
什麼是通孔 PCB,為什麼它很重要 印刷電路板? PCB 需要通孔或鑽孔來連接其各層。 Understanding the standard through-hole sizes used by PCB manufacturers can help you design boards to meet common bit sizes.


PCB製造商在鑽孔時有自己的一套標準孔尺寸可供選擇,但他們通常可以使用任何標準孔尺寸。 一般來說,PCB 製造商可以將 PCB 通孔的直徑做得小至 0.15 毫米,而正常尺寸為 0.6 毫米。





PCB 通孔的尺寸會根據其位置、用途和其他因素而有所不同,這就是為什麼每個 PCB 製造商都提供多種 PCB 位尺寸的原因。 Most manufacturers can make holes as small as 0.15 mm or larger holes of 1 mm or larger. 在考慮所需孔的尺寸時,還需要考慮孔周圍的環或銅墊,它們會形成。

How do you calculate rings? The ideal ring is equal to the sum of the diameter of the copper pad minus the diameter of the drill hole divided by 2, which gives the rig the best chance of hitting the center of the pad for optimal connectivity.


PCB製造中不一定有任何標準的PCB通孔尺寸,因為標準PCB通孔尺寸通常因製造商而異。 然而,許多 PCB 製造商更喜歡使用通用位尺寸,他們可能將其稱為標準 PCB 位尺寸。 最常見的尺寸之一是 0.6 毫米,但也常用 0.2 毫米和 0.3 毫米。

Type of PCB through hole

您可以使用每種標准通孔尺寸來創建各種類型的 PCB 通孔,具體取決於 PCB 的層、結構、設計和用途。 三種最常見的 PCB 通孔類型是:


電鍍通孔 (PTH) 是貫穿 PCB 各層以連接頂層和底層的通孔。 您應該能夠看到從 PCB 的一端到另一端的 PTH。 PTH 可以是電鍍的或非電鍍的。 非鍍通孔不導電,而鍍通孔是電鍍的,這意味著它們在PCB的所有層都導電。


Blind holes connect the outer (top or bottom) layers of the PCB to one or more inner layers, but do not completely drill through the board. Precise drilling of blind holes can be challenging, so they are typically more expensive to manufacture than PTH.


Embedded holes can also increase the cost of PCB because they are difficult to manufacture. The holes are located in the inner layer of the PCB to connect two or more inner layers. 你看不到 PCB 外層的掩埋材料。


創建 PCB 時需要考慮一些事項。 首先,您應該知道PCB設計中的縱橫比是什麼。 The aspect ratio is the PCB thickness relative to the diameter of the through hole, which determines the reliability of the copper plating on the PCB. The higher the ratio, the more difficult it is to obtain reliable plating, which affects the type of hole and plating method you choose.

嵌入式或盲孔可以更好地為您的 PCB 提供 15:1 的縱橫比,而 PTH 可以在 2:1 的低縱橫比下很好地工作。 PCB銅板厚度如何選擇? Usually, through holes in the outer layer (e.g., through holes) require a thicker layer of copper than the buried through holes inside. PCB 使用的電壓也會影響銅的厚度。 High voltage applications typically require thicker PCB copper than low voltage applications.

By filling program

Sometimes PCB through-holes need to be filled, for example to reduce the risk of trapping air or increase electrical conductivity. Some common ways to fill through holes include:


通孔帳篷在 PCB 通孔上形成阻焊層,而不是用材料填充孔。 This can be a quick, easy and cost-effective option to cover the through-holes, but the tent-style through-holes may reopen over time.


通孔堵塞工藝用非導電材料填充孔並用掩模密封。 Through-hole clogging also covers the ring and does not produce a smooth, glossy surface.


通孔填充使用樹脂來創建永久填充的孔。 A through-hole fill is a common through-hole fill in which the manufacturer fills the through-hole with conductive material, coats the surface with copper, and then trims the surface. This process can route signals to other areas of the PCB.


製造商可能會使用幾種不同的技術來應用 PCB 通孔電鍍以確保其有效性。 One common method is to use a low viscosity ink that covers the inside of the through-hole to form a conductive layer. Then through the heat curing process to bond the ink.

另一種方法是電鍍,其中 PCB 進入電鍍槽。 在這個過程中,銅覆蓋了每個 PCB 通孔的壁,導致導電材料的厚度均勻。 這種方法往往比上墨過程更耗時、更昂貴,但它也可以形成更可靠的塗層和粘合。

Sequential drilling blind drilling and deep drilling

帶有盲孔的 PCBS 可以通過兩種方式製造。 This can be done by laser drilling or by a method called continuous layer construction. Using the sequential construction method, pairs of layers can be drilled and electroplated before bonding is applied. Because they have holes at both ends, electroplating is easy to penetrate for chemical coatings. It also allows blind holes to be designed in such a way that they can pass through multiple layers.

結合適當的鍵合、鑽孔和電鍍順序的能力使得創建多個盲孔結構成為可能。 這完全取決於盲孔是否可以從外層穿過偶數層。

Simultaneous deep drilling or reverse drilling is the process of removing any unused copper drum residue from the through hole. 這通常發生在高速信號通過 PCB 層之間的銅管時發生失真時。 如果使用信號層導致橫向較長,則會出現很多失真。

PCB縱橫比定義為板厚與鑽孔直徑之比。 盲孔需要 1 比 1 或更大的縱橫比。

進行深鑽孔時,孔的深度是通過設置一對孔來定義的,這些孔指定從板的側面開始和結束層。 深孔鑽頭直徑按以下公式計算:

背鑽尺寸 = 孔/焊盤孔尺寸 + 2 x 設計規則 背鑽尺寸過大

PCB overinductance calculator

PCB 通孔電感取決於幾個因素,包括通孔尺寸、環尺寸、縱橫比和鑽孔精度。 您可以找到在線計算器,幫助您根據需要使用的尺寸計算合適的 PCB.