Proċess laminat tal-PCB

1. It is the first time that we have been able to do this. 2

PCB laminated process

1. Autoclave press cooker

Laminates is a container filled with high temperature saturated water vapor, and can apply high pressure, Laminates the specimen, placed in it for a period of time, forced the water into the plate, and then takes out the plate and placed on the surface of high temperature molten tin, measurement of its “resistance to lamination” characteristics. This word has another synonym for Pressure Cooker and is commonly used in the industry. In addition, there is a kind of “cabin pressure method” carried out with high temperature and high pressure carbon dioxide in the lamination process, which also belongs to this kind of Autoclave Press.


2. Cap Lamination

The “outer layer” of MLB was laminated and pressed on thin single-sided copper-skinned substrates. It was not until the end of 1984, when MLB production increased significantly, that the current copper-skinned large or bulk lamination method (Mss Lam) was adopted. Din il-kompressjoni bikrija MLB bl-użu ta ‘sottostrat irqiq tal-ġilda tar-ram waħda kienet imsejħa Cap LaminaTIon.

3. Caul Plate

Meta l-pjanċa b’ħafna saffi tiġi ppressata, bejn kull Ftuħ tas-sodda tal-istampa (Ftuħ), ħafna drabi f’munzelli ħafna “kotba” biex jiġu ppressati pjanċa materjal maħlul (bħal 8 ~ 10 settijiet), bejn kull sett ta ‘”materjal maħlul “(Ktieb) , għandhom ikunu separati minn pjanċa tal-istainless steel lixxa u iebsa, Dan it-tip ta ‘Pjanċa tal-istainless steel mera jissejjaħ Caul Plate jew Pjanċa Separata. AISI 430 jew AISI 630 huma komunement użati fil-preżent.

4. Tikemmex

In the laminate pressing, often refers to the copper skin in the processing of the crease. Thin copper skin less than 0.5 oz is more prone to this defect when pressed in multiple layers.

5. Dent

Jirreferi għas-sussidju ġentili u anke fuq il-wiċċ tar-ram, li jista ‘jkun ikkawżat mill-isporġenza spotty tal-pjanċa tal-azzar użata fl-ippressar. Jekk it-tarf tal-pjanċa jaqa ‘b’mod pulit b’mod simili għal ħsara, jissejjaħ Dish Down. These defects, if unfortunately left on the line after copper etching, will cause impedance instability of high-speed transmission signal, and Noise Noise. Therefore, the copper surface of the substrate should be avoided as far as possible.

6. Foil LaminaTIon

It refers to Mass production multilayer board, the outer layer of which is pressed with copper foil and film directly and the inner layer of which is called Mass Lam for multilayer board, replacing the traditional method of single thin substrate in the early stage.

7. Kiss Pressure

When the multilayer board is pressed, when the plates in each Opening are placed and positioned, it begins to heat up and lift up from the bottom hot plate with a powerful hydraulic top column (Ram) to press the loose material in each Opening for bonding. At this time combined with the film (Prepreg) began to gradually soften and even flow, so the pressure used for the top extrusion can not be too large, to avoid plate sliding or glue flow too much. This initial lower pressure (15 to 50 PSI) is called “kiss pressure”. But when the resin in the film bulk material is softened by heat and gelatinized, and will harden, that is, to increase to the full pressure (300 ~ 500 PSI), so that the bulk material to achieve close combination and the formation of a firm multi-layer board.

8. Kraft Paper

Il-karta kraft tintuża bħala buffer tat-trasferiment tas-sħana għall-laminar ta ‘bord b’ħafna saffi jew bord ta’ sottostrat. Huwa mqiegħed bejn il-hot plate (Platern) tal-istampa u l-pjanċa tal-azzar biex timmodera l-kurva tat-tisħin l-eqreb tal-materjal bl-ingrossa. Between multiple substrate or multilayer plates to be pressed. As far as possible to close the temperature difference between the various layers of the plate, the commonly used specifications are 90 to 150 pounds. Minħabba temperatura għolja u pressjoni għolja, il-fibra fil-karta ġiet miksura, m’għadhiex toughness u diffiċli biex tilgħab rwol, għalhekk irridu nippruvaw nissostitwixxu. This kraft paper is a mixture of pine and a variety of strong alkali boiled, after the volatiles escape and acid removal, then washed and precipitation; When it becomes pulp, it can be pressed again to become a rough and cheap paper.

9. Lay it Up

Before the laminate or substrate is pressed, it is necessary to align, fall, or set the inner layer, film, copper and other bulk materials with steel plates, kraft paper padding materials, etc., so that it can be carefully fed into the pressing machine for hot pressing. This kind of preparation is called laying Up. In order to improve the quality of multilayer board, not only this “overlap” work to be carried out in the temperature and humidity control of the dust-free room, but also in order to Mass production speed and quality, generally the following eight layers are adopted large pressure plate method (Mass Lam) construction, and even need to use the “automatic” overlap way, in order to reduce human errors and losses. In order to save plant and share equipment, the general factory will be more “overlap” and “folding board” both merged into a comprehensive processing unit, so its automation engineering is quite complex.

10. Mass LaminaTIon (laminated)

This is a new construction method of abandoning “alignment tip” and adopting multiple rows of plates on the same surface. Mill-1986, meta d-domanda għal erba ‘u sitt laminati żdiedet, il-metodu tal-laminar tal-multilaminati inbidel ħafna. In the early stage, only one shipment plate was arranged on the process plate to be pressed. This one-to-one arrangement has been broken in the new law, which can be changed into a pair of two, or a pair of four, or even more rows of plates to be pressed together according to its size. The second is to cancel all kinds of loose material (such as inner sheet, film, outer single sheet, etc.) of the alignment tip; The outer layer is changed to copper foil, and the “target” is pre-made on the inner layer plate, which is “swept” to get the target after pressing, and then the tool hole is drilled from the center, which can be set on the drilling machine for drilling. As for six or eight layers of boards, the film of each inner layer and sandwich can be riveted and then pressed at high temperature. It can also increase the number of “High” and Opening according to the base plate method. It can not only reduce the labor and double the output, but also carry out automation. The platen method of this new concept is called “large platen” or “large platen”. F’dawn l-aħħar snin, kien hemm ħafna industriji professjonali tal-ippressar tal-OEM fiċ-Ċina.

11. Platen Hot plates

It is a movable lifting platform for laminate pressing machine or base plate manufacturing. Il-mesa tal-metall vojta minn ġewwa ta ‘dan it-tip ta’ massiness, bażikament huwa li joffri pressjoni u sors ta ‘sħana għal plank, ir-raġuni għandha xorta tista’ żżomm ċatt, kapaċità parallela f’temperatura għolja biex tmur. Normalment kull hot plate hija inkorporata ġewwa l-pajp tal-fwar, hot tubing jew element li jsaħħan ir-reżistenza, u t-tarf ta ‘barra tal-madwar għandu jimtela wkoll b’materjal iżolanti, biex jitnaqqas it-telf tas-sħana, u mgħammar b’apparat sensing tat-temperatura biex jikkontrolla l- temperatura.

12. Press Plate

Refers to the substrate or multilayer board in the pressing, used to separate each group of loose Book (refers to copper, film and inner layer of a Book, etc.). Din il-pjanċa tal-azzar ta ‘ebusija għolja hija AISI 630 (ebusija sa 420 VPN) jew AISI 440C (600 VPN) azzar liga, il-wiċċ mhux biss huwa estremament iebes ċatt, u illustrat bir-reqqa biex mera, jista’ jiġi ppressat fis-sottostrat ċatt jew bord taċ-ċirkwit . Therefore, it is also called Mirror Plate, also known as Carrier Plate. Ir-rekwiżiti ta ‘din il-pjanċa tal-azzar huma stretti ħafna, il-wiċċ tagħha m’għandux jidher xi grif, denti jew twaħħil, il-ħxuna għandha tkun uniformi, l-ebusija għandha tkun biżżejjed, u tista’ tiflaħ l-inċiżjoni kimika prodotta minn ippressar f’temperatura għolja. The price of this kind of steel plate is very expensive because it is able to withstand strong mechanical brushes after each pressing.

13. Print Through

Is-saħħa tal-pressjoni (PSI) użata meta l-pjanċa laminata hija kbira wisq, sabiex ħafna reżini jiġu estrużi barra mill-pjanċa, li tirriżulta fil-ġilda tar-ram hija ppressata direttament fuq id-drapp tal-ħġieġ, u anke d-drapp tal-ħġieġ huwa ċċattjat u deformat, għalhekk li l-ħxuna tal-pjanċa hija insuffiċjenti, l-istabbiltà tad-daqs hija fqira, u l-linja ta ‘ġewwa hija ppressata barra mill-forma u difetti oħra. In serious cases, the wire foundation often has direct contact with the glass fiber cloth, burying a “ConducTIve glass fiber” leakage concern. CAF). The basic solution is according to the principle of Scaled Flow, large area pressing should use large pressure intensity, small plate surface use small pressure intensity; The Pressure and Force of field operation are calculated using 1.16PSI/in2 or 1.16Lb/in4 as a baseline.

14. Relamination(RE-LAM) laminated plate

The inner layer of thin substrate, is made of substrate suppliers using film and copper pressed together, circuit board factory bought thin substrate made of inner circuit board, but also with the film to press synthetic multilayer board, some occasions often special emphasis and called “re-pressed together”, referred to as re-LAM. Fil-fatt, hija biss forma ta ‘”Draven” għal plajwudd laminat, mingħajr ebda tifsira oħra.

15. Resin Recession, Resin retreat

Sandwich plate in the B – stage of resin film or BoJi board (why) in the former, could not yet completely hardened after pressing (that is, the lack of degree of polymerization), fill up the hole on the tin tin column, when for a biopsy, found that the copper wall of hole behind the lack of certain polymerization resin, will appear from copper wall back to empty, “resin subsidence” means. This defect should be classified as an overall problem of the process or the plate, which is more serious than the technical defects of the surface scratch, and the cause should be carefully investigated.

16. Scaled Flow Test

It is a method of detecting the amount of glue in the film (Prepreg) when the laminate is pressed.It is also a test method for Resin Flow under high temperature and high pressure. See section 2.3.18 of IPC-TM-650 for detailed practice, and see PCB Information Journal, No. 14, P.42 for a description of theory and content

17. Separator Plate, mirror Plate

When the base plate or multilayer plate is pressed, the hard stainless steel plate (410,420, etc.) used to separate the Books in each Opening (Daylight) of the press is. In order to prevent adhesion, the surface is specially treated to be very flat and bright, so it is also called Mirror Plate.

18. Sequential Lamination

It refers to the Interconnection of the layers of a multilayer board that is formed not at the same time but at the same time at the same time in the form of blind or buried holes. This method can save the surface of the board must be drilled out of the full hole. Bordijiet addizzjonali jistgħu jkunu disponibbli biex jiżdied in-numru ta ‘wajers u SMDS, iżda l-proċess ta’ manifattura ġie mdewwem b’mod konsiderevoli.

19. Starvation glue

The word in the circuit board industry, has been commonly used in multilayer board bonding “lack of glue” Starvation problem expression. Refers to the resin flow bad, or pressing conditions with improper, resulting in the completion of the multilayer board, the plate body of the local lack of glue.

20. The Swimming line slides away

L-għawm jirreferi għal moviment li jiżżerżaq tas-saff ta ‘ġewwa ta’ bord b’ħafna saffi waqt il-kompressjoni. This is closely related to the length of the “Gel Time” of the film used. At present, the industry has tended to use shorter Gel Time, so the problem has been reduced a lot.

21. Telegraphing floating printing, hidden printing

In order to prevent the trouble of glue overflow, a heat-resistant film (such as Tedlar) is added to the copper foil or thin base plate of the scattered material which has been stacked, so as to facilitate the use of stripping or deforming after pressing. However, when the film used for the outer plate is relatively thin and the copper foil is only 0.5 oz, the circuit pattern of the inner plate may be transferred to the release paper under high pressure. When the demoulding paper is reused on a set of boards, it is likely to float the original pattern on the copper surface of the new board, this phenomenon is called Telegraphing.

22. Temperature Profile

In the circuit board industry in the pressing process, or downstream assembly of infrared or hot air welding (Reflow) process, all need to seek the temperature (vertical axis) and time (horizontal axis) matching composition of the best “temperature curve”, in order to improve the solder quality in mass production rate.

23. Vacuum Lamination

The word often appears in the PCB industry in the laminate and dry film bonding. The Vacuum pressing of multilayer board is divided into Vacuum outer Frame (Vacuum Frame), which is the “pumping method” with the original hydraulic press, and the Vacuum chamber (Autoclave), which is the “pressure method” with the use of high temperature and high pressure carbon dioxide. Hydralic Vacuum Pressing occupies more than 90% of the market because of its simple equipment, cheap price and convenient operation. The latter is because the equipment and operation are very complex, and the volume is very large, plus the cost of the required supplies and more expensive, so the adoption is not much.

24. Wrinkle, Wrinkle

Spiss jirreferi għall-pressjoni meta l-fluss tal-kolla huwa kbir wisq. 11. Wrinkle Causes the Wrinkle, which causes its outer layer to be slightly weaker in strength and hardness, as the 0.5oz copper foil commonly known as Wrinkle. The term is also used in other areas.