Energia hornidurako PCBen diseinua eta EMC azterketa

Etengailuen horniduraren arazo zailaz ari garela, PCB cloth plate problems is not very difficult, but if want to cloth up a refined PCB must be one of the difficulties in switching power supply (PCB design is not good, may cause no matter how to debug parameter debugging cloth out of the situation, so not scaremongering) when reason was the PCB board consideration or a lot of, such as: Errendimendu elektrikoa, prozesuaren ibilbidea, segurtasun eskakizunak, EMCren eragina eta abar; Kontuan hartu beharreko faktoreen artean, elektrikoa da oinarrizkoena, baina EMC ulertzen zailena da, eta proiektu askoren botila EMC-n dago. Hauek 22 norabidetatik PCB taula eta EMC partekatzeko.

1, heldua zirkuitua lasai PCB diseinua EMI zirkuitua izan daiteke

Goiko zirkuituak EMCn duen eragina imajina daiteke, sarrerako iragazkiak hemen daude; Lightning-proof pressure sensitivity; R102 erresistentzia, shock korrontea ekiditeko (errelearekin galera murrizteko); Key error mode X capacitance and Y capacitance with inductor filtering; Segurtasun taulan eragina duten metxolak daude; Gailu horietako bakoitzak berebiziko garrantzia du, eta gailu bakoitzaren funtzioa eta ekintza arretaz eskertu behar dira. The EMC severity level should be considered when designing the circuit, such as the number of filters to be set, the number and location of the y-capacitor quantity. The choice of pressure-sensitive size and quantity is closely related to our requirements for EMC. Welcome to discuss the seemingly simple EMI circuit that actually contains profound truths for each component.

2. Zirkuitua eta EMC: (flyback topologiarik ezagunena, ikusi zirkuituaren funtsezko atalek EMC mekanismoa dutenak)

The circled parts in the circuit in the figure above are very important for EMC (note that the green part is not), such as radiation. It is known that electromagnetic field radiation is spatial, but the basic principle is the change of magnetic flux, which involves the effective cross-sectional area of magnetic field, namely the corresponding loop in the circuit. The electric current can produce a magnetic field, which is stable and cannot be converted into an electric field. Baina aldatzen ari den korronte elektriko batek eremu magnetikoa aldatzen du eta eremu magnetiko aldakorrak eremu elektriko bat sor dezake (hain zuzen ere, hau da Maxwell ekuazio famatua eta hizkuntza arrunta erabiltzen ari naiz), eta eremu elektriko aldakor batek magnetikoa ere sor dezake. zelaia. Beraz, ziurtatu aktibatuta / itzalita dauden lekuetan arreta jartzen duzula, hori da EMC iturrietako bat, eta hori da EMC iturrietako bat. For example, the dotted line loop in the circuit is the opening and closing loop of the switch tube. Not only the switching speed can be adjusted during the design of the circuit, but also the area of the wiring loop of the layout board has an important influence on EMC! Beste bi begiztak xurgatze begiztak eta zuzentzeko begiztak dira, lehenik aldez aurretik ulertu eta gero hitz egin!

3. PCB diseinuaren eta EMCren arteko lotura

1.PCB loop has a very important influence on EMC, such as flyback main power loop. If it is too large, the radiation will be poor.

2. Filter wiring effect, filter is used to filter out interference, but if PCB wiring is not good, filter may lose the effect it should have.

3. Egituraren zatiak, erradiadorearen diseinurako lurreratzea ez da ona blindatutako bertsioaren lurrean eragingo du;

4. Pieza sentikorra interferentzia iturritik gertuegi badago, hala nola EMI zirkuitua eta etengailu hodia, ezinbestean EMC eskasa izango da eta isolamendu eremu argia behar da.

5. RC xurgapen begiztaren kableatua.

6.Y capacitor grounding and wiring, and the position of Y capacitor is also critical!

Honetaz hitz egingo dut, eta gehiago hitz egingo dut, baina aurrerapena emango dizut.

Here’s a quick example:

Goiko irudiko puntu-koadroan agertzen den bezala, X kondentsadoreen pin kablea koska egin da. Kondentsadorearen pinaren kablea kanpoko nola egiten den ikas dezakezu (estutu korronte kableatua erabiliz). Horrela, X kondentsadorearen iragazte efektua egoera onenera irits daiteke.

4. PCB diseinurako prestaketa: (guztiz prestatuta bazaude, diseinua pausoz pauso egonkorra izan daiteke diseinua irauli eta berriro hastea ekiditeko)

There are roughly the following aspects, are their own design process to consider, all the content has nothing to do with other tutorials, are just their own experience summary.

1. Appearance structure size, including positioning hole, air channel flow direction, input and output socket, need to match with the customer system, also need to communicate with the customer assembly problems, height limit and so on.

2. Safety certification, products do what kind of certification, where do the basic insulation creepage distance to leave enough, where do strengthen the insulation to leave enough distance or slot.

3. Packaging design: there is no special period, such as preparation for customized packaging.

4. Prozesuaren ibilbidea hautatzea: panel bakarreko panel bikoitzeko hautaketa edo geruza anitzeko taula, diagrama eskematikoaren eta taularen tamainaren, kostuaren eta bestelako ebaluazio osoaren arabera.

5. Other special requirements of customers.

The structure and process will be relatively more flexible, safety regulations or relatively fixed part, what certification to do, what safety standards, of course, there are some safety regulations are common in many standards, but there are also some special products such as medical treatment will be more stringent.

For the new entry engineer friends are not dazzled;

Next list some general products general, the following is summarized for IEC60065 specific cloth requirements, for safety needs to keep in mind, encounter specific products will be targeted processing:

1. Sarrerako fusibleen pad-aren distantzia 3.0 mm baino handiagoa da segurtasun arauek eskatzen duten moduan, eta benetako plaka 3.5 mm da (hitz soilean, fusiblearen isurketa distantzia 3.5 mm aurretik eta 3.0 mm ondoren da).

2. Before and after the rectifier bridge, the safety requirements are 2.0MM, and the plate layout is 2.5MM.

3. After rectification, safety regulations generally do not require, but the distance between high and low voltage is left according to the actual voltage, and 400V high voltage is left above 2.0mm.

4. Lehen faseko segurtasun arauak 6.4 mm (hutsune elektrikoa) behar ditu, eta isurketa distantziak 7.6 mm izan behar du. (Kontuan izan hau sarrerako tentsioarekin lotuta dagoela, taulara jo behar da kalkulu zehatzetarako, erreferentzia gisa emandako datuak soilik, benetako egoeraren arabera)

5. Cold ground and hot ground are clearly marked for the first stage; L, N marka, INPUT AC INPUT marka, fusibleen abisu marka eta abar argi markatu behar dira;

It is reiterated that the actual safety distance is related to the actual input voltage and the working environment, so it is necessary to refer to the table for specific calculation. The data provided is for reference only and shall prevail in the actual situation.

5. Consider other factors for PCB design safety

1. Understand what certification their products do and what product categories they belong to. For example, medical treatment, communication, electricity, TV and so on are different, but there are also many similarities.

2. Segurtasun araudietan, ulertu PCB-ko taulako leku hurbileko isolamendu ezaugarriak, zein leku oinarrizko isolamendua den, zein leku isolamendu indartua den, isolamendu distantzia estandar desberdina ez da berdina. Hobe da estandarrak egiaztatzea, eta distantzia elektrikoa, isurketa distantzia kalkula dezake.

3. Focus on the safety devices of the product, such as the relationship between the magnetism of the transformer and the original side;

4. Radiator and surrounding distance problem, radiator insulation is not the same as the ground is not the same, the ground is cold, hot insulation is the same cloth.

5. Special attention should be paid to the distance of insurance, requiring the strictest place. The distance between front and rear of the fuse is consistent.

6. Y kapazitantziaren eta ihes korrontearen eta kontaktu korrontearen arteko erlazioa.

Eta abar, zehatz-mehatz azalduko du distantzia nola utzi, segurtasun baldintzak nola egin.

6, PCB hornidura elektrikoaren diseinua

1. Lehenik eta behin neurtu PCBaren tamaina eta osagai kopurua, horrela dentsitate ona edo trinkoa eta urria lortzeko itsusia izango da.

2. Modularizatu zirkuitua, hartu gailu nagusiak zentro gisa eta jarri gailu nagusiak lehenbailehen.

3. Gailua kokapenaren aurkako bertikala edo horizontala da, bata ederra da, bestea plug-in funtzionamendu egokia da, egoera bereziek okertu dezakete.

4. Take cabling into consideration and arrange the layout in the most reasonable position for subsequent cabling.

5. Murriztu begiztaren eremua diseinuan zehar. Lau begiztak xeheki azalduko dira aurrerago.

Do the above points, of course, flexible use, more reasonable layout will be born soon.

Jarraian marraztu nuen lehen PCB birjina da, duela urte asko amaitzea oso gogorra zen, erdian arazo txiki bat egon daiteke, baina diseinu orokorra ikastea merezi du:

In this figure, the power density is still relatively high. The control part of LLC, the auxiliary source part and the BUCK circuit driver (high-power multi-channel output) part are on the small board, which is not taken out. Let’s take a look at the layout characteristics of the main power:

1. Sarrera eta irteerako terminalak finkoak dira eta ezin dira mugitu. Taula angeluzuzena da.

Hemen diseinua behetik gora da, ezkerretik eskuinera, eta beroa xahutzea oskolaren mende dago.

2. EMI zirkuituak fluxuaren norabide argia da oraindik, oso garrantzitsua da, bestela ez da ederra eta txarra EMCrentzat.

3. The position of large capacitor should consider PFC loop and LLC main power loop as far as possible;

4. The current of the side side is relatively large. In order to run the current and dissipate the heat of the rectifier tube, this layout is adopted. Potentzia handiko goiko geruza normalean negatiboa da, eta beheko geruza positiboa.

Each board has its own characteristics, of course, also has its own difficulties, how to reasonably solve the key, we can understand the layout of reasonable selection of meaning?

7. PCB adibideen estimua

I think it is a good place to do it. Of course, there will always be defects, which can also be pointed out. It is not easy for a single panel to be so compact, so you can use this board to learn and discuss! Atzetik ere arbel honek ikaskuntza azaltzeko aukera izango du, lehen gustura gaude.

8. PCB diseinuaren lau begiztak ulertzea: (PCB diseinuaren oinarrizko eskakizuna lau begiztaren azalera txikia da)

Gainera, xurgapen begizta (RCD xurgapena, MOS hodiaren RC xurgapena eta hodi zuzentzaile RC xurgapena) ere oso garrantzitsua da, maiztasun handiko erradiazioak sortzen dituen begizta ere bada. Goiko irudiari buruzko edozein zalantza izanez gero, eztabaidatu dezakezu. Ez dugu inolako galderaren beldur.

9. PCB diseinuko puntu beroa (puntu potentzial flotagarria) eta lurreko haria:

Arreta behar duten gaiak:

1. Pay special attention to hot spots (high-frequency switching points), which are high-frequency radiation points. Cable layout has a great impact on EMC.

2. Puntu beroek osatzen duten begizta txikia da eta kableatua laburra da, eta kableatua ez da ahalik eta lodiena, baina korrontea nahikoa den bitartean.

3. Lurreko kablea puntu bakarrean jarri behar da lurrera. Potentzia nagusia eta seinalea lurretik bereizita, laginketa lurrak bereizita doaz.

4. Erradiadorearen zorua elektrizitate lurrera konektatu behar da.