
随着电子信息产业的发展,终端电子产品对精细化的要求越来越高。 PCB 的应用案例。 钻孔是PCB制造的重要步骤,已发展到最小孔径0.08mm、最大孔距0.1mm甚至更高的水平。 除导电孔外,零件孔、凹槽、异形孔、板形等都需要检查。 如何高效、准确地检测PCB板钻孔质量已成为保证产品质量的重要环节。 PCB孔检测机只是一种用于钻孔质量检测的自动光学检测设备。 本文旨在分析孔测试机在钻孔过程中的作用,为PCB厂商提供参考经验。


在PCB钻孔过程中,需要控制以下可能出现的质量问题:气孔、渗漏、位移、错钻、未穿透、漏孔、浪费、前端、塞孔。 目前,各厂家的控制手段主要是规范钻孔前的钻孔过程,加强钻孔后的检查手段。 In actual production, because the pre-drilling method can only reduce the probability of error, can not completely eliminate, we must rely on post-drilling inspection to ensure product quality.

In the post-drilling inspection, many domestic manufacturers are still using the plug gauge combined with artificial visual film (film) set inspection method: through the plug gauge focus on checking the hole, hole small, through the film focus on porous, leaky hole, shift, not through, not through, other hole damage, front, hole plug through artificial visual to complete. 在使用膜检时,每件产品钻孔钻出一个红色膜样,通过销钉和产品板固定,在灯箱下人工目检。 In theory, this method can detect all kinds of defects, but in practice, the effect is greatly discounted.

The main problems are as follows:

第一,小孔径的检测要求无法保证:生产实践表明,对于最小孔径≥0.5mm的PCB,在保证一定生产效率的前提下,人工可以达到更高的检测结果。 This is determined by the minimum discernable visual Angle of the human eye, the working distance, and the attention span. 随着孔径的减小,对于0.5mm以下的产品板,人眼的检测能力会迅速下降,对于≤0.25mm的产品板,人工均匀取样质量难以保证。

其次,人工检测效率有限:人工检测的效率与孔数和最小孔径直接相关。 The actual production experience shows that the efficiency will be significantly reduced when the hole is more than 10000 and the smallest hole is less than 0.5mm. Manual inspection is only suitable for sampling. 对于高密度板,手工钻孔是无法保证质量的。

三、质量稳定性无法保证:人会受到经验、情绪、疲劳、责任等因素的影响,难以保证质量的稳定性。 Some manufacturers can not use multiple artificial, repeated inspection method, but still can not ensure the stability of quality.

In order to solve the above problems, many LARGE PCB factories have adopted hole inspection AOI equipment to replace manual labor in a large range. 特别是对于日资、台资企业,多年的实践证明了这种新方法的有效性,值得国内众多PCB厂商的关注和借鉴。

AOI孔检测设备属于自动光学检测设备。 根据钻孔各种缺陷的图像形式,可分为:多孔、少孔、大孔、小孔、残留、孔偏、孔形。 它分为两种:一种是孔检测机,另一种是孔测量检测机(孔-AOI)。 实际中也有X光检测机,主要用于埋盲孔和多层板的分析,与人工膜套检测的目的不符,不属于分析范围。这张纸。

根据PCB厂家设备配套经验,建议使用多台验孔机对首板和底板进行全检,重点检查孔、少孔、大孔、小孔和杂物; 使用孔位测检机进行点检,重点检查孔位偏差。 The characteristics of the two devices are as follows:

Hole checking machine: the advantages are low price, fast inspection efficiency, check a 600mm×600mm PCB average of 6~7 seconds, can realize the porous, less hole, hole, small hole, residual inspection. 缺点是检查孔位的能力不高,只能检测到严重的缺陷。 根据厂家实际生产经验,一般15台RIGS配备1台检孔机。

孔位测量检测机:优点是可以检测所有项目。 缺点是价格高(约为验孔机的3~4倍),检查效率低,检查1件需要几分钟甚至更长时间。 It is generally recommended to configure one machine for product sampling inspection to supplement the deficiency of hole checking machine for hole position inspection.

Inspection principle of hole inspection AOI equipment: PCB drilling image is collected by optical system, and compared with the design document (drill tape file or Gerber file). If the two are consistent, it indicates that the drilling is correct; otherwise, it indicates that there is a problem in the drilling, and then analyze and classify the defect type according to the image morphology. The hole inspection equipment is compared with the design documents of drilling, and the manual visual inspection is compared with the film. In terms of the inspection principle, the problems caused by the film drilling errors can be avoided, and the reliability is higher.





碎片检查:在第一次钻孔检查中,碎片不是最关注的焦点; 但在电镀前,杂物应引起足够的重视。 为了减少碎屑对析铜质量的影响,PCB厂家一般在电镀前通过打磨和清洗的方式去除碎屑,但在实际操作中仍然不是100%清洁,密度越高的板清洗效果越差。 理论上,每块PCB都有边角料,所以不可能对所有产品上的所有孔都进行全面检测,依靠人工目检是不可能的,但是孔检测机使之成为可能。

Quality improvement: stability is the biggest advantage of equipment, stable product quality can enhance the brand influence of PCB factory, directly improve the ability of manufacturers to receive orders.








Customer complaint: it can save the cost of return order and fine caused by drilling defects. Although it is not as direct as the personnel and materials saved, the average annual cost saved is even higher than the purchasing cost of hole inspection machine.


孔探机使用十多年,设备的功能和性能不断提高,与生产的配合程度越来越密切。 尤其是随着高密度板的快速发展,验孔机已经从原来的辅助设备逐渐转变为关键的配套设备。 在众多PCB老厂的设备改造和新厂的筹备中,孔探机设备的普及度会越来越高。