Kurumidza uye kugadzirisa nzira dzePCB wiring

PCB wiring nzira dzinoramba dzichivandudzika, uye tambo dzinochinjika wiring dzinogona kudzora tambo kureba uye kusunungura yakawanda PCB nzvimbo. Yakajairika pcb wiring inogumira neyakagadziriswa waya waya uye kushomeka kweasina waya waya waya. Kubvisa izvi zvisingakwanisike kunogona kuvandudza zvakanyanya wiring.


Let’s start with some terminology. Isu tinotsanangura zvinopesana neAngle wiring senge waya wiring uchishandisa zvisizvo Angle zvikamu uye ma radians. Iyo mhando tambo wiring, asi haina kuganhurirwa pakushandisa chete 90 degree uye 45 degree Angle mutsara zvikamu. Topological wiring is wire wiring that does not adhere to grids and coordinates and does not use regular or irregular grids like shape-based wiring. Ngatitsanangurei izwi rinoshanduka wiring sewaya wiring isina yakatarwa chimiro iyo inogonesa chaiyo-nguva waya dhizaini kuverenga zvakare kuzadzisa zvinotevera shanduko mikana. Arcs chete kubva kuzvipingamupinyi uye avo akajairika ma tangents anoshandiswa kuumba mutsara mutsara. (Obstacles include pins, copper foil, forbidden areas, holes and other objects) part of the circuit of two PCB models. Iyo yakasvibira uye tsvuku tambo inomhanya pamatanho akasiyana eiyo PCB modhi. The blue circles are the perforations. The red element is highlighted. There are also some red round pins. Use only line segments and models with an Angle of 90 degrees between them. Mufananidzo 1B ndeyePCB modhi inoshandisa arcs uye zvisizvo angles. Wiring at any Angle may seem strange, but it does have many advantages. The way it is wired is very similar to how engineers wired it by hand half a century ago. Inoratidza PCB chaiyo yakagadzirwa muna 1972 nekambani yekuAmerica inonzi Digibarn yekuzadza ruoko wiring. This is a PCB board based on Intel8008 computer. Iyo yekumanikidza Angle wiring inoratidzwa muMufananidzo 2 yakafanana chaizvo. Why would they use arbitrary Angle wiring? Nekuti iyi mhando yewiring ine zvakawanda zvakanaka. Arbitrary Angle wiring has many advantages. Kutanga, kusashandisa makona pakati pezvikamu zvemutsara kunochengetedza pcb nzvimbo (mapolgoni anogara achitora yakawanda nzvimbo kupfuura ma tangents). Traditional automatic cablers can place only three wires between adjacent components (see left and center in Figure 3). Nekudaro, kana uchiita waya kune chero Angle, pane nzvimbo yakakwana yekuisa mawaya mana munzira imwechete pasina kutyora dhizaini yekuongorora (DRC). Ngatitii tine yakanaka mode chip uye tinoda kubatanidza chip chipini kune mamwe maviri mapini. Using only 90 degrees takes up a lot of space. Uchishandisa zvisina tsananguro Angle wiring inogona kupfupisa chinhambwe pakati peye chip nemamwe mapini, uku uchidzikisa tsoka. In this case, the area was reduced from 30 square centimeters to 23 square centimeters. Rotating the chip at any Angle can also provide better results. In this case, the area was reduced from 23 square centimeters to 10 square centimeters. It shows a real PCB. Arbitrary Angle wiring with rotating chip function is the only wiring method for this circuit board. Iyi haisi chete dzidziso, asi zvakare inoshanda mhinduro (dzimwe nguva ndiyo chete inogoneka mhinduro). Shows an example of a simple PCB. Topology cabler mhedzisiro, nepo otomatiki cabler mhedzisiro ichibva pane yakanakisa chimiro mifananidzo yeiyo chaiyo PCB. An automatic cabler based on optimal shape cannot do this because the components are rotated at arbitrary angles. Unoda imwe nzvimbo, uye kana ukasatenderedza zvinhu, mudziyo unofanirwa kuitwa wakakura. Layout performance would be greatly improved without parallel segments, which are often a source of crosstalk. The level of crosstalk increases linearly as the length of parallel wires increases. As the spacing between parallel wires increases, crosstalk decreases quadratic. Let’s set the level of crosstalk produced by two parallel 1mm wires spaced d to e. Kana paine Angle pakati pezvikamu zvewaya, saka sezvo iyi Angle ichiwedzera, mwero wecrosstalk unodzikira. The crosstalk does not depend on the length of the wire, but only on the Angle value: where α represents the Angle between the wire segments. Chimbofunga zvinotevera zvitatu nzira tambo. On the left side of Figure 8 (90 degree layout), there is the maximum wire length and the maximum emi value due to parallel line segments. In the middle of Figure 8 (45 degree layout), the wire length and emi values are reduced. On the right-hand side (at any Angle), the wire length is shortest and there are no parallel wire segments, so the interference value is negligible. So arbitrary Angle wiring helps to reduce the total wire length and significantly reduce electromagnetic interference. You also remember the effect on signal delay (conductors should not be parallel and should not be perpendicular to the PCB fiberglass). Advantages of flexible wiring Manual and automatic movement of components does not destroy the wiring in flexible wiring. Iyo cabler inogadzirisa otomatiki chimiro chakanakisa chetambo (uchifunga nezvechibvumirano chinodiwa chekuchengetedza). Flexible cabling saka inogona kudzikisira zvakanyanya nguva inodiwa yekugadzirisa topology, ichitsigira akawanda kudzokorora kusangana nezvinetso. Izvi zvinoratidza pcb dhizaini inofamba ichipinda nemumaburi uye nemapoinzi ebazi. Munguva yekufamba otomatiki, waya matavi mapoinzi uye nepakati-maburi anogadziriswa kune akakwana chinzvimbo. In most computer-aided design (CAD) systems, the wiring interconnection problem is reduced to the problem of sequentially finding paths between pairs of points in a maze of pads, forbidden areas, and laid wires. Kana nzira ikawanikwa, inogadziriswa uye inova chikamu cheiyo maze. Iko kusagadzikana kwekuteedzana wiring ndeyekuti iyo wiring mhedzisiro inogona kutsamira pane wiring odha. Kana mhando yetopiki ichiri kure nekukwana, dambudziko re “kubatika” rinoitika munzvimbo diki dzemuno. But no matter which wire you rewire, it’s not going to improve the quality of the wiring. This is a serious problem in all CAD systems using sequential optimization. This is where the bending elimination process is useful. Waya yakakotama inoreva chiitiko chekuti waya mune imwe network inofanira kufamba ichitenderedza chinhu pane imwe network kuti iwane chinhu. Rewiring a wire will not correct this. Muenzaniso wekukotama unoratidzwa. A lit red wire travels around a pin in the other network, and an unlit red wire connects to this pin. Otomatiki kugadzirisa mhedzisiro inoratidzwa. In the second case (on another layer), a lighted green wire is automatically rewired by changing the wiring layer (from green to red). Eliminate wire bending by automatically optimizing wire shape (approximate arcs with line segments just to show any Angle examples without arcs). (top) original design, (bottom) after eliminating bending design. Tsvuku dzakakungwa waya dzinooneswa. Mumuti weSteiner, mitsara yese inofanirwa kuve yakabatana sezvikamu kune maveti (magumo uye kuwedzeredza). Pamusoro peimwe nyowani vertex, zvikamu zvitatu zvinofanirwa kusangana uye kwete zvinopfuura zvikamu zvitatu zvinofanirwa kupera. The Angle between the line segments that converge to the vertex shall not be less than 120 degrees. Izvo hazvina kuomesesa kuvaka Steiner neaya akakwana mamiriro ezvinhu, asi hazvireve hazvo zvishoma. Gray Steiner trees are not optimal, but black Steiner trees are. Mukugadzirwa kwekutaurirana kunobatsira, zvipingamupinyi zvakasiyana zvinofanirwa kutariswa. Ivo vano gumira kugona kwekuvaka mashoma anotambanudza miti vachishandisa maalgorithms uye Steiner miti vachishandisa nzira dzejometri. The obstacles are shown in gray and we recommend starting at any end vertex. If there is more than one adjacent terminating vertex, you should choose one that allows you to continue using the second vertex. It depends on the Angle. Iyo huru mashandiro pano isimba-based algorithm iyo inofungidzira masimba anoshanda pane zvitsva zvinyowani uye achidzokorodza achivaendesa kunzvimbo yekuenzanirana (ukuru nekutungamira kwemauto kunoenderana newaya panzvimbo dziri padyo nemapazi). Kana iyo Angle pakati pezvikamu zvemitsetse yakabatana ne vertex (terminus kana kuwedzera) iri pasi pe 120 degrees, poindi yebazi inogona kuwedzerwa, uyezve algorithm yemakanika inogona kushandiswa kugadzirisa iyo vertex chinzvimbo. It’s worth noting that simply sorting all angles in descending order and adding new vertices in that order doesn’t work, and the result is worse. After adding a new node, you should check the minimum of a subnet consisting of four pins:

1. If a vertex is added to the vicinity of another newly added vertex, check for the smallest four-pin network.

2. If the four-pin network is not minimal, select a pair of “diagonal” (belonging to the quadrilateral diagonal) endpoints or virtual terminal nodes (virtual terminal nodes – wire bends).

3. The line segment that connects the endpoint (virtual endpoint) to the nearest new vertex is replaced by the line segment that connects the endpoint (virtual endpoint) to the distant new vertex.

4. Use mechanical algorithms to optimize vertex positions.

This method does not guarantee to build the smallest network, but compared with other methods, it can achieve the smallest network length without grazing. Iyo zvakare inobvumira nzvimbo uko magumo ekubatanidza kwakarambidzwa, uye huwandu hwenzvimbo dzekupedzisira hunogona kuve hwekupokana.

Flexible wiring at any Angle has some other interesting advantages. For example, if you can automatically move many objects with the help of automatic real-time wire shape recalculation, you can create parallel serpentine lines. This cabling method makes better use of space, minimizes the number of iterations, and allows for flexible use of tolerances. If there are two serpentine lines interlaced with each other, the automatic cabler will reduce the length of one or both, depending on rule priority.

Consider the wiring of BGA components. In the traditional peripheral-to-center approach, the number of channels to the periphery is reduced by 8 with each successive layer (due to a reduction in perimeter). For example, a 28x28mm component with 784 pins requires 10 layers. Zvimwe zvezvikamu zviri mumufananidzo zvakatiza waya. Mufananidzo 16 unoratidza kota yeBGA. Panguva imwecheteyo, kana uchishandisa nzira “yepakati periphery” wiring, huwandu hwematanho anodikanwa kubuda kuenda parutivi haushanduke kubva pane yakaturikidzana kuenda pane yakaturikidzana. Izvi zvinodzora zvakanyanya huwandu hwematanho. Kune chikamu chemazana e28x28mm, zvidimbu zvinomwe zvakakwana. Kune zvikamu zvakakura, kukunda uye kukunda. Figure 17 shows a quarter of the BGA. An example of BGA wiring is shown. When using the “center to periphery” cabling approach, we can complete the cabling of all networks. Zvekupokana Angle topological otomatiki cabler inogona kuita izvi. Traditional automatic cablers cannot route this example. Shows an example of a real PCB where the engineer reduced the number of signal layers from 6 to 4 (compared to the specification). In addition, it took engineers only half a day to complete the wiring of the PCB.