PCB 元件布局的限制

在设计 PCB 组件时,通常会考虑以下注意事项。

1.有 PCB板 shape match the whole machine?

2、元件间距是否合理? 是否存在某种程度的冲突?

3、PCB需要拼装吗? 进程边缘是否保留? Are mounting holes reserved? How to arrange the positioning holes?


5. Is it convenient to replace the components that need to be replaced frequently? 可调节组件是否易于调节?


7、整板的EMC性能如何? How can layout effectively enhance anti-interference ability?


对于元件与元件之间的间距问题,基于不同封装的距离要求以及Altium Designer本身的特点,如果通过规则设置约束,设置过于复杂,难以实现。 在机械层上画一条线表示元件的外形尺寸,如图9-1所示,这样当其他元件靠近时,就知道大概的间距了。 这对初学者来说非常实用,也能让初学者养成良好的PCB设计习惯。

PCB 元件布局的限制

图 9-1 机械辅助电缆


Element arrangement principle

1、正常情况下,所有的元器件都应该排列在PCB的同一表面上。 只有当顶层元件过于密集时,才能在底层放置一些高度有限、发热量低的元件(如芯片电阻、芯片电容、芯片IC等)。

2. On the premise of ensuring the electrical performance, the components should be placed on the grid and arranged parallel or vertically to each other in order to be neat and beautiful. 一般情况下,元件不允许重叠,元件排列要紧凑,输入元件和输出元件尽量分开,不要出现交叉。



5, located at the edge of the plate components, should try to do two plate thickness from the edge of the plate.

6, components should be evenly distributed on the whole board, not this area dense, another area loose, improve the reliability of the product.

Follow the layout principle of signal direction


2、元器件的布局要便于信号流动,使信号尽可能保持同一方向。 In most cases, the signal flow is arranged from left to right or from top to bottom, and components directly connected to input and output terminals should be placed near input and output connectors or connectors.


PCB 元件布局的限制

图 9-2 电感垂直 90 度时的电感布局

(1) For components with strong radiation electromagnetic fields and components with high sensitivity to electromagnetic induction, the distance between them should be increased, or a shielding cover should be considered for shielding.

(2) Try to avoid high and low voltage components mixed with each other and strong and weak signal components interlaced together.

(3) for components that will produce magnetic fields, such as transformers, loudspeakers, inductors, etc., attention should be paid to reducing the cutting of magnetic lines on printed wires when layout, and the magnetic field direction of adjacent components should be perpendicular to each other to reduce the coupling between each other. Figure 9-2 shows the arrangement of inductors 90° perpendicular to the inductor.

(4) 屏蔽干扰源或易受干扰的模块,屏蔽罩应良好接地。 屏蔽罩的规划如图9-3所示。

Suppression of thermal interference

(1)发热元件应放置在有利于散热的位置。 如有必要,可以设置单独的散热器或小风扇,以降低温度并减少对相邻组件的影响,如图9-4所示。


PCB 元件布局的限制

图9-3 屏蔽罩规划

PCB 元件布局的限制

图 9-4 布局散热




电位器、可变电容、可调电感线圈、微动开关等可调元件的布置应考虑整机的结构要求:如机外调整,其位置应与机台上调整旋钮的位置相适应。机箱面板; 机内调整时,应放在PCB易于调整的地方。