PCB motako sarrera

Inprimatutako zirkuitu taula (PCBS) are boards used as substrates in most electronic devices – both as physical supports and as wiring areas for surface mount and socket assemblies. PCBS are usually made of fiberglass, composite epoxy resin, or other composite materials.


PCB motako sarrera

Most PCBS for simple electronic devices are simple and consist of only a single layer. Hardware konplexuagoak, hala nola ordenagailuko txartel grafikoak edo motherboards, geruza ugari izan ditzakete, batzuetan 12raino.

Although PCBS are usually associated with computers, they can be found in many other electronic devices, such as televisions, radios, digital cameras and cell phones. Kontsumitzaileen elektronikan eta ordenagailuetan erabiltzeaz gain, PCBS mota desberdinak beste hainbat arlotan erabiltzen dira, besteak beste:

• Medical equipment. Gaur egun elektronika trinkoagoa da eta aurreko produktuek baino energia gutxiago kontsumitzen dute, beraz, teknologia berri eta zirraragarriak probatu ahal izango dira. Most medical devices use high-density PCBS for creating the smallest and most dense designs. Medikuntzako eremuan erabiltzeko gailuak garatzeak dakartzan muga berezi batzuk arintzen laguntzen du, tamaina txikia eta pisu arina behar direlako. PCBSk gailu txikietatik (taupada-markagailuak bezalakoak) handietara (X izpien ekipoak edo CAT eskanerrak bezalakoak) sartu ditu.

• Industrial machinery. PCBS potentzia handiko makineria industrialetan erabili ohi da. Thick copper PCBS can be used where current one-ounce copper PCBS do not meet requirements. Kobrezko PCBS lodiagoak onuragarriak dira kasuetan motor kontrolagailuak, korronte handiko bateria kargagailuak eta karga industrialak probatzeko kasuetan.

• lighting. Because LED-based lighting solutions are popular because of their low power consumption and high efficiency, so are the aluminum backplane PCBS used to make them. PCBS hauek erradiadore gisa funtzionatzen dute eta PCBS estandarrak baino bero transferentzia maila altuagoak ahalbidetzen dituzte. These same aluminum backboard PCBS form the basis of high lumen LED applications and basic lighting solutions.

• Automotive and aerospace industries. The automotive and aerospace industries use flexible PCBS designed to withstand the high vibration environments common in both fields. Zehaztapenen eta diseinuaren arabera, oso arinak ere izan daitezke, eta hori beharrezkoa da garraio industrian piezak fabrikatzeko. They can also fit into tight Spaces that may exist in these applications, such as inside the dashboard or behind the instruments on the dashboard.

PCB taula ugari daude, bakoitza bere fabrikazio zehaztapen, material mota eta erabilera bereziekin: geruza bakarreko PCBa, geruza bikoitzeko PCBa, geruza anitzeko PCBa, PCB zurruna, PCB malgua, PCB malgua zurruna, maiztasun handiko PCBa, aluminiozko atzeko aldea PCBa.

Geruza bakarreko PCB bat

Alde bakarreko edo alde bakarreko PCBa substratu bakar batez egindako PCB edo substratua da. One side of the substrate is coated with a thin metal layer. Copper is the most common coating because of its good electrical conductivity. Once a copper-based coating is applied, a protective welding mask is usually used, followed by the use of all elements on the last screen printing plate.

PCB motako sarrera

Single-layer/single-side PCBS are easy to design and manufacture because they weld the various circuits and components on only one side. This ubiquity means they can be purchased at low cost, especially for high-volume orders. Kostu baxuko eta gaitasun handiko modeloek esan nahi dute normalean hainbat aplikazioetan erabiltzen direla, besteak beste, kalkulagailuetan, kameretan, irratietan eta estereo ekipoetan, egoera solidoan unitateak, inprimagailuak eta elikatze iturriak.

Double-layer printed circuit board

The substrate material for a double – or double-sided printed circuit board has a thin layer of conductive metal, such as copper, applied to both sides of the board. Taulan zehar zulatutako zuloek taularen alde bateko zirkuituak beste aldeko zirkuituetara konektatzeko aukera ematen dute.

PCB motako sarrera

Components of a circuit and a double-layer PCB board are usually connected in one of two ways: using a through-hole or using a surface mount. A through-hole connection means that small wires called leads are fed through the hole, with each end of the leads welded to the right-hand component.

PCBS gainazalean muntatzeak ezin ditu hariak konektore gisa erabili. Instead, many of the small leads are welded directly to the board, meaning that the board itself is used as a wiring surface for the different components. Horri esker, zirkuitua espazio gutxiagorekin osatuko da, espazioa askatuz taulak funtzio gehiago egin ditzan, askotan azkarragoak eta zulo zeharkako taulak onartuko lituzkeenak baino gutxiago pisatuz.

Double side PCBS are commonly used in applications that require intermediate levels of circuit complexity, such as industrial controls, power supplies, instrumentation, HVAC systems, LED lighting, car dashboards, amplifiers, and vending machines.

Multzoa PCB

Multi-layer PCB consists of a series of three or more layers of double-layer PCBS. These plates are then held together with special glue and clamped between the insulation pieces to ensure that excess heat does not melt any of the components. Multi-layer PCBS come in a variety of sizes, as small as four layers or as large as ten or twelve. The largest multilayer PCB ever built is 50 layers thick.

PCB motako sarrera

For multilayer printed circuit boards, designers can produce very thick, complex designs suitable for a variety of complex electrical tasks. Beneficial applications for multilayer PCBS include file servers, data storage, GPS technology, satellite systems, weather analysis and medical devices.

PCB zurruna

Rigid printed circuit boards are printed circuit boards made of a strong substrate material that prevents the board from twisting. Probably the most common example of a rigid PCB is a computer motherboard. The motherboard is a multi-layer PCB designed to distribute power from the power supply while allowing all parts of the computer to communicate with each other, such as the CPU, GPU and RAM.

Rigid PCB composition is perhaps the largest number of PCBS manufactured. These PCBS can be used anywhere the PCB itself needs to be set to a shape and remain so for the rest of the life of the device. PCBS zurrunak geruza bakarreko PCBS sinpleak edo 8 edo 10 geruzako PCBS izan daitezke.

PCB motako sarrera

All rigid PCBS have single, double, or multilayer structures, so they share the same application.

PCB malgua

PCBS zurrunak ez bezala, beira-zuntza bezalako material ez itsaskorrak erabiltzen dituztenak, PCBS malguak tolestu eta mugitu daitezkeen materialez eginda daude, hala nola plastikoa. Similar to rigid PCBS, flexible PCBS come in single, double, or multi-layer formats. Because they need to be printed on flexible materials, they tend to be more expensive to manufacture.

PCB motako sarrera

Hala ere, PCBS malguak abantaila ugari eskaintzen ditu PCBS zurrunekiko. The most striking of these advantages is their flexibility. This means they can be folded around the edges and wound around the corners. Their flexibility saves on cost and weight by using a single flexible PCB to cover areas that might need multiple rigid PCBS.

PCBS malguak PCBS zurrun anitzek eragin ditzaketen guneetan ere erabil daitezke. Environmental hazards. Horretarako, iragazgaitza, kolpearen kontrakoa, korrosioaren kontrako erresistentzia edo tenperatura altuko olioa izan daitezkeen materialez soilik fabrikatzen dira, ohiko PCBS zurrunek izan ez dezaketen aukera.

PCB zurrun malgua

When it comes to the two most important overall PCBS, flexible rigid PCBS combine the best of both. The flexible rigid board is composed of multiple flexible PCB layers attached to multiple rigid PCB layers.

PCBS zurrun malguak abantaila ugari ditu aplikazio jakin batzuetan soilik PCBS zurrunak edo malguak erabiltzearen aldean. Adibidez, plaka zurrun-malguak plaka zurrun edo malgu tradizionalek baino pieza kopuru txikiagoa dute, bien kableen aukerak plaka bakarrean konbinatu daitezkeelako. Combining rigid and flexible boards into a single rigid-flexible board also allows for a more streamlined design that reduces overall board size and package weight.

PCB motako sarrera

PCBS zurrun malguak gehienetan espazioa edo pisua kezkatzen duten aplikazioetan aurkitzen dira, telefono mugikorrak, kamera digitalak, taupada-markagailuak eta autoak barne.

High-frequency PCB

Hf PCBSek PCBen diseinuaren elementu orokorrei erreferentzia egiten diete PCBen eraikuntzari baino, aurreko modeloetan bezala. Hf PCBS are circuit boards designed to transmit signals in excess of 1 gigahertz.

PCB motako sarrera

Hf PCB materials typically include FR4 grade glass fiber reinforced epoxy laminate, polyphenylene ether (PPO) resin and teflon. Teflon is one of the most expensive options because of its small and stable dielectric constant, small dielectric loss and overall low water absorption.

Many aspects of the PCB board and its corresponding type of PCB connector need to be considered when selecting high frequency, including dielectric constant (DK), dissipation, loss, and dielectric thickness.

Horien artean garrantzitsuena aipatutako materialaren Dk da. Etengabeko aldaketa dielektrikoaren probabilitate handia duten materialek seinale digitala osatzen duten harmonikoak eten eta seinale digitalaren osotasunaren galera orokorra eragiten duten inpedantzia aldaketak sortzen dituzte – hb PCBS ekiditeko diseinatutako faktorea da.

Other considerations when choosing the type of circuit board and PC connector to use when designing hf PCBS include:

• Dielectric loss (DF), which affects the quality of signal transmission. Small dielectric loss may result in a small amount of signal waste.

• Thermal expansion. PCBa eraikitzeko erabilitako materialek, hala nola kobrezko paperak, dilatazio termiko abiadura desberdinak badituzte, materialak elkarrengandik bereiz daitezke tenperatura aldaketak direla eta.

• Water absorption. High water intake can affect the dielectric constant and dielectric loss of a PCB, especially when used in wet environments.

• Other resistors. Materials used to construct HF PCBS shall be rated as required for heat resistance, impact resistance and hazardous chemicals.

Aluminum backing PCB

The design of an aluminum backed PCB is roughly the same as that of a copper backed PCB. Hala ere, beira-zuntza erabili beharrean, PCB taula mota gehienetan ohikoa denez, PCBS aluminiozko atzeko planoak aluminiozko edo kobrezko substratuak erabiltzen ditu.

PCB motako sarrera

The aluminum backing is lined with insulation and is designed to have low thermal resistance, meaning less heat is transferred from the insulation to the backing. Once insulation is applied, layers of copper circuit from 1 ounce to 10 inches thick are applied.

Aluminum backed PCBS have a number of advantages over fiberglass backed PCBS, including:

• Low cost. Aluminum is one of the most abundant metals on Earth, accounting for 8.23% of the earth’s weight. Aluminioa erauztea erraza eta merkea da eta horrek fabrikazio prozesuan kostuak murrizten laguntzen du. Horren ondorioz, merkeagoa da aluminiozko produktuak egitea.

• ingurumena zaintzea. Aluminioa ez da toxikoa eta birziklatzen erraza da. Zirkuitu inprimatuak aluminioz egitea ere energia aurrezteko modu ona da muntatzen erraza delako.

• heat dissipation. Aluminioa zirkuitu-plaka bateko funtsezko osagaietatik beroa xahutzeko erabil daitekeen material onenetarikoa da. It does not radiate heat to the rest of the plate, but to the open air. Aluminiozko PCBS tamaina bereko kobrezko PCBS baino azkarrago hozten da.

• Materialaren iraunkortasuna. Aluminioa beira-zuntza edo zeramika bezalako materialak baino iraunkorragoa da eta bereziki ona da erorketa probetarako. Substratu sendoagoak erabiltzeak fabrikazioan, garraioan eta instalazioan kalteak murrizten laguntzen du.

Abantaila horiek guztiak aluminiozko PCBS aukera ezin hobea dira irteerako potentzia handia behar duten aplikazioetarako oso tolerantzia estuen barruan, besteak beste, zirkulazioko faroak, automobilgintzako argiztapena, elikatze iturriak, motor kontrolagailuak eta korronte handiko zirkuituak.

Erabilera-arlo nagusiez gain, aluminioz babestutako PCBS ere erabil daiteke egonkortasun mekaniko handia behar denean edo PCBak tentsio mekaniko altuak jasan ditzakeenean. They are less susceptible to thermal expansion than fiberglass panels, which means that other materials on the board, such as copper foil and insulation, are less likely to peel off, further extending the life of the product.

Urteetan zehar, PCBS geruza bakarreko PCBS soiletatik gailu elektronikoen kalkulagailuak bezalako sistema konplexuagoetara bilakatu da, hala nola maiztasun handiko Teflon diseinuak. PCBSk lurreko ia industria guztietan sartu du bidea, argiztapen irtenbideak bezalako elektronika sinpleetatik hasi eta teknologia medikoa edo aeroespaziala bezalako industria konplexuagoetara arte.

PCBSren garapenak PCB eraikuntzako materialak garatzea ere ekarri du: jada ez da beira-zuntzez babestutako kobrezko paperez egindako PCBS bakarrik. Eraikuntzako material berrien artean aluminioa, tefloia eta baita tolestagarriak diren plastikoak daude. Plastiko okergarriak eta aluminioak batez ere produktuak sortzea erraztu dute, hala nola, zurrun malguak eta aluminiozko babesak dituzten PCBSak, industria askorekin lotutako ohiko arazoak konpontzeko.