paint is applied. It is as important to choose suitable conformal coating materials.

Faktor utama anu ditangtoskeun aplikasi palapis konformasi anu leres nyaéta:

1- Kandel cet

2- The level of coverage achieved

3- The degree of adhesion of paint to wood panels and their components.

There are five methods for applying conformal coatings:

1- Cét ku panangan ku sikat

2- Lapisan aerosol

3- Atomizing spray gun coating

4- Automatic dip coating

5- Automatic selection of coating

Metoda curing / drying palapis anu cocog:

Conformal coatings themselves can be classified according to the drying and curing methods used after conformal coatings are completed. These methods are:

1- Heat/heat curing: Conformal coating is dried at high temperature. Drying rate is much faster than normal room temperature drying/curing.

2- Pangubaran kondensasi: Lapisan anu cocog sareng PCB dikeringkeun dina suhu sakitar, Uap dina atmosfir ngalambatkeun prosés curing atanapi pangeringan.

3- ULTRAVIOLET (UV) curing: Here PCB with conformal coating is exposed to UV radiation. The uv energy determines the curing speed of PCB conformal coating

4: Obat oksidasi: Dina metoda ieu, konformator PCB kakeunaan lingkungan hawa terbuka kalayan seueur oksigén atmosfir, anu bakal ngabantosan pangeringan / pangubaran tina konformator berbasis pelarut

5- Catalytic curing: This is the process of curing conformal coating in which two materials are fused together, one of which is conformal coating. Sakali lapisan dilebetkeun ku bahan katalis anu sanés, prosés pangubaran henteu tiasa dieureunkeun dugi ka réngsé.

Classification of conformal coatings:

There are five main conformal coatings used: acrylic resin, epoxy resin, silicone, polyurethane (PU) and polyparaxylene coating.

Résin L Akrilik (AAR):

Acrylics are ideal for (low-cost and high-volume) common electronics because AAR is inexpensive and can be easily applied to PCB surfaces by brush, dip, and manual or automatic spraying, reducing turnaround time and producing cost-effective products.


1 – béaya rendah

2- Gampang pikeun aplikasi robot manual atanapi otomatis

3- Easy to rework

4- Perlindungan Uap anu saé

5- Good surface elasticity, can withstand static voltage discharge, and does not react with the atmosphere, therefore helps cure through solvent evaporation


1- Due to the use of atmospheric curing/drying methods for this material, proper ventilation systems need to be ensured

2- Pangropéa viskositas rendah

3- Résistansi maké anu lemah sareng résistansi kimia

L Epoxy conformal coating (ER) :

Palapis konformal dumasar résin epoxy tiasa direngsekeun ku sikat tangan, semprot atanapi celupkeun beuleum. Nyemprot disarankeun pikeun jilid anu langkung ageung sareng pikeun volume anu langkung alit atanapi PCBS prototipe.


1- High moisture resistance and good dielectric resistance

2- Excellent chemical resistance, abrasion resistance, moisture resistance and high temperatures up to 150 O C


1-epoxy conformal paint is very hard and rigid and can damage PCB and its components if attempted peeling or removal. Cabut palapis ku ngagunakeun pelarut bahaya

2- Prestasi suhu lemah anu goréng

3- Nyusut luhur

4- Éta hésé diréka

Résin silikon L (OSR) palapis konformal:

The softest of the above two types of conformal coatings is silicone resin (OSR) conformal coatings. They are widely used in LED lamp PCBS without reducing light intensity or color change. Ideal for PCB installation at high humidity and exposure to air. Suitable for PCB with high operating temperature and high power


1- Résistansi kimia anu saé, tahan tahan uap, semprot uyah sareng suhu luhur dugi ka 200 OC

2- Kalenturan anu saé ngajantenkeun tahan ka geter setrés dina PCB ti lingkungan luar.

3- Cocog sareng aplikasi luar PCB kalayan kalembaban anu luhur

Nu awon:

1- Teu nganggo tahan kusabab sipat karét

2- Tiasa diolah deui, tapi henteu gampang, meryogikeun pangleyur khusus, waktos nyerep lami sareng diaduk sapertos sikat atanapi mandian ultrasonik

3- Low mechanical strength, weak adhesion to PCB substrate

L Polyurethane (PU) palapis konformal:

Cocog pikeun aplikasi PCB dina otomotif, industri, instrumentasi sareng télékomunikasi. Dina aerospace, khususna, uap bahan bakar teras-terasan tabrakan sareng awak utama pakakas éléktronik sahingga nembus kana pedalaman sareng mangaruhan papan PCB


1- High resistance to moisture, chemicals (acid and alkali) and wear


1- Saatos waktos lami prosés pangobatan lengkep, éta condong konéng dina suhu luhur kusabab kandungan VOC na anu luhur

2- Siga silikon, henteu gampang dipiceun lengkep

L polyparaxylene conformal coating:

This type of coating is suitable for avionics, microelectronics, sensors, high-frequency circuits, and densely populated PCB-based components. It is applied by means of vapor deposition.


1- Excellent dielectric strength

2- High resistance to moisture, solvents, extreme temperatures and acid corrosion

3- Can be applied evenly with very thin paint.


1- Pembongkaran / damel ulang hésé pisan

2- Biaya tinggi mangrupikeun kakurangan anu paling ageung.