Unsur konci anu mangaruhan kana kagunaan PCB

Salaku bagian penting produk éléktronik, papan sirkuit dicitak (PCB) berperan penting pikeun ngawujudkeun fungsi produk éléktronik, anu ngabalukarkeun pentingna desain PCB anu beuki penting, sabab kinerja desain PCB sacara langsung nangtukeun fungsi sareng biaya produk éléktronik. Desain PCB anu saé tiasa ngajaga produk éléktronik tina seueur masalah, sahingga mastikeun yén produk tiasa diproduksi kalayan lancar sareng nyumponan sadaya kabutuhan aplikasi praktis.


Tina sadaya elemen anu nyumbang kana desain PCB, manufaktur Desain (DFM) leres-leres penting sabab ngaitkeun desain PCB sareng pabrik PCB supados mendakan masalah langkung awal sareng ngungkulan waktosna sapanjang siklus kahirupan produk éléktronik. One myth is that the complexity of PCB design will increase as manufacturability of electronics is considered at the PCB design stage. In the design life cycle of electronic products, DFM can not only make electronic products participate in automatic production smoothly, and save labor costs in the manufacturing process, but also effectively shorten the manufacturing time to ensure the timely completion of the final electronic products.

Pabrikan PCB

Ku ngagabungkeun pabrikan sareng desain PCB, desain manufaktur mangrupikeun faktor konci anu ngarah kana manufaktur anu éfisién, kualitas luhur sareng béaya rendah. The research of PCB manufacturability covers a wide range, usually divided into PCB manufacturing and PCB assembly.

LPCB production

For PCB manufacturing, the following aspects should be considered: PCB size, PCB shape, process edge and Mark point. Upami aspék-aspék ieu henteu diperhatoskeun dina tahap desain PCB, mesin laminating chip otomatis panginten moal tiasa nampi papan PCB prefabrikasi kecuali upami langkah-langkah ngolah tambihan dilakukeun. Pikeun parah, sababaraha pelat henteu tiasa didamel sacara otomatis nganggo las manual. As a result, the manufacturing cycle will be longer and labor costs will increase.

1. PCB size

Masing-masing installer chip gaduh ukuran PCB na anu dipikahoyong, anu beda-beda numutkeun parameter unggal installer. Salaku conto, installer chip nampi ukuran PCB maksimum 500mm * 450mm sareng ukuran PCB minimum 30mm * 30mm. Ieu henteu hartosna yén urang henteu tiasa ngadamel komponén papan PCB langkung alit tibatan 30mm ku 30mm, sareng tiasa ngandelkeun papan jigsaw nalika ukuran anu langkung alit diperyogikeun. Nalika anjeun ngan ukur tiasa ngandelkeun pamasangan manual sareng biaya kuli naék sareng siklus produksi teu dikendali, mesin SMT chip moal nampi papan PCB anu ageung teuing atanapi leutik teuing. Therefore, in the PCB design stage, the PCB size requirements set by automatic installation and manufacturing must be fully considered, and it must be controlled within the effective range.

Angka ieu ngagambarkeun dokumen desain dewan PCB anu direngsekeun ku parangkat lunak Huaqiu DFM. Salaku papan 5 × 2, unggal unit pasagi mangrupikeun sapotong, ukuran 50mm ku 20mm. The connection between each unit is achieved by V-cut/V-scoring technology. In this image, the entire square is shown with a final size of 100mm by 100mm. Numutkeun sarat di luhur, tiasa dicindekkeun yén ukuran dewan aya dina kisaran anu tiasa ditarima.

2. PCB shape

In addition to PCB size, all chip SMT machines have requirements for PCB shape. PCB normal kedah bentukna sagi opat kalayan babandingan panjang dugi ka 4: 3 atanapi 5: 4 (pangsaéna). If the PCB is irregularly shaped, additional measures must be taken prior to SMT assembly, resulting in increased costs. Pikeun nyegah kajantenan ieu, PCB kedah didesain dina bentuk anu umum salami fase desain PCB pikeun nyumponan sarat SMT. Nanging, ieu sesah dilakukeun dina prakna. Nalika bentuk sababaraha produk éléktronik kedah henteu teratur, liang cap kedah dianggo pikeun masihan PCB akhir bentuk normal. Nalika dirakit, baffle bantu tambahan tiasa dipiceun tina PCB pikeun minuhan sarat instalasi sareng rohangan otomatis.

Gambar di handap nunjukkeun PCB kalayan bentuk henteu teratur, sareng ujung pamrosésan ditambihan ku parangkat lunak Huaqiu DFM. The whole circuit board size is 80mm * 52mm, and the square area is the size of the actual PCB. The size of the upper right corner area is 40mm by 20mm, which is the auxiliary craft edge produced by the bridge of the stamp hole.


3. Sisi prosés

To meet the requirements of automatic manufacturing, process edges must be placed on the PCB to secure the PCB.

Dina tahap desain PCB, 5mm tepi prosés lega kedah disisihkeun sateuacanna, tanpa nyésakeun komponén sareng sambungan kabel. Pitunjuk téknis biasana disimpen dina sisi pondok PCB, tapi sisi pondok tiasa dipilih nalika rasio aspek ngaleuwihan 80%. Saatos dirakit, ujung prosés tiasa dihapus salaku peran produksi bantu.

4. Mark point

For PCBS with components installed, Mark points should be added as a common reference point to ensure that component locations are accurately determined for each assembly device. Ku alatan éta, titik Mark mangrupakeun patokan manufaktur SMT anu diperyogikeun pikeun manufaktur otomatis.

Components require 2 Mark points and PCBS require 3 Mark points. These marks should be placed on the edges of the PCB board and cover all SMT components. Jarak tengah antara titik Mark sareng ujung pelat sahenteuna kedah 5mm. Pikeun PCBS kalayan komponén SMT dua sisi, titik Mark kedah ditempatkeun dina dua sisi. If the components are too close together to place Mark points on the board, they can be placed on the edge of the process.

LPCB assembly

Majelis PCB, atanapi PCBA pondokna, saleresna mah prosés komponén las kana papan bulistir. Dina raraga minuhan sarat tina manufaktur otomatis, PCB assembly gaduh sababaraha sarat pikeun pakét majelis sareng tata perakitan.

1. Bungkusan komponén

Salami desain PCBA, upami paket komponén henteu cocog sareng standar anu cocog sareng komponenana caket pisan, pamasangan otomatis moal lumangsung.

Dina raraga kéngingkeun bungkus komponén anu pangsaéna, parangkat lunak desain EDA anu propésional kedah dianggo pikeun matuh kana standar bungkusan komponén internasional. During PCB design, the aerial view area must not overlap with other areas, and the automatic IC SMT machine will be able to accurately identify and mount the surface.

2. Component layout

Tata perenah komponén mangrupikeun tugas anu penting dina desain PCB sabab prestasina langsung aya hubunganana sareng pajeulitna tampilan sareng prosés manufaktur PCB.

Salami perenah komponén, permukaan rakitan komponén SMD sareng THD kedah ditangtoskeun. Di dieu, kami nyetél payuneun PCB salaku komponén A sisi sareng tukang salaku komponén B sisi. The assembly layout should consider the assembly form, including single layer single package assembly, double layer single package assembly, single layer mixed package assembly, Side A mixed package and side B single package assembly and side A THD and side B SMD assembly. Majelis anu béda peryogi prosés sareng téknik manufaktur anu béda. Therefore, in terms of component layout, the best component layout should be selected to make manufacturing simple and easy, so as to improve the manufacturing efficiency of the whole process.

In addition, consideration must be given to the orientation of component layout, spacing between components, heat dissipation, and component height.

Sacara umum, orientasi komponén kedah konsisten. Components are laid out in accordance with the principle of minimum tracking distance, based on which components with polarity markers should have uniform polarity directions, and components without polarity markers should be neatly aligned along the X or Y axis. Jangkungna komponénna kedah dugi ka 4mm, sareng arah transmisi antara komponén sareng PCB kedah 90 °.

Pikeun ningkatkeun kagancangan las komponén sareng ngagampangkeun pamariksaan salajengna, jarak antara komponén kedah konsisten. Components in the same network should be close to each other and a safe distance should be left between different networks according to the voltage drop. Silkscreen and pad must not overlap, otherwise components will not be installed.

Due to the actual operating temperature of the PCB and the thermal characteristics of the electrical components, heat dissipation should be considered. Tata perenah komponén kedah difokuskeun dissipation panas. Upami diperlukeun, anggo kipas atanapi tilelep panas. Radiator anu saluyu kedah dipilih pikeun komponén listrik sareng komponén sénsitip panas kedah disimpen tina panas. Komponén anu luhur kedah ditempatkeun saatos komponén anu handap.

Langkung rinci kedah difokuskeun PCB DFM, sareng pangalaman kedah akumulasi dina prakték. Salaku conto, sarat desain PCB gancang-gancang gaduh syarat impedansi khusus sareng kedah dibahas sareng pabrik dewan sateuacan ngadamel pabrik anu leres pikeun nangtoskeun inpormasi sareng inpormasi lapisan. Dina raraga nyiapkeun produksi dina papan PCB ukuran alit kalayan kabel padet, lebar kabel minimum sareng kapasitas pabrik diaméterna liang kedah dibahas sareng pabrik PCB pikeun mastikeun produksi PCBS anu lancar.