Klasifikasi pelat PCB frékuénsi luhur

harti high-frequency PCB board

Papan frékuénsi luhur ngarujuk kana papan sirkuit frékuénsi éléktromagnétik khusus, dianggo dina frékuénsi luhur (langkung ageung tibatan 300 MHZ frékuénsi atanapi panjang gelombangna kirang ti 1 méter) sareng gelombang mikro (langkung ageung ti 3 frékuénsi GHZ atanapi panjang gelombangna kirang ti 0.1 méter) dina bidang PCB, aya dina pangkalan gelombang mikro tambaga anu nganggo metode sirkuit kaku papan manufaktur umum tina bagian tina prosés atanapi panggunaan metode pengolahan khusus sareng produksi papan sirkuit. Sacara umum, papan frékuénsi luhur tiasa diartikeun circuit board kalayan frékuénsi luhur saluhureun 1GHz.


With the rapid development of science and technology, more and more equipment design is in the microwave band (> 1GHZ) and even with the millimeter wave field (30GHZ) above the application, which also means that the frequency is higher and higher, the substrate of the circuit board requirements are also higher and higher. Salaku conto, bahan substrat kedah ngagaduhan sipat listrik anu hadé, stabilitas kimia anu saé, kalayan kanaékan frékuénsi sinyal kakuatan dina syarat leungitna substrat alit pisan, janten pentingna pelat frékuénsi luhur disorot.

Classification of PCB high frequency plate

1, at the end of the ceramic filled thermosetting material

Metoda ngolah:

And epoxy resin/glass woven cloth (FR4) similar processing process, but the plate is more brittle, easy to break, drilling and gong plate drill nozzle and gong knife life is reduced by 20%.

2. Bahan PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene)

Metoda ngolah:

1. Muka bahan: pilem pelindung kedah dipertahankeun pikeun nyegah goresan sareng lekukan

2. bor:

2.1 use a new drill (standard 130), one piece stacked is the best, the presser foot pressure is 40psi

2.2 Lambaran aluminium salaku piring panutup, teras nganggo pelat amina padet 1mm, ketang piring PTFE

2.3 Tiupkeun lebu tina liang ku gun udara saatos diebor

2.4 Kalayan rig pangeboran anu paling stabil, parameter pangeboran (dasarna, liangna langkung alit, langkung gancang tingkat pangeboran, beban Chip langkung alit, langkung alit tingkat pengembalian)

3. Ngolah liang

Perlakuan plasma atanapi natrium – perlakuan aktivasina naphthalene nguntungkeun pikeun metallisasi pori-pori

4. tambaga tilelep PTH

4.1 Saatos mikro-eces (laju mikro-ekuis parantos dikawasa ku 20 mikro-inci), piring didahar tina minyak nyabut silinder dina tarikan PTH

4.2 If necessary, go through the second PTH, just from the forecast? The cylinder began to enter the plate

5. The resistance welding

5.1 Pre-treatment: use acid washing plate instead of mechanical grinding plate

5.2 After pre-treatment, bake plate (90℃, 30min), brush green oil and cure

5.3 Three baking plates: one is 80℃, 100℃ and 150℃ for 30min each (if oil is found on the substrate surface, it can be reworked: wash off the green oil and reactivate it)

6. Gong board

Lay the white paper on the PTFE board circuit surface, and clamp it with fr-4 base plate or phenolic base plate with a thickness of 1.0mm and copper removal: As shown in the figure:

Naon papan frekuensi tinggi PCB? Klasifikasi pelat PCB frékuénsi luhur

Frékuénsi luhur sareng bahan lambar gancang

Nalika milih substrat pikeun PCB pikeun sirkuit frékuénsi luhur, tinimbangan khusus kedah masihan karakteristik variasi bahan DK dina frékuénsi anu béda. For the requirements of signal high-speed transmission or characteristic impedance control, DF and its performance under the conditions of frequency, temperature and humidity are mainly investigated.

Under the condition of frequency variation, the DK and DF values of general substrate materials change greatly. Utamana dina kisaran frekuensi ti L MHz dugi ka L GHz, nilai DK sareng DF na langkung jelas. For example, the GENERAL epoxy – glass fiber substrate material (general FR-4) has a DK value of 4.7 at lMHz and a DK value of 4.19 at lGHz. Diluhur lGHz, nilai DK na dirobih laun. For example, under l0GHz, the DK value of FR-4 is 4.15. For substrate materials with high speed and high frequency characteristics, the DK value changes slightly. From lMHz to lGHz, the DK value mostly stays within 0.02 range. The DK value tends to decrease slightly at different frequencies from low to high.

Faktor leungitna diéléktrik (DF) tina bahan substrat umum langkung ageung tibatan DK kusabab pangaruh variasi frékuénsi (utamina dina kisaran frékuénsi luhur). Ku alatan éta, nalika ngaevaluasi karakteristik frékuénsi luhur bahan substrat, urang kedah fokus kana parobihan nilaina DF na. Bahan substrat kalayan kecepatan luhur sareng karakteristik frékuénsi luhur jelas béda ti bahan substrat umum dina hal ciri variasi dina frékuénsi luhur. Salah sahijina nyaéta ku parobihan frékuénsi, nilaina (DF) bakal robih sakedik pisan. Anu sanésna mirip sareng bahan substrat umum dina kisaran variasi, tapi nilaina (DF) langkung handap.

How to choose high frequency high speed plate

Pilihan dewan PCB kedah nyumponan sarat desain, produksi masal sareng biaya kasaimbangan antara. In short, the design requirements consist of two components: electrical and structural reliability. This is usually important when designing very high speed PCB boards (frequencies greater than GHz). For example, the fr-4 material commonly used today may not be applicable due to its large Df (Dielectricloss) at several GHz frequencies.

Naon papan frekuensi tinggi PCB? Klasifikasi pelat PCB frékuénsi luhur

For example, a 10Gb/S high-speed digital signal is a square wave, which can be regarded as a superposition of sinusoidal signals of different frequencies. Therefore, 10Gb/S contains many different frequency signals: 5Ghz fundamental signal, 3 order 15GHz, 5 order 25GHz, 7 order 35GHz signal, etc. Integritas sinyal digital sareng lungkawing sisina luhur sareng handap sami sareng leungitna low sareng transmisi distorsi low tina microwave microwave (bagian harmonik frékuénsi luhur sinyal digital ngahontal pita gelombang mikro). Therefore, in many respects, the PCB material selection of high-speed digital circuits is similar to the requirements of RF microwave circuits.

Naon papan frekuensi tinggi PCB? Klasifikasi pelat PCB frékuénsi luhur

In practical engineering operations, the selection of high-frequency plates seems simple, but there are still many factors to be considered. Through the introduction of this paper, AS a PCB design engineer or a high-speed project leader, I have a certain understanding of the characteristics and selection of plates. Ngartos sipat listrik, sipat termal, reliabilitas, jst. And rational use of stacking, design a piece of high reliability, good processing products, various factors to consider the best.

Ieu di handap bakal ngenalkeun faktor utama anu kedah diperhatoskeun dina milih pelat anu pas:

1, pabrikan:

Kayaning sababaraha performa mencét, kinerja suhu, résistansi CAF / panas sareng kateguhan mékanis (viskositas) (reliabilitas anu saé), rating seuneu;

2, with the product matching performance (electrical, performance stability, etc.) :

Kaleungitan, parameter Dk / Df stabil, dispersi lemah, koefisien parobihan alit sareng frékuénsi sareng lingkungan, kasabaran alit tina ketebalan bahan sareng kontén karét (kontrol impedansi anu saé), upami kawatna panjang, perhatoskeun foil tambaga kasarna rendah. In addition, simulation is needed in the early stage of high-speed circuit design, and simulation results are the reference standard for design. “Xingsen Technology – Agilent (kecepatan luhur / frékuénsi RADIO) Laboratorium gabungan” ngumbar masalah kinerja hasil simulasi anu teu saluyu sareng tés, sareng ngalakukeun sajumlah ageung simulasi sareng uji coba verifikasi tutup-loop anu saleresna, ngalangkungan padika anu unik pikeun ngahontal konsistensi simulasi sareng pangukuran.

Naon papan frekuensi tinggi PCB? Klasifikasi pelat PCB frékuénsi luhur

3. Ketersediaan bahan dina waktosna:

Seueur siklus pengadaan piring frékuénsi luhur panjang pisan, bahkan 2-3 bulan; In addition to the conventional high frequency plate RO4350 has inventory, many high frequency plates need to be provided by customers. Therefore, high frequency plate and manufacturers need to communicate well in advance, as soon as possible;

4. Faktor ongkos:

Depending on the price sensitivity of the product, whether it is a consumer product, or a telecommunications, medical, industrial, military application;

5. Applicability of laws and regulations, etc.

Pikeun cocog sareng peraturan lingkungan di sababaraha nagara sareng nyumponan sarat RoHS sareng gratis halogén.

Among the above factors, the running speed of high-speed digital circuit is the main factor to consider in PCB selection. The higher the circuit speed, the smaller the selected PCBDf value should be. Pelat sirkuit anu rugi sedeng sareng handap bakal cocog pikeun sirkuit digital 10Gb / S; The plate with lower loss is suitable for 25Gb/s digital circuit; Panel anu rugi ultra-low bakal nampung sirkuit digital langkung gancang, kalayan harga 50Gb / s atanapi langkung luhur.

From the material Df:

Df antara 0.01 ~ 0.005 circuit board cocog pikeun wates luhur sirkuit digital 10Gb / S;

Df antara 0.005 ~ 0.003 circuit board cocog pikeun wates luhur sirkuit digital 25Gb / S;

Papan sirkuit sareng Df henteu langkung ti 0.0015 cocog pikeun 50Gb / S atanapi sirkuit digital gancang.

Pelat berkecepatan tinggi anu biasa dianggo nyaéta:

1), Rogers: RO4003, RO3003, RO4350, RO5880, jsb

2), Taiyao TUC: Tuc862, 872SLK, 883, 933, jsb

3), Panasonic: Megtron4, Megtron6, jsb

4), Isola: FR408HR, IS620, IS680, jsb

5) Nelco: N4000-13, N4000-13EPSI, jsb

6), Dongguan Shengyi, Taizhou Wangling, Taixing Microwave, jsb