Bubuka pikeun spésifikasi bungkusan PCB sareng metode panyimpen

1. Kudu vakum dipak

2. nomer jumlah Dewan PCB per stack is limited according to the size is too small

3. Spésifikasi tina tightness unggal tumpukan palapis pilem pe jeung peraturan lebar margin

4. Sarat spésifikasi pikeun pilem pe sarta Air gelembung Lambaran

5. spésifikasi beurat karton jeung sajabana

6. Dupi aya peraturan husus pikeun buffering saméméh nempatkeun dewan jero karton nu?

7. Laju lalawanan spésifikasi sanggeus sealing

8. Beurat unggal kotak diwatesan


Ayeuna, bungkusan kulit vakum domestik sami, bédana utama ngan ukur daérah kerja anu épéktip sareng darajat automation.


a. Inpormasi anu kedah ditulis di luar kotak, sapertos “sirah gandum lisan”, nomer bahan (P / N), versi, jaman, kuantitas, inpormasi penting, jsb. Sareng kecap Made in Taiwan (upami ékspor).

b. Gantelkeun sertipikat kualitas relevan, kayaning keureut, laporan weldability, catetan test, sarta sababaraha laporan test diperlukeun ku rupa konsumén, sarta nempatkeun aranjeunna dina cara dieusian ku nasabah. Bungkusan sanes patarosan universitas. Ngalakukeunana kalayan haté anjeun bakal ngahémat seueur masalah anu henteu kedah kajantenan.

The circuit board is no better than other products, and it cannot be in contact with air and water. First of all, the PCB board cannot be damaged by vacuum. A layer of bubble film must be placed on the side of the box when packing. The bubble film has better water absorption, which plays a very good role in preventing moisture. Of course, moisture-proof beads are also indispensable. Then sort them and place them on labels. After sealing, the box must be stored in a dry and ventilated place with partition walls and off the ground, and avoid sunlight. The temperature of the warehouse is best controlled at 23±3℃, 55±10%RH. Under such conditions, PCB boards with surface treatments such as immersion gold, electro-gold, spray tin, and silver plating can generally be stored for 6 months. 3 PCB boards with surface treatment such as tin sink and OSP can generally be stored.