Analisis prosés produksi dewan PCB

Léngkah munggaran tina PCB produksi nyaéta ngatur sareng mariksa PCB Layout. Tutuwuhan pabrikan PCB nampi file CAD ti perusahaan desain PCB. Kusabab unggal perangkat lunak CAD gaduh format file anu unik, pabrik PCB ngarobahna kana format anu dihijikeun – Extended Gerber RS-274X atanapi Gerber X2. Then the engineer of the factory will check whether the PCB layout conforms to the production process, whether there are any defects and other problems.

Dina salah sahiji PCBS buatan bumi, tata letak PCB dicitak dina kertas nganggo printer laser teras dipindahkeun kana papan anu nganggo tambaga. Nanging, dina prosés percetakan, kusabab printer rawan cacad kakurangan tinta, perlu ngeusian tinta ku pulpen minyak sacara manual.


Sakedik produksi teu kunanaon, tapi upami cacad ieu dialihkeun ka produksi industri, éta bakal ngirangan efisiensi produksi. Therefore, the factory generally adopts the way of photocopying, printing the PCB layout on the film. If it is a multi-layer PCB, the layout of each layer will be arranged in order.

The film is then punched with counterpoint holes. Counterpoint holes are very important, and are then used to align materials on each layer of the PCB.

Produksi dewan inti

Clean the copper clad plate, if dust may cause the final circuit short circuit or break.

The figure below is an illustration of an 8-layer PCB, which is actually made up of 3 copper-clad plates (core boards) plus 2 copper films and then glued together with semi-cured sheets. The production sequence starts from the core board (four or five layers of lines) in the middle, and is continuously stacked together before being fixed. PCB 4 lapis didamel sami, tapi ngan ukur hiji piring inti sareng dua pilem tambaga.

Transfer of inner PCB layout

Therefore, the two-layer circuit of the most central Core plate should be made first. After the copper-clad plate is cleaned, the surface is covered with a photosensitive film. Pilem padet nalika kakeunaan cahaya, ngabentuk pilem pelindung dina foil tambaga tina pelat tambaga-tambalan.

Insert two layers of PCB layout film and two layers of copper clad board, and finally insert the upper layer of PCB layout film to ensure that the upper and lower layers of PCB layout film stacking position is accurate.

Photosensitizer nganggo lampu UV pikeun nyinaran pilem fotosensitif dina foil tambaga. Pilem fotosensitif dipadetkeun dina pilem transparan, sareng pilem fénsénséntis henteu padet dina pilem opak. The copper foil covered by solidified photosensitive film is the PCB layout line needed, equivalent to the role of laser printer ink of manual PCB. Dina perenah PCB kertas tina printer laser samemehna, toner hideung ditutupan ku foil tambaga kanggo disimpen. In this case, the copper foil covered with black film will corrode away, while the transparent film will be preserved as the photosensitive film solidifies.

Pilem anu henteu diémutan teras diseuseuh ku gelas sareng sirkuit foil tambaga anu diperyogikeun ditutupan ku pilem anu diubaran.

Inner core board etching

The unwanted copper foil is then etched away with a strong base, such as NaOH.

Cabut pilem photosensitive anu kapok pikeun ngalaan foil tambaga anu diperyogikeun pikeun sirkuit perenah PCB.

Pangeboran pelat inti sareng pamariksaan

Pelat inti parantos hasil. Then make the opposite hole in the core plate for easy alignment with other raw materials.

Sakali papan inti diteken ku lapisan PCB sanés, éta moal tiasa dirobih, janten penting pisan pikeun diparios. Mesin bakal sacara otomatis ngabandingkeun sareng gambar perenah PCB pikeun mariksa kasalahan.

Dua lapisan mimiti papan PCB parantos didamel


Di dieu urang peryogi bahan baku énggal anu disebat lambar semi-kapok (Prepreg), anu mangrupikeun papan inti sareng papan inti (nomer lapisan PCB & GT; 4), sareng perekat antara pelat inti sareng foil tambaga luar, tapi ogé ngagaduhan peran dina insulasi.

The lower layer of copper foil and two layers of semi-solidified sheet have been in advance through the positioning hole and the lower iron plate fixed position, and then the good core plate is also put into the positioning hole, and finally in turn two layers of semi-solidified sheet, a layer of copper foil and a layer of pressure aluminum plate covered on the core plate.

In order to improve work efficiency, the factory will stack three different PCB boards together and then fix them. The upper iron plate is magnetically attracted to facilitate counterpoint with the lower iron plate. Through the placement of the counterpoint needle, the two layers of iron plate counterpoint successfully, the machine as far as possible to compress the space between the iron plate, and then fixed with nails.

PCB board clamped by iron plate is placed on the support, and then into the vacuum hot press for lamination. The heat in the vacuum hot press melts the epoxy resin in the semi-cured sheet, holding the core and copper foil together under pressure.

After laminating, remove the top iron plate that presses the PCB. Teras piring aluminium bertekanan dipiceun. Plat aluminium ogé ngagaduhan peran pikeun ngasingkeun PCBS anu béda sareng mastikeun foil tambaga lemes dina lapisan luar PCB. Kadua sisi PCB ditutupan ku lapisan foil tambaga lemes.


Kumaha anjeun nyambungkeun opat lapisan foil tambaga anu henteu keuna dina PCB? PCB munggaran dibor ngaliwatan liang, teras diukur pikeun ngalaksanakeun listrik.

Mesin pangeboran sinar-X dianggo pikeun milarian papan inti tina lapisan jero. Mesin bakal sacara otomatis mendakan sareng milarian posisi liang dina papan inti, teras ngadamel liang posisi pikeun PCB pikeun mastikeun yén pengeboran ieu ngalangkungan tengah posisi liang.

Place a sheet of aluminum on the punch machine and then place the PCB on top. Salaku pangeboran mangrupikeun prosés anu cukup lambat, dina raraga ningkatkeun épisiénsi, 1 dugi ka 3 papan PCB anu sami bakal ditumpuk pikeun perforasi numutkeun jumlah lapisan PCB. Tungtungna, PCB luhur ditutupan ku lapisan aluminium, lapisan luhur sareng handap aluminium janten nalika bor dibor sareng kaluar, foil tambaga dina PCB moal robih.

The operator then only needs to select the correct drilling procedure and the drilling machine does the rest automatically. Bit bor disetir ku tekanan hawa, kalayan rotasi maksimum 150,000 révolusi per menit, anu cukup luhur pikeun mastikeun tembok liang anu rata.

Ngagantian bit bor ogé dilakukeun sacara otomatis ku mesin numutkeun programna. The smallest drill can be 100 microns in diameter, while a human hair is 150 microns in diameter.

Dina prosés laminasi sateuacanna, epoxy lebur diusir ka luar PCB, janten peryogi dipiceun. Mesin panggilingan paéh motong periphery PCB numutkeun koordinat XY anu leres.

Hujan kimia tina tambaga dina témbok liang

Since almost all PCB designs use perforations to connect different layers of lines, a good connection requires a 25 micron copper film on the hole wall. This thickness of copper film is achieved by electroplating, but the hole wall is made of non-conductive epoxy resin and fiberglass board. Ku alatan éta, léngkah munggaran nyaéta ngumpulkeun lapisan bahan konduktif dina témbok liang, sareng ngawangun pilem tambaga 1-mikron dina sadaya permukaan PCB, kalebet témbok liang, ngalangkungan déposisi kimia. Sakabeh prosés, sapertos perlakuan kimia sareng beberesih, dikawasa ku mesin.

PCB maneuh

Ngabersihan PCB

Delivery of PCB

Chemical precipitation of copper film

Transfer the layout of the outer PCB

Next, the layout of the outer PCB will be transferred to the copper foil. The process is similar to that of the PCB layout of the inner core board, which is transferred to the copper foil using photocopied film and photosensitive film. The only difference is that the positive plate will be used as the board.

The transfer of inner PCB layout introduced above adopts the subtraction method and adopts the negative plate as the board. PCB covered by solidified photosensitive film is circuit, clean the unsolidified photosensitive film, exposed copper foil is etched, PCB layout circuit is protected by solidified photosensitive film. The outer PCB layout is transferred by the normal method, and the positive plate is used as the board. The area covered by a cured film on a PCB is a non – line area. After cleaning the uncured film, electroplating is carried out. Henteu aya pilem anu tiasa élékoplasi, sareng teu aya pilem, tambaga munggaran teras plating timah. Saatos film dipiceun, etching alkali dilaksanakeun, sareng akhirna timah dihapus. The circuit pattern is left on the board because it is protected by tin.

Clean both sides of the copper foil PCB into the press, the press will be sensitive to the copper foil mold pressing.

Ngalereskeun pilem perenah PCB lapisan luhur sareng handap fotokopi ngalangkungan liang anu nempatkeun, sareng pasang papan PCB di tengahna. The photosensitive film under the transmittance film is then solidified by UV lamp irradiation, which is the line that needs to be preserved.

After cleaning the film that is not needed and has not been cured, inspect it.

Klem PCB sareng electroplate tambaga. Sakumaha parantos disebatkeun sateuacanna, pikeun mastikeun yén liangna ngagaduhan konduktivitas listrik anu saé, pilem tambaga dielektropasi dina témbok liang kedah kandelna 25 mikron, janten sadayana sistem bakal otomatis dikontrol ku komputer pikeun mastikeun akurasi na.

PCB maneuh

Kontrol komputer sareng éléktroplasi tambaga

Saatos pilem tambaga élopoplasi, komputer ngatur lapisan tin tina ipis kanggo diulang.

Saatos ngabongkar papan PCB dilapis timah, parios pikeun mastikeun yén kandel tambaga sareng timah plating leres.

Éks PCB luar

Salajengna, garis perakitan otomatis lengkep ngalengkepan prosés etched. Mimiti, bersihkeun pilem anu kapok dina papan PCB.

Alkali anu kuat teras dianggo pikeun ngabersihan foil tambaga anu teu dipikahayang anu ditutupan ku éta.

Teras palapis timah dina foil tambaga tata perenah PCB dipiceun nganggo larutan timah. After cleaning, 4 layers PCB layout is completed.