Zvakajairika zvikanganiso muPCB uye zvakajairika zvikanganiso muPCB yekugadzira maitiro

I. Common errors in schematic diagrams

(2) Component out of bounds: component is not created in the center of component library diagram paper.

(3) The created project file network table can only be partially loaded into PCB: Pasi rose harina kusarudzwa pakagadzirwa netieti.

(4) Usambofa wakashandisa Annotate paunenge uchizvigadzira-wega zvigadzirwa zvemapartart.


Common errors in PCB

(1) When the network is loaded, it is reported that NODE is not found a. Components in the schematic diagram use packages that are not in the PCB library; B. Components in the schematic diagram use packages with different names in the PCB library; C. Zvikamu zviri mumadhirama echirongwa anoshandisa mapakeji ane nhamba dzePIN dzisingapindirani muraibhurari yePBB. Semuenzaniso, triode: mapini manhamba muSCH ari e, b, c, uye 1,2,3 muPCB.

(2) Always cannot print to a page when printing

A. raibhurari yePCB haisi yepakutanga painogadzirwa; B. Kune mavara akavanzika kunze kwemiganhu yePCBboard mushure mekufamba uye kutenderera zvinhu kwenguva zhinji. Sarudza ratidza mavara ese akavanzika, shrink pcb, wobva wafambisa mavara mukati memuganhu.

(3) DRC yekuzivisa network yakakamurwa kuita zvikamu zvakawanda.

Izvi zvinoratidza kuti network haina KUSANGANISWA. Tarisa pane faira refaira uye sarudza YEMAHARA KOPOPA kuti utsvage.

Kana dhizaini yakaoma kunzwisisa, edza kusashandisa otomatiki wiring.

Common mistakes in PCB manufacturing process

(1) padhi inopindirana a. Chikonzero inorema gomba, mukuchera nekuda kwemakomba akawanda mugomba anokonzerwa nekuchera uye kukuvara kwegomba.

B. Mubhodhi rine masenduru mazhinji, pane ese ari maviri ekubatanidza dhisiki uye ekuzviparadzanisa maDiski ari munzvimbo imwechete, uye bhodhi rinozvibata se • kupatsanura uye kukanganisa kwekubatanidza.

(2) Iko kushandiswa kwemavara giraidhi haina kuenzaniswa a. Inotyora zvakajairika dhizaini, senge chinhu chemukati dhizaini muPazasi dhizaini, yekumonera pamusoro dhizaini mune TOP dura, zvichikonzera kusanzwisisana.

B. There is a lot of design junk on each layer, such as broken lines, useless borders, annotations, etc.

(3) Unreasonable characters a. Characters cover SMD welds, which brings inconvenience to PCB on-off detection and component welding.

B. Hunhu hudiki kwazvo, zvichikonzera kuoma kwekudhinda kwescreen, mavara akakurisa anowirirana, zvinonetsa kusiyanisa, general font> 40 zviuru

(4) Single-sided pads set aperture a. Single-sided pads generally do not drill holes, the aperture should be designed to be zero, otherwise in the production of drilling data, the location of the hole coordinates. Special instructions should be given for drilling holes.

B. Kana iyo padivi-imwechete padivi ichida kucherwa, asi gomba harina kugadzirwa, software yacho inobata iyo padhi seSMT pad painoburitsa dhata remagetsi uye dhizaini, uye iyo yemukati dura icharasa padenga rekuzviparadzanisa.

(5) Draw the pad with a filling block

Nenzira iyi, kunyangwe ichikwanisa kupfuudza iyo DRC yekuongorora, haigone kuburitsa yakanangana nedhata yekushomeka panguva yekugadzirisa, uye iyo pad yakafukidzwa neiyo solder kuramba uye haigone kuvezwa.

(6) The electric stratum is designed with both heat sink plate and signal line, and the positive and negative images are designed together, causing errors.

(7) Yakakura nzvimbo gridhi nzvimbo yakatsemuka ishoma kwazvo

Grid line spacing < 0.3mm, mukuita kwePBB yekugadzira, iyo graphic yekuchinjisa maitiro inogadzira yakaputsika firimu mushure mekukudziridza, zvichikonzera kuputswa kwetambo. Kuvandudza kunetseka kwekugadzirisa.

(8) The graph is too close to the outer frame

The spacing should be more than 0.2mm at least (more than 0.35mm at V-cut), otherwise the copper foil will warp and solder resist will fall off during the appearance processing. Affect the appearance quality (including the inner copper skin of the multilayer panel).

(9) The outline frame design is not clear

Matanho mazhinji akagadzirwa nemafuremu, ayo asingawirirane, zvichiita kuti zvive zvakaomera vagadziri vePCB kuona mutsetse unofanirwa kuumbwa. Iyo yakajairwa furemu inofanirwa kuve yakagadzirirwa mune yemuchina diki kana BOARD dura, uye yemukati yakavharirwa kunze chinzvimbo inofanira kuve yakajeka.

(10) Isina kukwana graphic dhizaini

When the graph electroplating, the current distribution is uneven, affecting the coating uniform, even cause warpage.

(11) Ipfupi yakaita gomba

Kureba / upamhi hwegomba rakasarudzika rinofanirwa kunge riri> 2: 1, upamhi & gt; 1.0mm, otherwise CNC drilling machine can not process.

(12) No milling shape positioning hole is designed

Design at least 2 diameters in PCB if possible. 1.5mm yekuisa gomba.

(13) The aperture is not clearly marked

A. Aperture should be marked in metric system as far as possible and increase by 0.05. B. As far as possible to merge the aperture into a reservoir area. C. Whether the tolerance of metallized holes and special holes (such as crimping holes) is clearly marked.

(14) The inner layer of the multilayer is unreasonable

A. The heat dissipation pad is placed on the isolation belt. It may fail to connect after drilling. B. Dhizaini yebhandi yekuzviparadzanisa haina kucherechedzwa uye nyore kunzwisiswa. C. The isolation belt is too narrow to accurately judge the network

(15) Design of buried blind orifice plate

The significance of design of buried blind hole plate: a. Increase the density of multilayer board by more than 30%, reduce the number of layers of multilayer board and reduce the size of b. Yakavandudzwa pcb performance, kunyanya kudzora kwehunhu impedance (kupfupisa waya, kudzikisa kuzarura) c. Natsa rusununguko rwePCB dhizaini d. kuderedza mbishi zvinhu uye mutengo, zvinoenderana nekuchengetedzwa kwezvakatipoteredza. Vamwewo vanoti matambudziko acho ndeekushanda, zvinova zvinowanzova dambudziko remunhu.

Kushaya kuronga

As the saying goes, “If a man does not plan ahead, trouble will find him. “This certainly applies to PCB design as well. Imwe yematanho mazhinji anoita kuti pcb dhizaini ibudirire kusarudza chishandiso chakakodzera. Today’s PCB design engineers can find many powerful and easy-to-use EDA suites on the market. Imwe neimwe ine yayo yakasarudzika kugona, kusimba uye kukwana. It should also be noted that no software is foolproof, so problems such as component packaging mismatches are bound to occur. Zvinogoneka kuti hapana chishandiso chimwe chete chinozadzisa zvese zvaunoda, asi iwe uchiri kufanira kuita tsvagiridzo yako zvisati zvaitika uye edza kuona kuti chii chakanakira zvaunoda. Rumwe ruzivo paInternet runogona kukubatsira kuti utange nekukurumidza.

Kutaurirana kwakashata

While the practice of outsourcing PCB design to other vendors is becoming more common and often very cost-effective, it may not be appropriate for complex PCB designs where performance and reliability are critical. As design complexity increases, face-to-face communication between engineers and PCB designers becomes important in order to ensure accurate component layout and wiring in real time. This face-to-face communication can help save costly rework later.

Izvo zvakakoshawo kukoka PCB bhodhi vagadziri kutanga mukugadzirwa kwemaitiro. They can provide initial feedback on your design, and they can maximize efficiency based on their processes and procedures, which will save you considerable time and money in the long run. Nekuvaita kuti vazive dhizaini yako yekugadzira uye nekuvakoka kuti vatore chikamu mumatanho ekutanga emamiriro ePBB, unogona kudzivirira chero matambudziko anogona kuitika chigadzirwa chisati chaenda mukugadzirwa uye kupfupisa nguva yekutengesa.

Kukundikana kunyatso kuyedza epakutanga prototypes

Prototype board anokutendera kuti uratidze kuti dhizaini yako iri kushanda kune zvakatemwa zvekutanga. Prototype testing allows you to verify the functionality and quality of a PCB and its performance prior to mass production. Successful prototyping takes a lot of time and experience, but a strong test plan and a clear set of goals can shorten evaluation time and also reduce the likelihood of production-related errors. If any problems are found during prototype testing, a second test is performed on the reconfigured board. Nekusanganisa zvakakura zvine njodzi pakutanga kwekugadzira dhizaini, iwe unozobatsirwa nekudzokororwa kwakawanda kwekuyedza, uchiona chero matambudziko anogona kutanga, kudzora njodzi, uye kuona kuti chirongwa chapera panguva.

Use inefficient layout techniques or incorrect components

Zvidiki, zvinokurumidza zvishandiso zvinobvumidza mainjiniya ekugadzira ePBB kuisa maratidziro akaomarara anoshandisa zvidiki zvidiki kudzikisira tsoka uye anozviisa padhuze pamwechete. Using technologies such as embedded discrete devices on internal PCB layers, or ball Grid array (BGA) packages with less pin spacing, will help reduce board size, improve performance, and preserve space for rework if problems occur. Kana ichishandiswa nezvikamu zvine hukuru hwepini kuverenga uye nzvimbo diki, zvakakosha kuti usarudze chaiyo bhodhi dhizaini nzira panguva yekugadzira kuti udzivise matambudziko gare gare uye kudzikisa mutengo wekugadzira. Zvakare, ive shuwa yekunyatso nyatso kuverenga uye mashandiro maitiro eimwe sarudzo iwe yaunoronga kushandisa, kunyangwe iwo akanyorwa sekudonhedzera-mukutsiva. A small change in the characteristics of a replacement component can be enough to screw up the performance of an entire design.

Kanganwa kuchengetedza data rakakosha rako rekuchengetedza basa. Ndinofanira kukuyeuchidza here? At the very least, you should back up your most important work and other hard-to-replace files. Kunyange makambani mazhinji achitsigira yavo yese data zuva nezuva, mamwe makambani madiki anogona kutadza kuita izvi, kana kunyangwe iwe uchishanda kubva kumba. Today, it’s so easy and cheap to back up your data to the cloud that there’s no excuse not to back it up and store it in a secure location to protect it from theft, fire, and other local disasters.

Become a one-man island

Kunyangwe iwe uchigona kufunga kuti dhizaini yako isina chakakanganisa uye kuita zvikanganiso haisiriyo maitiro ako, kazhinji vezera rako vanozoona zvikanganiso mukugadzirwa kwako iwe zvausina kucherechedza. Dzimwe nguva, kunyangwe iwe uchiziva iwo akaomesesa ruzivo rwe dhizaini, vanhu vane zvishoma kuoneswa kwazviri vanogona kugona kuchengetedza zvine chinangwa chinangwa uye nekupa zvakakosha kukosha. Regular review of your design with your peers can help spot unforeseen problems and keep your plan on track to stay within budget. Chokwadi, zvikanganiso hazvidzivisike, asi kana iwe ukadzidza kubva kwavari, unogona kugadzira chigadzirwa chakakura nguva inotevera.