Chikonzero chePCB layering

Chikonzero che PCB layering:

(1) Nokutengesa zvinhu kana muitiro matambudziko

(2) Kusarongeka kwezvinhu zvakasarudzwa uye kugoverwa kwemhangura

(3) Iyo yekuchengetera nguva yakanyanya kureba, kupfuura nguva yekuchengetera, uye pcb board inokanganiswa nehunyoro

(4) Isina kukodzera kurongedza kana kuchengetedza, hunyoro



Sarudza kurongedza kwakanaka, shandisa tembiricha yenguva dzose uye zvishandiso zvemunyoro zvekuchengetedza. For example, in PCB reliability test, the supplier in charge of the thermal stress test takes more than 5 times of non-stratification as the standard and will confirm it in the sample stage and every cycle of mass production, while the general manufacturer may only require 2 times and confirm it once every few months. Iyo IR bvunzo yekufananidza kumisikidza inogona zvakare kudzivirira kubuda kwezvakaremara zvigadzirwa, izvo zvakakosha kune akanakisa PCB mafekitori. Uye zvakare, Iyo Tg yepcb board inofanira kunge iri pamusoro pe 145 ℃, kuti ive yakachengeteka.

Pcb bhodhi yakanamirwa pamifananidzo rukoko

Pasi pechiedza che ultraviolet, iyo photoinitiator iyo inopinza mwenje wesimba yakaora kuita yakasununguka radical kutanga monomer kune photopolymerization reaction, ichiumba iyo molekyuru yemuviri isingasviki mukudzora alkali mhinduro. Kana kuratidzwa kwacho kusakwana, nekuda kwekusakwana kwemapolimerization, mukugadzira, firimu kuzvimba kunova nyoro, zvichikonzera mitsara isina kujeka uye kunyangwe furuji inodonha, zvichikonzera kusanganiswa kwefirimu nemhangura. If the exposure is excessive, it will cause difficulty in developing, and it will also produce warping and stripping in the plating process, forming infiltration plating. Saka zvakakosha kudzora kusvibiswa kwesimba; The surface of copper after processing, cleaning time is not easy to be too long, because the cleaning water also contains certain acidic substances although its content is weak, but the impact on the surface of copper can not be taken lightly, should be in strict accordance with the process specifications of the time for cleaning operations.

Chikonzero chikuru nei hwara hwegoridhe huchiwa kubva pamusoro penzvimbo yenickel kurapwa kwepamusoro kwenzvimbo. The surface activity of nickel metal is poor and it is difficult to obtain satisfactory results. Nickel yekumusoro pamusoro inokasira kuburitsa pasivivhi firimu mumhepo, kana isina kurapwa zvakanaka, iyo goridhe denderedzwa ichaparadzaniswa kubva kune nickel dura repasi. Zvakadai seisina kufanira activation mune yemagetsi goridhe-yakanamirwa pamifananidzo, iyo yegoridhe denderedzwa ichave yakadzoserwa kubva pamusoro peiyo nickel rukoko peeling. Chikonzero chechipiri ndechekuti mushure mekumisikidzwa, iyo yekuchenesa nguva yakarebesa, zvichikonzera kuumbwa kwepasivation firimu yakaturikidzana pane nickel pamusoro, uye wozoenda kune goridhe yakanamirwa pamoto, zvinonzwisisika kuburitsa hurema hwekunamatira kudurura.

Cause of layering of PCB board

Chikonzero chacho:

PCB circuit boards after absorbing heat, produce the different expansion coefficient between different materials and form internal stress, if resin with resin, resin and copper foil stick relay is not enough to resist the internal stress will produce delamination, this is the root cause of the PCB circuit boards layered, and resonant, the temperature of the assembly and the extension of time, are more likely to cause PCB circuit boards layered.


1, the selection of the base material to choose as much as possible to ensure the credibility of qualified materials, the quality of the PP material of the multilayer board is also a very key parameter.

2. Under chafariz kuvhunduka, pcb bhodhi rukoko akazviratidza womukati rukoko multilayer bhodhi, zvichiguma yose batch mangé chinyorwa.

3, inorema mhando yemhangura. The better the density of the copper layer in the inner wall of the hole, the thicker the copper layer, the stronger the heat shock of PCB circuit board. Both to PCB circuit board of high reliability, production cost and low requirements, electroplating process control each step requires fine control.

Kana iyo pcb bhodhi iri mukuita kwekukwirira tembiricha, iyo yemhangura foil mugomba yakaputswa nekuda kwekuwedzeredza kuwedzera kwebhodhi. That’s a hole hole. This is also the precursor of stratification, which is manifested when the degree increases.

PCB circuit board manufacturers with conditions have their own testing laboratory, which can observe their PCB circuit board performance of heat shock in real time.