Pcb yakakwira frequency frequency plate kupatsanura

Tsanangudzo ye high-frequency PCB board

Yakakwira frequency bhodhi inoreva kune yakasarudzika yemagetsi frequency frequency wedunhu bhodhi, inoshandiswa mukukwirira kwakanyanya (yakakura kupfuura 300 MHZ frequency kana wavelength iri pasi pe1 mita) uye microwave (yakakura kupfuura 3 GHZ frequency kana wavelength iri pasi pe 0.1 metres) mumunda we Pcb, iri pane microwave base mhangura yakapfeka uchishandisa zvakajairika kuomarara wedunhu bhodhi yekugadzira nzira yechikamu cheichi chiitiko kana kushandiswa kweakakosha maitiro ekugadzirisa uye kugadzirwa kwematunhu mabhodhi. Kazhinji, mabhiripiti epamusoro-soro anogona kutsanangurwa semabhodhi ematunhu ane masaizi ari pamusoro pe1GHz.


With the rapid development of science and technology, more and more equipment design is in the microwave band (> 1GHZ) and even with the millimeter wave field (30GHZ) above the application, which also means that the frequency is higher and higher, the substrate of the circuit board requirements are also higher and higher. Semuenzaniso, substrate zvigadzirwa zvinofanirwa kuve nemhando yepamusoro yemagetsi zvivakwa, yakanaka kugadzikana kwemakemikari, pamwe nekuwedzera kwesimba chiratidzo frequency mune iyo substrate kurasikirwa zvinodiwa zvidiki kwazvo, saka kukosha kwepamusoro frequency ndiro kunojekeswa.

Classification of PCB high frequency plate

1, at the end of the ceramic filled thermosetting material

Processing method:

And epoxy resin/glass woven cloth (FR4) similar processing process, but the plate is more brittle, easy to break, drilling and gong plate drill nozzle and gong knife life is reduced by 20%.

2. PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) zvinhu

Processing method:

1. Kuvhura kwechinhu: firimu rekudzivirira rinofanirwa kuchengetwa kudzivirira kukwenya uye induction

2. The chibooreso:

2.1 use a new drill (standard 130), one piece stacked is the best, the presser foot pressure is 40psi

2.2 Aluminium jira seplate yekuvhara, wobva washandisa 1mm dense amine ndiro, sungisa iyo PTFE ndiro

2.3 Bvisa guruva kubva mugomba nepfuti yemhepo mushure mekuchera

2.4 Nechigodhi chakanyanya kutsiga, kuchera maparameter (zvinyowani, iro gomba, rinokurumidza chiyero chekuchera, diki Chip mutoro, idiki chiyero chekudzoka)

3. Kugadziriswa kwegomba

Plasma kurapwa kana sodium-naphthalene activation kurapwa kunobatsira kune metallization ye pores

4. PTH kunyura mhangura

4.1 Mushure me micro-etching (iyo micro-etching chiyero yanga ichidzorwa ne20 micro-inches), ndiro yacho inodyiswa kubva kumafuta kubvisa humburumbira muPTH kudhonza

4.2 If necessary, go through the second PTH, just from the forecast? The cylinder began to enter the plate

5. The resistance welding

5.1 Pre-treatment: use acid washing plate instead of mechanical grinding plate

5.2 After pre-treatment, bake plate (90℃, 30min), brush green oil and cure

5.3 Three baking plates: one is 80℃, 100℃ and 150℃ for 30min each (if oil is found on the substrate surface, it can be reworked: wash off the green oil and reactivate it)

6. Gong board

Lay the white paper on the PTFE board circuit surface, and clamp it with fr-4 base plate or phenolic base plate with a thickness of 1.0mm and copper removal: As shown in the figure:

Ndeapi pcb akakwira frequency mabhodhi? Pcb yakakwira frequency frequency plate kupatsanura

Yakakwira frequency uye yekumhanyisa sheet sheet

Kana uchisarudza substrate yePCB yemakuru ma frequency maseketi, kutarisisa kwakakosha kunofanirwa kupihwa kune kusiana kwehunhu hwezvinhu DK pane akasiyana mafrifits. For the requirements of signal high-speed transmission or characteristic impedance control, DF and its performance under the conditions of frequency, temperature and humidity are mainly investigated.

Under the condition of frequency variation, the DK and DF values of general substrate materials change greatly. Kunyanya mune iyo frequency renji kubva kuL MHz kuenda kuL GHz, yavo DK uye DF tsika dzinochinja zvakanyanya pachena. For example, the GENERAL epoxy – glass fiber substrate material (general FR-4) has a DK value of 4.7 at lMHz and a DK value of 4.19 at lGHz. Pamusoro lGHz, kukosha kwayo kweDK kunochinja zvinyoro. For example, under l0GHz, the DK value of FR-4 is 4.15. For substrate materials with high speed and high frequency characteristics, the DK value changes slightly. From lMHz to lGHz, the DK value mostly stays within 0.02 range. The DK value tends to decrease slightly at different frequencies from low to high.

Iyo dielectric yekurasikirwa chinhu (DF) yeiyo general substrate zvinhu yakakura kupfuura iyo yeDK nekuda kwesimba rekuwandisa kwehuwandu (kunyanya mune yakakwira frequency renji). Naizvozvo, kana tichiongorora yakakwira frequency hunhu hweiyo substrate zvinhu, isu tinofanirwa kutarisa pane shanduko yeiyo DF kukosha. Iyo substrate zvinhu zvine kumhanya kwakanyanya uye yakakwira frequency hunhu zviri pachena kuti zvakasiyana kubva kune zvakajairika substrate zvinhu maererano neakasiyana maitiro pane yakakwira frequency. Imwe ndeyekuti neshanduko ye frequency, iyo (DF) kukosha kwayo kunochinja zvishoma. Imwe yacho yakafanana neyakajairwa substrate zvinhu muhuwandu hwekusiyana, asi iyo yega (DF) kukosha kuri pasi.

How to choose high frequency high speed plate

Pcbc bhodhi kusarudzwa kunofanirwa kusangana nezvakarongwa zvinodiwa, kugadzirwa kwemazhinji uye mutengo wechiyero pakati. In short, the design requirements consist of two components: electrical and structural reliability. This is usually important when designing very high speed PCB boards (frequencies greater than GHz). For example, the fr-4 material commonly used today may not be applicable due to its large Df (Dielectricloss) at several GHz frequencies.

Ndeapi pcb akakwira frequency mabhodhi? Pcb yakakwira frequency frequency plate kupatsanura

For example, a 10Gb/S high-speed digital signal is a square wave, which can be regarded as a superposition of sinusoidal signals of different frequencies. Therefore, 10Gb/S contains many different frequency signals: 5Ghz fundamental signal, 3 order 15GHz, 5 order 25GHz, 7 order 35GHz signal, etc. Kuvimbika kwechiratidzo chemajitari uye kukwira kwemakona ekumusoro uye ezasi kwakafanana nekurasikirwa kushoma uye kutapudza kwakadzika kweiyo rf microwave (iyo yakakwira frequency harmonic chikamu cheiyo digital chiratidzo inosvika kune microwave bhendi). Therefore, in many respects, the PCB material selection of high-speed digital circuits is similar to the requirements of RF microwave circuits.

Ndeapi pcb akakwira frequency mabhodhi? Pcb yakakwira frequency frequency plate kupatsanura

In practical engineering operations, the selection of high-frequency plates seems simple, but there are still many factors to be considered. Through the introduction of this paper, AS a PCB design engineer or a high-speed project leader, I have a certain understanding of the characteristics and selection of plates. Nzwisisa zvemagetsi zvimiro, zvinopisa, kuvimbika, nezvimwe. And rational use of stacking, design a piece of high reliability, good processing products, various factors to consider the best.

Izvi zvinotevera zvichaunza zvinhu zvakakosha zvekutarisa pakusarudza ndiro yakakodzera:

1, kugadzirwa:

Senge kuwanda kwekutsikirira kuita, tembiricha kuita, CAF / kupisa kupisa uye mega kuomarara (viscosity) (kuvimbika kwakanaka), chiyero chemoto;

2, with the product matching performance (electrical, performance stability, etc.) :

Kurasikirwa kwakadzika, kugadzikana Dk / Df parameter, yakaderera kupararira, diki shanduko coefficient ne frequency uye nharaunda, diki shiviriro yezvinhu ukobvu uye yerabha zvemukati (yakanaka impedance kudzora), kana waya iri refu, funga yakaderera roughness mhangura foil. In addition, simulation is needed in the early stage of high-speed circuit design, and simulation results are the reference standard for design. “Xingsen Technology – Agilent (yakakwira kumhanya / RADIO frequency) Joint rabhoritari” yakagadzirisa chinetso chekuita kweasingaenderane mhedzisiro mhedzisiro uye bvunzo, uye yakaita huwandu hukuru hwekuenzanisa uye chaiko bvunzo yakavharwa-loop ongororo, kuburikidza nenzira yakasarudzika yekuwana kuenderana kwe kuenzanisa uye kuyera.

Ndeapi pcb akakwira frequency mabhodhi? Pcb yakakwira frequency frequency plate kupatsanura

3. Kuwanikwa panguva yakakodzera kwezvinhu:

Mazhinji epamusoro-frequency ndiro yekutenga yekutenderera yakatoreba, kunyangwe 2-3 mwedzi; In addition to the conventional high frequency plate RO4350 has inventory, many high frequency plates need to be provided by customers. Therefore, high frequency plate and manufacturers need to communicate well in advance, as soon as possible;

4. Zvinodhura zvinhu:

Depending on the price sensitivity of the product, whether it is a consumer product, or a telecommunications, medical, industrial, military application;

5. Applicability of laws and regulations, etc.

Kuti ive inowirirana nemitemo yezvakatipoteredza yenyika dzakasiyana uye inosangana nezvinodiwa zveRoHS uye isina halogen.

Among the above factors, the running speed of high-speed digital circuit is the main factor to consider in PCB selection. The higher the circuit speed, the smaller the selected PCBDf value should be. Iyo wedunhu ndiro ine yepakati uye yakaderera kurasikirwa ichave yakakodzera kune 10Gb / S yedunhu redhijitari; Iyo ndiro ine kurasikirwa kwakaderera inokodzera 25Gb / s yedunhu redhijitari; Mapaneli ane yekupedzisira-yakaderera kurasikirwa inokwana nekukurumidza, kumhanya-kumhanya dhijitari macircuit pamitengo ye50Gb / s kana kumusoro.

Kubva pane izvo zvinhu Df:

Df pakati pe0.01 ~ 0.005 redunhu bhodhi inokodzera iyo yepamusoro muganho we10Gb / S wedunhu redhijitari;

Df pakati pe0.005 ~ 0.003 redunhu bhodhi inokodzera iyo yepamusoro muganho we25Gb / S wedunhu redhijitari;

Maseketi emabhodhi ane Df asingasviki 0.0015 anokodzera 50Gb / S kana akakwira masipidhi edhijitari.

Inowanzo shandiswa yakakwira-mhanyisa mahwendefa ndeaya:

1), Rogers: RO4003, RO3003, RO4350, RO5880, nezvimwe

2), Taiyao TUC: Tuc862, 872SLK, 883, 933, nezvimwe

3), Panasonic: Megtron4, Megtron6, nezvimwe

4), Isola: FR408HR, IS620, IS680, nezvimwe

5) Nelco: N4000-13, N4000-13EPSI, nezvimwe

6), Dongguan Shengyi, Taizhou Wangling, Taixing Microwave, etc.