Circuit dhizaini dhizaini dhizaini dhizaini

Circuit design skills PCB design process

General PCB basic design process is as follows: preliminary preparation – >; PCB structure design -& GT; Pcb mamiriro – & gt; Wiring – & gt; Kugadziridza kugadzirisa uye kudhinda kwechidzitiro -> Network and DRC inspections and structural inspections – > Plate making.


First: preparation. This includes preparing component libraries and schematics. “To do good work, must first sharpen its device”, to make a good board, in addition to the principle of good design, but also draw well. Before PCB design, the component library of schematic SCH and the component library of PCB should be prepared first. Peotel libraries can be used, but in general it is difficult to find a suitable library, it is best to make your own library according to the standard size information of the selected device. Mukuita, gadzira pcb raibhurari yezvinhu kutanga, uyezve SCH chikamu raibhurari. Pcb chinoumba raibhurari zvinodiwa zvakakwirira, zvinokanganisa zvakananga bhodhi kumisikidzwa; SCH’s component library requirements are relatively loose, as long as attention is paid to the definition of pin attributes and the corresponding relationship with PCB components. PS: Note the hidden pins in the standard library. Zvino ndiko kuronga kwekugadzirira, kwakagadzirira kuita pcb dhizaini.

Chechipiri: PCB dhizaini dhizaini. In ino nhanho, zvinoenderana nedunhu bhodhi saizi uye mechiniki Positioning, pcb bhodhi pamusoro inodhonzwa muPCBY dhizaini nharaunda, uye zvinongedzo, mabhatani / switch, sikuruu maburi, gungano maburi uye zvichingodaro zvinoiswa zvinoenderana nekumisikidza zvinodiwa. And fully consider and determine the wiring area and non-wiring area (such as how much of the screw hole around the non-wiring area).

Chechitatu: pcb marongerwo. Layout is basically putting devices on a board. At this point, if all the preparatory work mentioned above is done, the network table can be generated on the schematic diagram (Design- >; GadziraNetlist), wobva waendesa kunze kwetafura tafura pane iyo pikicha yePCB (dhizaini-gt; LoadNets). Tarisa hubhubhu yedhijitari yemurwi wese kumusoro, pakati pembambo uye kubhururuka mutsara kukurumidza kubatana. Iwe unogona ipapo kuisa mudziyo. Iyo yakajairwa dhizaini inoitwa maererano nemisimboti inotevera:

(1). According to the electrical performance reasonable partition, generally divided into: digital circuit area (that is, afraid of interference, and interference), analog circuit area

(fear of interference), power drive area (interference source);

(2). Complete the same function of the circuit, should be placed as close as possible, and adjust the components to ensure the most simple connection; At the same time, adjust the relative position between the functional blocks to make the connection between the functional blocks the most concise;

(3). Installation position and installation intensity should be considered for components with large mass; Iyo yekudziya chinhu inofanirwa kupatsanurwa kubva kune tembiricha inonzwisisika chinhu, uye kana zvichidikanwa, matomhu convection matanho anofanirwa kutariswa;

(4). I/O drive device as close as possible to the edge of the printing plate, close to the outlet connector;

(5). Clock generator (such as: crystal oscillator or clock oscillator) should be as close as possible to the device using the clock;

6. In each integrated circuit between the power input pin and the ground, need to add a decoupling capacitor (generally using high frequency good monolithic capacitor); Iyo tantalum capacitor inogona zvakare kuiswa yakatenderedza akati wandei akasanganiswa macircuit kana redunhu bhodhi nzvimbo iri yakaoma.

Varidzi vese veminda. Relay coil to add discharge diode (1N4148 can be);

Nhasi. Layout requirements should be balanced, dense and orderly, not top-heavy or heavy

— Special attention should be paid to the actual size (area and height) of the components and the relative position of the components when placing the components to ensure the electrical performance of the circuit board and the feasibility and convenience of production and installation. At the same time, the above principles should be reflected

Under the premise, modify the placement of devices appropriately to make them neat and beautiful. For example, the same devices should be placed neatly and in the same direction, instead of being “strewn at random”. This step concerns the difficulty of board integral figure and next wiring degree, want to spend big effort to consider so. When layout, can make preliminary wiring first to not quite affirmative place, sufficient consideration.

Chechina: wiring. Wiring ndiyo inonyanya kukosha maitiro muPCB dhizaini. Izvi zvichaita zvakananga kukanganisa mashandiro ePBB board. Mukuita kwePCB dhizaini, wiring kazhinji ine matatu nhanho dzekupatsanura: yekutanga kugovaniswa, inova ndiyo inonyanya kukosha pcb magadzirirwo. If the line is not cloth, get everywhere is flying line, it will be a unqualified board, can say that there is no entry. The second is the satisfaction of electrical performance. Uyu ndiwo muyero wekuyera kana rakadhindwa redunhu bhodhi rinokodzera. This is after the distribution, carefully adjust the wiring, so that it can achieve the best electrical performance. Ikozve kune aesthetics. Kana jira rako rewiring rakange rakabatana, zvakare hauna nzvimbo iyo inokanganisa mashandisirwo emagetsi, asi tarisa zvakapfuura zvakashata, wedzera zvine mavara, zvine mavara, zvinoverengera mashandisiro anoita mudziyo wako wemagetsi zvakanaka, uchiri marara mune vamwe ziso. This brings great inconvenience to testing and maintenance. Wiring inofanirwa kuve yakashambidzika uye yakafanana, kwete crisscross isina mitemo. Zvese izvi zvinofanirwa kuzadzikiswa muchimiro chekuona mashandiro emagetsi uye kusangana nezvimwe zvinodiwa nemunhu, zvikasadaro ndeye kusiya icho chinhu. Wiring inofanirwa kuitwa maererano nemitemo inotevera:

(1). Pakati pese, tambo yemagetsi uye tambo yepasi inofanirwa kufambiswa kutanga kuverengera mashandiro emagetsi ebhodhi redunhu. Mune chiyero icho mamiriro anotendera, wedzera upamhi hwemagetsi, waya yepasi nepaunogona napo, zvakanakisa kuti tambo yepasi yakafara kupfuura tambo yemagetsi, hukama hwayo ndehwu: tambo yepasi> simba tambo> tambo yechiratidzo, kazhinji chiratidzo chetambo : 0.2 ~ 0.3mm, iyo yakatetepa hupamhi inogona kusvika 0.05 ~ 0.07mm, tambo yemagetsi iri 1.2 ~ 2.5mm kazhinji. The PCB of a digital circuit can be used in a circuit with wide ground conductors, that is, a ground network. (Analog ground cannot be used in this way.)

(2). In advance, wire strict requirements (such as high frequency line) for wiring, input and output side line should avoid adjacent parallel, so as not to produce reflection interference. When necessary, ground wire should be added to isolate, and the wiring of two adjacent layers should be perpendicular to each other, which is easy to produce parasitic coupling in parallel.

(3). The oscillator housing should be grounded, and the clock line should be as short as possible, and not spread all over the place. Below the clock oscillation circuit, the special high-speed logic circuit should increase the area of the ground, and should not go to other signal lines, so that the surrounding electric field tends to zero;

(4). In order to reduce the radiation of high frequency signal, 45O broken line should be used as far as possible, instead of 90O broken line. (High requirements of the line also use double arc)

(5). Any signal line should not form a loop, if unavoidable, loop should be as small as possible; Mutsara wechiratidzo kuburikidza negomba unofanirwa kunge uri zvishoma sezvinobvira;

6. Iyo yakakosha tambo inofanirwa kuve ipfupi uye gobvu, ine dziviriro pamativi ese maviri.

Varidzi vese veminda. When the sensitive signal and noise field signal are transmitted through flat cable, the method of “ground – signal – ground wire” is used.

Nhasi. Test points should be reserved for key signals to facilitate production and maintenance testing

Pet-name ruby. After schematic diagram wiring is completed, wiring should be optimized; At the same time, after the preliminary network check and DRC check is correct, the ground wire is filled in the area without wiring, and a large area of copper layer is used as ground wire, and the unused places are connected with the ground as ground wire on the printed board. Kana kuti riite rakawanda-bhodhi bhodhi, magetsi, tambo yekumisikidza yega yega inogara nhete.

— PCB wiring process requirements

(1). mutsetse

Generally, the signal line width is 0.3mm(12mil), and the power line width is 0.77mm(30mil) or 1.27mm(50mil). Line with

The distance between lines and between lines and pads should be greater than or equal to 0.33mm(13mil). In practical application, it should be considered to increase the distance when conditions permit; When the cabling density is high, it is advisable (but not recommended) to use two cables between IC pins. The width of the cables is 0.254mm(10mil), and the distance between the cables is not less than 0.254mm(10mil).

Under special circumstances, when the pin of the device is dense and the width is narrow, the line width and line spacing can be appropriately reduced.

(2). PAD (PAD)

The basic requirements of PAD and transition hole (VIA) are: the diameter of PAD is greater than 0.6mm than the diameter of hole; For example, universal pin type resistors, capacitors and integrated circuits, using disk/hole size 1.6mm/0.8mm (63mil/32mil), socket, pin and diode 1N4007, using 1.8mm/1.0mm (71mil/39mil). In practical application, it should be determined according to the size of the actual components. If conditions are available, the size of the pad can be appropriately increased. The installation aperture of the components designed on the PCB board should be about 0.2 ~ 0.4mm larger than the actual size of the pins.

(3). Through hole (VIA)

Generally 1.27mm/0.7mm(50mil/28mil);

When the wiring density is high, the hole size can be appropriately reduced, but not too small, can consider 1.0mm/0.6mm(40mil/24mil).

(4). Spacing requirements for pads, wires and through-holes

PADandVIA: ≥0.3mm (12mil)

PADandPAD: ≥0.3mm (12mil)

PADandTRACK: ≥0.3mm (12mil)

TRACKandTRACK: ≥0.3mm (12mil)

Kana kuwanda kwakakwira.

PADandVIA: ≥0.254mm (10mil)

PADandPAD: ≥0.254mm (10mil)

PADandTRACK: ≥0.254mm (10mil)

TRACKandTRACK: ≥0.254mm (10mil)

Chechipiri: wiring optimization uye screen printing. “Hapana chakanakisa, chete zvirinani”! Kunyangwe uine simba rakawanda sei raunoisa mukugadzira, kana wapedza, tarisa pairi zvakare, uye iwe ucharamba uchinzwa kuti unogona kuchinja zvakanyanya. A general design mutemo wechigunwe ndeyekuti yakakwana wiring inotora zvakapetwa kareba sekutanga wiring. Ukangonzwa kuti hapana chinoda kugadziriswa, unogona Kuisa mhangura. PolygonPlane). Kuisa mhangura kazhinji kuisa pasi waya (teerera kupatsanurwa kweanalog uye nedhijitari pasi), multilayer bhodhi ingangodawo kuisa simba. Zvekudhinda zvechidzitiro, isu tinofanirwa kutarisisa kuti isavharwe nemudziyo kana kubviswa negomba nepadhi. Panguva imwecheteyo, dhizaini yekutarisana nechinhu chepamusoro, pasi peIzwi rinofanira kunge riri girazi rinogadzira, kuti irege kuvhiringidza danho.

Chechitanhatu: network uye DRC cheki uye mamiriro ekuongorora. Chekutanga, pane fungidziro yekuti iyo dhizaini dhizaini iri chokwadi, iyo inogadzirwa pcb network mafaera uye masystem network mafaira ari NETCHECK yehukama hwehukama hukama, uye dhizaini inovandudzwa panguva ino maererano neinobuda faira mhedzisiro kuve nechokwadi chekurongeka kweiyo wiring kubatana hukama; Mushure mekutarisisa cheki kwakapasiswa nenzira kwayo, DRC cheki ichaitwa pane iyo PCB dhizaini, uye dhizaini ichagadziriswa maererano neinobuda faira mhedzisiro munguva yekuona mashandiro emagetsi ePCB wiring. Pakupedzisira, iyo yekumisikidza yekumisikidza chimiro chePCB inofanira kuongororwa uye kusimbiswa.

Chechinomwe: kugadzira ndiro. It is best to have a review process before doing so.

Pcb dhizaini muyedzo wepfungwa dzebasa, ndiani ari padyo nepfungwa, ruzivo rwepamusoro, dhizaini yebhodhi yakanaka. Saka dhizaini inofanirwa kuve yakanyatso chenjera, kunyatso tarisa maficha ezvese zvinhu (sekufambisa kugadziridza uye kuongorora kweizvi vanhu vazhinji havatarise), kugona, vachakwanisa kugadzira bhodhi rakanaka.