
的定義 high-frequency PCB board

高頻板是指專用電磁頻率電路板,用於高頻(頻率大於300MHZ或波長小於1米)和微波(頻率大於3GHZ或波長小於0.1米)領域PCB,是在微波基覆銅上採用普通剛性電路板製造方法的一部分工藝或採用特殊加工方法而生產的電路板。 一般來說,高頻板可以定義為頻率在1GHz以上的電路板。


With the rapid development of science and technology, more and more equipment design is in the microwave band (> 1GHZ) and even with the millimeter wave field (30GHZ) above the application, which also means that the frequency is higher and higher, the substrate of the circuit board requirements are also higher and higher. 例如,基板材料需要具有優良的電性能、良好的化學穩定性,隨著功率信號頻率的增加,基板損耗要求非常小,因此高頻板的重要性就凸顯出來。

Classification of PCB high frequency plate

1, at the end of the ceramic filled thermosetting material


And epoxy resin/glass woven cloth (FR4) similar processing process, but the plate is more brittle, easy to break, drilling and gong plate drill nozzle and gong knife life is reduced by 20%.

2. PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)材料



2. 演練:

2.1 use a new drill (standard 130), one piece stacked is the best, the presser foot pressure is 40psi

2.2 鋁板做蓋板,再用1mm密胺板,擰緊聚四氟乙烯板

2.3 鑽孔後用氣槍將孔內灰塵吹出

2.4 用最穩定的鑽機,鑽孔參數(基本上孔越小,鑽孔速度越快,排屑量越小,回程率越小)



4. PTH沉銅

4.1 微蝕後(微蝕速率已控制在20微英寸),板從PTH拉出的除油缸進料

4.2 If necessary, go through the second PTH, just from the forecast? The cylinder began to enter the plate

5. The resistance welding

5.1 Pre-treatment: use acid washing plate instead of mechanical grinding plate

5.2 After pre-treatment, bake plate (90℃, 30min), brush green oil and cure

5.3 Three baking plates: one is 80℃, 100℃ and 150℃ for 30min each (if oil is found on the substrate surface, it can be reworked: wash off the green oil and reactivate it)

6. Gong board

Lay the white paper on the PTFE board circuit surface, and clamp it with fr-4 base plate or phenolic base plate with a thickness of 1.0mm and copper removal: As shown in the figure:

PCB高頻板有哪些? PCB高頻板分類


在為高頻電路選擇PCB基板時,應特別考慮材料DK在不同頻率下的變化特性。 For the requirements of signal high-speed transmission or characteristic impedance control, DF and its performance under the conditions of frequency, temperature and humidity are mainly investigated.

Under the condition of frequency variation, the DK and DF values of general substrate materials change greatly. 特別是在 L MHz 到 L GHz 的頻率範圍內,它們的 DK 和 DF 值變化更加明顯。 For example, the GENERAL epoxy – glass fiber substrate material (general FR-4) has a DK value of 4.7 at lMHz and a DK value of 4.19 at lGHz. 在lGHz以上,其DK值變化平緩。 For example, under l0GHz, the DK value of FR-4 is 4.15. For substrate materials with high speed and high frequency characteristics, the DK value changes slightly. From lMHz to lGHz, the DK value mostly stays within 0.02 range. The DK value tends to decrease slightly at different frequencies from low to high.

由於頻率變化的影響(特別是在高頻範圍內),一般基板材料的介電損耗因數(DF)比DK的大。 因此,在評估基板材料的高頻特性時,應重點關注其DF值的變化。 高速、高頻特性的基板材料在高頻變化特性方面明顯不同於一般的基板材料。 一是隨著頻率的變化,它的(DF)值變化很小。 另一種在變化範圍上與一般基板材料相似,但其自身(DF)值較低。

How to choose high frequency high speed plate

PCB板的選擇必須滿足設計要求、量產與成本之間的平衡。 In short, the design requirements consist of two components: electrical and structural reliability. This is usually important when designing very high speed PCB boards (frequencies greater than GHz). For example, the fr-4 material commonly used today may not be applicable due to its large Df (Dielectricloss) at several GHz frequencies.

PCB高頻板有哪些? PCB高頻板分類

For example, a 10Gb/S high-speed digital signal is a square wave, which can be regarded as a superposition of sinusoidal signals of different frequencies. Therefore, 10Gb/S contains many different frequency signals: 5Ghz fundamental signal, 3 order 15GHz, 5 order 25GHz, 7 order 35GHz signal, etc. 數字信號的完整性和上下邊緣的陡峭程度與射頻微波的低損耗、低失真傳輸相同(數字信號的高頻諧波部分達到微波頻段)。 Therefore, in many respects, the PCB material selection of high-speed digital circuits is similar to the requirements of RF microwave circuits.

PCB高頻板有哪些? PCB高頻板分類

In practical engineering operations, the selection of high-frequency plates seems simple, but there are still many factors to be considered. Through the introduction of this paper, AS a PCB design engineer or a high-speed project leader, I have a certain understanding of the characteristics and selection of plates. 了解電性能、熱性能、可靠性等。 And rational use of stacking, design a piece of high reliability, good processing products, various factors to consider the best.




2, with the product matching performance (electrical, performance stability, etc.) :

損耗低,Dk/Df參數穩定,色散小,隨頻率和環境變化係數小,材料厚度和橡膠含量公差小(阻抗控制好),如果線長,考慮低粗糙度銅箔。 In addition, simulation is needed in the early stage of high-speed circuit design, and simulation results are the reference standard for design. “興森科技-安捷倫(高速/射頻)聯合實驗室”解決了仿真結果與測試不一致的性能問題,並做了大量仿真與實際測試閉環驗證,通過獨特的方法實現了仿真結果的一致性模擬和測量。

PCB高頻板有哪些? PCB高頻板分類

3. 材料及時供應:

很多高頻板材採購週期很長,甚至2-3個月; In addition to the conventional high frequency plate RO4350 has inventory, many high frequency plates need to be provided by customers. Therefore, high frequency plate and manufacturers need to communicate well in advance, as soon as possible;


Depending on the price sensitivity of the product, whether it is a consumer product, or a telecommunications, medical, industrial, military application;

5. Applicability of laws and regulations, etc.


Among the above factors, the running speed of high-speed digital circuit is the main factor to consider in PCB selection. The higher the circuit speed, the smaller the selected PCBDf value should be. 中低損耗電路板適用於10Gb/S數字電路; The plate with lower loss is suitable for 25Gb/s digital circuit; 具有超低損耗的面板將適應速度為 50Gb/s 或更高的更快、高速數字電路。

From the material Df:



Circuit boards with Df not more than 0.0015 are suitable for 50Gb/S or higher speed digital circuits.






5) Nelco:N4000-13、N4000-13EPSI等
